Script should be installed as package, using the package manager at the Spider Monkey Panel Configuration window. Old method is still supported anyway.
REQUIRES SMP 1.6.1 (mod version attached has some improvements by marc23)
See full changelog here.
2.6.0 - 2024-10-09
- Analysis: expanded the list of compatible files with ffprobe. Thanks @TT-ReBORN.
- UI: new menu entry which shows if the currently playing (or focused) item is incompatible with the binary mode chosen and also shows a popup with the list of extensions supported.
- Analysis: default TF path pattern for analysis files now removes/replaces any non ASCII value on new installations.
- JSplitter (SMP) support and ES2021 compatibility.
- Helpers: in case saving a file throws an error due to long paths (+255 chars) a warning popup will be shown.
- Helpers: updated helpers.
- UI: compressed files don't display neither an "incompatible format" nor the visualizer as fallback.
- UI: 'Visualizer during analysis' setting was overriding the 'Visualizer for incompatible files' in some cases, displaying the visualizer indefinitely for incompatible files (and not just during the analysis).