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kustosz committed Jan 19, 2024
1 parent b523809 commit 94ae1c5
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Showing 3 changed files with 172 additions and 153 deletions.
99 changes: 44 additions & 55 deletions ProvenZk/Binary.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,10 +1,16 @@
import Mathlib.Data.ZMod.Basic
import Mathlib.Data.Bitvec.Defs
import Mathlib.Data.Vector.Mem

import ProvenZk.Ext.List
import ProvenZk.Ext.Vector
import ProvenZk.Subvector

open BigOperators

def is_bit (a : ZMod N): Prop := a = 0 ∨ a = 1

inductive Bit : Type where
| zero : Bit
| one : Bit
Expand All @@ -19,11 +25,11 @@ def toZMod {n} : Bit -> ZMod n := fun b => match b with
| => 0
| => 1

instance : Coe Bit Nat where
coe := toNat
-- instance : Coe Bit Nat where
-- coe := toNat

instance {n} : Coe Bit (ZMod n) where
coe := toZMod
-- instance {n} : Coe Bit (ZMod n) where
-- coe := toZMod

instance : OfNat Bit 0 where
ofNat := zero
Expand All @@ -34,6 +40,15 @@ instance : OfNat Bit 1 where
instance : Inhabited Bit where
default := zero

instance [semiring : Semiring α] : Coe Bit α where
coe b := match b with
| =>
| =>

lemma is_bit_toZMod {N} {b:Bit} : is_bit (toZMod b : ZMod N) := by
cases b <;> simp [is_bit, toZMod]

end Bit

def bit_mod_two (inp : Nat) : Bit := match h:inp%2 with
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -64,9 +79,6 @@ def zmod_to_bit {n} (x : ZMod n) : Bit := match ZMod.val x with
| 1 =>
| Nat.succ (Nat.succ _) => panic "Bit can only be 0 or 1"

def is_bit (a : ZMod N): Prop := a = 0 ∨ a = 1

theorem is_bit_zero : is_bit (0 : ZMod n) := by tauto

Expand All @@ -81,36 +93,35 @@ def embedBit {n : Nat} : Bit → {x : (ZMod n) // is_bit x}
| => bZero
| => bOne

def is_vector_binary {d n} (x : Vector (ZMod n) d) : Prop :=
(List.foldr (fun a r => is_bit a ∧ r) True (Vector.toList x))
def is_vector_binary {d n} (x : Vector (ZMod n) d) : Prop := ∀ a ∈ x, is_bit a

def recoverBinary [Semiring α] {n} (x : Vector Bit n): α :=
∑i, 2^i.val * ↑(x.get i)

-- @[simp]
-- theorem is_vector_binary_def : is_vector_binary v ↔ ∀ a ∈ v.toList, is_bit a := by
-- simp [is_vector_binary, Vector.instMembershipVector]

lemma is_vector_binary_reverse {depth} (ix : Vector (ZMod n) depth):
is_vector_binary ix.reverse ↔ is_vector_binary ix := by
simp only [is_vector_binary, Vector.toList_reverse]
rw [List.foldr_reverse_assoc]
{ simp }
{ intros; simp; tauto }
simp [is_vector_binary ,Vector.toList_reverse]

theorem is_vector_binary_cons {a : ZMod n} {vec : Vector (ZMod n) d}:
is_vector_binary (a ::ᵥ vec) ↔ is_bit a ∧ is_vector_binary vec := by
unfold is_vector_binary
conv => lhs; unfold List.foldr; simp
simp [is_vector_binary]

theorem is_vector_binary_dropLast {d n : Nat} {gate_0 : Vector (ZMod n) d} :
is_vector_binary gate_0 → is_vector_binary (Vector.dropLast gate_0) := by
simp [is_vector_binary, Vector.toList_dropLast]
intro h
induction gate_0 using Vector.inductionOn with
| h_nil => simp [List.dropLast]
| h_cons ih =>
rename_i x xs
cases xs using Vector.casesOn
rw [Vector.toList_cons, Vector.toList_cons, List.dropLast_cons]
simp [h]
cases h
lemma is_vector_binary_snoc {vs : Vector (ZMod (Nat.succ p)) n} {v}: is_vector_binary (vs.snoc v) ↔ is_vector_binary vs ∧ is_bit v := by
simp [is_vector_binary]
apply Iff.intro
. intro h
exact ⟨(fun a ha => h a (Or.inl ha)), h v (Or.inr rfl)⟩
. intro h
rcases h with ⟨hl, hr⟩
intro a ha
cases ha
. apply hl; assumption
. subst_vars; assumption

