This is generalized project for running Airflow DAGs, with possibility of skipping tasks already done for some set of input parameters.
Metadata about DAGs (i.e. parameters set: parameter_1...) and tasks (datetime_started, datetime_finished, output_path...) is saved in ml_airflow DB schema. SQL files (DDL and test data set) for MySQL and SQLite are in folder sql.
Based on this metadata from DB, already done tasks (for some set of input parameters) will be skipped.
When running DAGs (ml_training or ml_testing) for each of the tasks Python logic will first do some pre processing (write some metadata in db for example), check if task is already done, skip it if it is (based on the datetime_finished in task's table), or run it if it is not. If it is run or rerun, Python logic will first start task by writing datetime_started, call Bash using proper parameters for that task, after that finish task by writing datetime_finished and do some additional post processing if there is need.
Customization of Bash parameters for each task, as well customization of output paths for each tasks is explained later in this document
Airflow is being run by starting Airflow web server and scheduler inside Docker container.
Each of the tasks can have its own Python class, that is a subclass of dags.subdags.base_subdag.MLTaskSubDag:
- Common Task 1 - dags.subdags.common_task_1_subdag.CommonTask1SubDag
dags.subdags.base_subdag.MLTaskSubDag has one abstract method:
- _parameters_provider - overridden in each task subclass, which should provide Bash parameters for that task
By customizing this methods in each task subclass it is possible to construct parameters programmatically using metadata from DB or some calculated info.
Configuration file is found in config/airflow.cfg
This file is copied to Docker image during build, modified and copied to airflow_home folder for local installation.
Configuration parameters are passed through environment variables:
DB_HOST - DB host
DB_LOGIN - DB login username
DB_PASSWORD - DB password
DB_SCHEMA - DB schema
DB_CONN_ID - DB connection ID
[Optional] Install virtual environment:
$ python -m virtualenv venv
[Optional] Activate virtual environment:
On macOS and Linux:
$ source venv/bin/activate
On Windows:
$ .\venv\Scripts\activate
Install dependencies:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
It is possible to run Airflow using Docker:
Build Docker image:
$ docker build -t reljicd/ml-airflow -f docker\Dockerfile .
Run Docker container:
$ docker run --rm -i -p 8080:8080 reljicd/ml-airflow
It is possible to run all of the above with helper script:
$ chmod +x scripts/
$ scripts/
Docker Compose file docker/docker-compose.yml is written to facilitate running of both properly initialized test MySQL DB, as well of the Airflow inside Docker containers.
It is possible to run all of the above with helper script:
$ chmod +x scripts/
$ scripts/
Since we named Docker container "ml-airflow" in our script, we can run any Airflow CLI command inside of Docker container as:
$ docker exec $(docker ps -aqf "name=ml-airflow") airflow [COMMAND]
For example:
$ docker exec $(docker ps -aqf "name=ml-airflow") airflow list_dags
$ docker exec $(docker ps -aqf "name=ml-airflow") airflow trigger_dag -c CONF dag_id
Where CONF is JSON string that gets pickled into the DagRun’s conf attribute, i.e.: '{"foo":"bar"}'
$ docker exec $(docker ps -aqf "name=ml-airflow") airflow trigger_dag -c '{"parameter_1":"parameter_1","parameter_3":"parameter_3"}' ml_testing_dag
$ docker exec $(docker ps -aqf "name=ml-airflow") airflow trigger_dag -c '{"parameter_1":"parameter_1","parameter_2":"parameter_2"}' ml_training_dag
It is possible to trigger dags using GET HTTP method and proper URLs (basically copy pasting these URLs in browser's URL field, and calling it just like any other URL)
Where CONF is JSON string that gets pickled into the DagRun’s conf attribute, i.e.: {"foo":"bar"}
It is possible to test DAG task instances locally with airflow test command. This command outputs their log to stdout (on screen), doesnt bother with dependencies, and doesnt communicate state (running, success, failed, …) to the database. It simply allows testing a single task instance.
For example:
$ docker exec $(docker ps -aqf "name=ml-airflow") airflow test dag_id task_id 2015-06-01
After starting Docker container, it is possible to access Airflow's Web UI on http://localhost:8080/admin/
It is possible to use all the Airflow's CLI commands through REST API.
A plugin for Apache Airflow that exposes REST endpoints for the Command Line Interfaces listed in the airflow documentation:
The plugin also includes other custom REST APIs.
Once you deploy the plugin and restart the web server, you can start to use the REST API. Bellow you will see the endpoints that are supported. In addition, you can also interact with the REST API from the Airflow Web Server. When you reload the page, you will see a link under the Admin tab called "REST API". Clicking on the link will navigate you to the following URL:
This web page will show the Endpoints supported and provide a form for you to test submitting to them.
Folder docker contains Dockerfiles:
docker/docker-compose.yml - Docker Compose file. Instructions for running Docker containers of ml-airflow as well of MySQL Docker container, with proper mounting of sql files from sql folder, so that MySQL is initialized with ml_airflow schema properly.
docker/Dockerfile - Docker build file for ml-airflow
docker/ - Airflow initialization script (making DB connection and unpausing ml_training_dag and ml_testing_dag). This script is run in ml-airflow during starting of Airflow scheduler.
docker/supervisord.conf - Supervisor's config file
scripts/ - util script for initialization of local Airflow installation.
scripts/ - util script for building Docker image, and running Docker container with passing to it of proper env variables.
scripts/ - util script for running Docker Compose with export of proper env variables.
Tests can be run by executing following command from the root of the project (dependencies for the project need to be installed, of course):
$ python -m pytest