Welcome to the ADASE group website! You can visit us here: http://adasegroup.github.io
- Clone repository
- Compile this website with jekyll and gulp
- In the terminal run gulp
- In the terminal run jekyll serve --host $IP --port $PORT --baseurl ''
Add a new post by:
- Go to '_content/_news'
- Copy an existing '*.md' file
- Name it with 'YYYY-MM-DD-announcement.md'
- Put your content using markdown.
- Specify if it should be a separate post (inline: false) or not (inline: true)
- Update the date. If it is a future date, the post will not be published until then
- Go to '_content/_staff/'
- Find your respective section (Msc or PhD)
- Edit a file '*.md' with your name using markup
- Upload your picture with the same name as the '*.md' file
- In your .md file add the path to your image on the 'photo field', for example: photo: /staff/phd-students/AlbertMatveyev.jpg
- If you will have a profile page, change 'inline' to false