lemma dropLast_symm {n} {xs : Vector Bit d} : (fun i => @Bit.toZMod n i) (Vector.dropLast xs) = ( (fun i => @Bit.toZMod n i) xs).dropLast := by
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -417,28 +428,7 @@ theorem zmod_to_bit_coe {n : Nat} [Fact (n > 1)] {w : Vector Bit d} :

theorem vector_binary_of_bit_to_zmod {n : Nat} [Fact (n > 1)] {w : Vector Bit d }:
is_vector_binary ( (Bit.toZMod (n := n))) := by
induction w using Vector.inductionOn with
| h_nil => trivial
| h_cons ih =>
simp [is_vector_binary_cons]
apply And.intro
. unfold Bit.toZMod
split <;> {
have : n > 1 := (inferInstance : Fact (n > 1)).elim
induction n with
| zero =>
apply absurd this
| succ n =>
induction n with
| zero =>
apply absurd this
| succ =>
simp [is_bit]
. apply ih
is_vector_binary ( (Bit.toZMod (n := n))) := by simp [is_vector_binary]

theorem recover_binary_of_to_bits {n : Nat} [Fact (n > 1)] {w : Vector Bit d} {v : ZMod n}:
nat_to_bits_le d v.val = some w →
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -606,10 +596,9 @@ lemma bitCases_bZero {n:Nat}: bitCases (@bZero (n + 2)) = := by rfl
lemma bitCases_bOne {n:Nat}: bitCases (@bOne (n+2)) = := by rfl

theorem is_vector_binary_iff_allIxes_is_bit {n : Nat} {v : Vector (ZMod n) d}: Vector.allIxes is_bit v ↔ is_vector_binary v := by
induction v using Vector.inductionOn with
| h_nil => simp [is_vector_binary]
| h_cons ih => conv => lhs; simp [ih]
-- theorem is_vector_binary_iff_allIxes_is_bit {n : Nat} {v : Vector (ZMod n) d}: Vector.allIxes is_bit v ↔ is_vector_binary v := by
-- rw [Vector.allIxes_iff_allElems]
-- rfl

theorem fin_to_bits_le_recover_binary_nat {v : Vector Bit d}:
fin_to_bits_le ⟨recover_binary_nat v, binary_nat_lt _⟩ = v := by
Expand Down
190 changes: 112 additions & 78 deletions ProvenZk/Ext/Vector/Basic.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import Mathlib.Data.Vector.Snoc
import Mathlib.Data.Vector.Mem
import Mathlib.Data.Matrix.Basic
import Mathlib.Data.List.Defs

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -251,44 +252,65 @@ theorem ofFn_snoc' { fn : Fin (Nat.succ n) → α }:
simp [Nat.mod_eq_of_lt]

def allIxes (f : α → Prop) : Vector α nProp := fun v => ∀(i : Fin n), f v[i]
instance : Membership α (Vector α n) := fun x xs => x ∈ xs.toList⟩

theorem allIxes_cons : allIxes f (v ::ᵥ vs) ↔ f v ∧ allIxes f vs := by
simp [allIxes, GetElem.getElem]
apply Iff.intro
. intro h
exact ⟨h 0, fun i => h i.succ⟩
. intro h i
cases i using Fin.cases
. simp [h.1]
. simp [h.2]
theorem mem_def {xs : Vector α n} {x} : x ∈ xs ↔ x ∈ xs.toList := by rfl

def allElems (f : α → Prop) : Vector α n → Prop := fun v => ∀(a : α), a ∈ v → f a

theorem allIxes_nil : allIxes f Vector.nil := by
simp [allIxes]
theorem allElems_cons : Vector.allElems prop (v ::ᵥ vs) ↔ prop v ∧ allElems prop vs := by
simp [allElems]

theorem allElems_nil : Vector.allElems prop Vector.nil := by simp [allElems]

