prometheus-expvar-proxy is a HTTP proxy that rewrites Go expvars from scraping targets into Prometheus metrics.
It's adapted from prometheus-expvar-exporter.
It supports only simple counters and gauges without any labels, and only the HTTP protocol.
go install
~/go/bin/prometheus-expvar-proxy --addr=
For example Go expvars from datadog-agent:
"logs-agent": {
"BytesSent": 18481,
"DestinationErrors": 0,
"EncodedBytesSent": 1390,
"HttpDestinationStats": {
"container-images_9_reliable_0": {
"idleMs": 0,
are translated into:
logs_agent_BytesSent 18481
logs_agent_DestinationErrors 0
logs_agent_EncodedBytesSent 1390
logs_agent_HttpDestinationStats_container_images_9_reliable_0_idleMs 0