-- def allIxes (f : α → Prop) : Vector α n → Prop := fun v => ∀(i : Fin n), f v[i]

theorem getElem_allIxes {v : { v: Vector α n // allIxes prop v }} {i : Nat} { i_small : i < n}:
v.val[i]'i_small = ↑( (v.val.get ⟨i, i_small⟩) (v.prop ⟨i, i_small⟩)) := by rfl
-- @[simp]
-- theorem allIxes_cons : allIxes f (v ::ᵥ vs) ↔ f v ∧ allIxes f vs := by
-- simp [allIxes, GetElem.getElem]
-- apply Iff.intro
-- . intro h
-- exact ⟨h 0, fun i => h i.succ⟩
-- . intro h i
-- cases i using Fin.cases
-- . simp [h.1]
-- . simp [h.2]

theorem getElem_allIxes₂ {v : { v: Vector (Vector α m) n // allIxes (allIxes prop) v }} {i j: Nat} { i_small : i < n} { j_small : j < m}:
(v.val[i]'i_small)[j]'j_small = ↑( ((v.val.get ⟨i, i_small⟩).get ⟨j, j_small⟩) (v.prop ⟨i, i_small⟩ ⟨j, j_small⟩)) := by rfl
-- @[simp]
-- theorem allIxes_nil : allIxes f Vector.nil := by
-- simp [allIxes]

theorem allIxes_indexed {v : {v : Vector α n // allIxes prop v}} {i : Nat} {i_small : i < n}:
prop (v.val[i]'i_small) := v.prop ⟨i, i_small⟩
theorem getElem_allElems {v : { v: Vector α n // allElems prop v }} {i : Nat} { i_small : i < n}:
v.val[i]'i_small = ↑( (p := prop) (v.val.get ⟨i, i_small⟩) (by apply v.prop; simp)) := by rfl

theorem allIxes_indexed₂ {v : {v : Vector (Vector (Vector α a) b) c // allIxes (allIxes prop) v}}
theorem getElem_allElems₂ {v : { v: Vector (Vector α m) n // allElems (allElems prop) v }} {i j: Nat} { i_small : i < n} { j_small : j < m}:
(v.val[i]'i_small)[j]'j_small = ↑( (p := prop) ((v.val.get ⟨i, i_small⟩).get ⟨j, j_small⟩) (by apply v.prop; rotate_right; exact v.val.get ⟨i, i_small⟩; all_goals simp)) := by rfl

theorem allElems_indexed {v : {v : Vector α n // allElems prop v}} {i : Nat} {i_small : i < n}:
prop (v.val[i]'i_small) := by
apply v.prop
simp [getElem]

theorem allElems_indexed₂ {v : {v : Vector (Vector (Vector α a) b) c // allElems (allElems prop) v}}
{i : Nat} {i_small : i < c}
{j : Nat} {j_small : j < b}:
prop ((v.val[i]'i_small)[j]'j_small) :=
v.prop ⟨i, i_small⟩ ⟨j, j_small⟩
prop ((v.val[i]'i_small)[j]'j_small) := by
apply v.prop (v.val[i]'i_small) <;> simp [getElem]

theorem allIxes_indexed {v : {v : Vector (Vector (Vector α a) b) c // allIxes (allIxes (allIxes prop)) v}}
theorem allElems_indexed {v : {v : Vector (Vector (Vector α a) b) c // allElems (allElems (allElems prop)) v}}
{i : Nat} {i_small : i < c}
{j : Nat} {j_small : j < b}
{k : Nat} {k_small : k < a}:
prop (((v.val[i]'i_small)[j]'j_small)[k]'k_small) :=
v.prop ⟨i, i_small⟩ ⟨j, j_small⟩ ⟨k, k_small⟩
prop (((v.val[i]'i_small)[j]'j_small)[k]'k_small) := by
apply v.prop
. exact (v.val[i]'i_small)[j]'j_small
. exact (v.val[i]'i_small)
all_goals simp [getElem]

theorem map_ofFn {f : α → β} (g : Fin n → α) :
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -333,59 +355,71 @@ theorem append_inj {v₁ w₁ : Vector α d₁} {v₂ w₂ : Vector α d₂}:
apply And.intro <;> rfl

theorem allIxes_toList : Vector.allIxes prop v ↔ ∀ i, prop (v.toList.get i) := by
unfold Vector.allIxes
apply Iff.intro
. intro h i
rcases i with ⟨i, p⟩
simp at p
simp [GetElem.getElem, Vector.get] at h
have := h ⟨i, p⟩
conv at this => arg 1; whnf
exact this
. intro h i
simp [GetElem.getElem, Vector.get]
rcases i with ⟨i, p⟩
have := h ⟨i, by simpa⟩
conv at this => arg 1; whnf
exact this

theorem allIxes_append {v₁ : Vector α n₁} {v₂ : Vector α n₂} : Vector.allIxes prop (v₁ ++ v₂) ↔ Vector.allIxes prop v₁ ∧ Vector.allIxes prop v₂ := by
simp [allIxes_toList]
apply Iff.intro
. intro h
apply And.intro
. intro i
rcases i with ⟨i, hp⟩
simp at hp
rw [←List.get_append]
exact h ⟨i, (by simp; apply Nat.lt_add_right; assumption)⟩
. intro i
rcases i with ⟨i, hp⟩
simp at hp
have := h ⟨n₁ + i, (by simpa)⟩
rw [List.get_append_right] at this
simp at this
exact this
. simp
. simpa
. intro ⟨l, r⟩
intro ⟨i, hi⟩
simp at hi
cases lt_or_ge i n₁ with
| inl hp =>
rw [List.get_append _ (by simpa)]
exact l ⟨i, (by simpa)⟩
| inr hp =>
rw [List.get_append_right]
have := r ⟨i - n₁, (by simp; apply Nat.sub_lt_left_of_lt_add; exact hp; assumption )⟩
simp at this
. simp; exact hp
. simp; apply Nat.sub_lt_left_of_lt_add; exact hp; assumption

theorem SubVector_append {v₁ : Vector α d₁} {prop₁ : Vector.allIxes prop v₁ } {v₂ : Vector α d₂} {prop₂ : Vector.allIxes prop v₂}:
( v₁ prop₁).val ++ ( v₂ prop₂).val =
( (v₁ ++ v₂) (allIxes_append.mpr ⟨prop₁, prop₂⟩)).val := by eq_refl
-- theorem allIxes_toList : Vector.allIxes prop v ↔ ∀ i, prop (v.toList.get i) := by
-- unfold Vector.allIxes
-- apply Iff.intro
-- . intro h i
-- rcases i with ⟨i, p⟩
-- simp at p
-- simp [GetElem.getElem, Vector.get] at h
-- have := h ⟨i, p⟩
-- conv at this => arg 1; whnf
-- exact this
-- . intro h i
-- simp [GetElem.getElem, Vector.get]
-- rcases i with ⟨i, p⟩
-- have := h ⟨i, by simpa⟩
-- conv at this => arg 1; whnf
-- exact this

-- theorem allIxes_append {v₁ : Vector α n₁} {v₂ : Vector α n₂} : Vector.allIxes prop (v₁ ++ v₂) ↔ Vector.allIxes prop v₁ ∧ Vector.allIxes prop v₂ := by
-- simp [allIxes_toList]
-- apply Iff.intro
-- . intro h
-- apply And.intro
-- . intro i
-- rcases i with ⟨i, hp⟩
-- simp at hp
-- rw [←List.get_append]
-- exact h ⟨i, (by simp; apply Nat.lt_add_right; assumption)⟩
-- . intro i
-- rcases i with ⟨i, hp⟩
-- simp at hp
-- have := h ⟨n₁ + i, (by simpa)⟩
-- rw [List.get_append_right] at this
-- simp at this
-- exact this
-- . simp
-- . simpa
-- . intro ⟨l, r⟩
-- intro ⟨i, hi⟩
-- simp at hi
-- cases lt_or_ge i n₁ with
-- | inl hp =>
-- rw [List.get_append _ (by simpa)]
-- exact l ⟨i, (by simpa)⟩
-- | inr hp =>
-- rw [List.get_append_right]
-- have := r ⟨i - n₁, (by simp; apply Nat.sub_lt_left_of_lt_add; exact hp; assumption )⟩
-- simp at this
-- simpa
-- . simp; exact hp
-- . simp; apply Nat.sub_lt_left_of_lt_add; exact hp; assumption

-- theorem SubVector_append {v₁ : Vector α d₁} {prop₁ : Vector.allIxes prop v₁ } {v₂ : Vector α d₂} {prop₂ : Vector.allIxes prop v₂}:
-- ( v₁ prop₁).val ++ ( v₂ prop₂).val =
-- ( (v₁ ++ v₂) (allIxes_append.mpr ⟨prop₁, prop₂⟩)).val := by eq_refl

-- theorem allIxes_iff_allElems : allIxes prop v ↔ ∀ a ∈ v, prop a := by
-- apply Iff.intro
-- . intro hp a ain
-- have := (Vector.mem_iff_get a v).mp ain
-- rcases this with ⟨i, h⟩
-- cases h
-- apply hp
-- . intro hp i
-- apply hp
-- apply Vector.get_mem

end Vector

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