This site or product includes IP2Location LITE data available from
The repository code is based on ip2location repository.
The update cycle of database bin file is once a month.
Database bin file:
Or download the zip file in the warehouse and decompress it by yourself.
Compared with the official client, I removed the ip2locationweb service and the dependency on other libraries.
import net.renfei.ip2location.*;
public class Main {
public Main() {
public static void main(String[] args) {
IP2Location loc = new IP2Location();
try {
String ip = "";
String binfile = "/usr/data/IP2LOCATION-LITE-DB11.BIN";
// this is to initialize with a BIN file
loc.Open(binfile, true);
// this is to initialize with a byte array
// Path binpath = Paths.get(binfile);
// byte[] binFileBytes = Files.readAllBytes(binpath);
// loc.Open(binFileBytes);
IPResult rec = loc.IPQuery(ip);
if ("OK".equals(rec.getStatus())) {
} else if ("EMPTY_IP_ADDRESS".equals(rec.getStatus())) {
System.out.println("IP address cannot be blank.");
} else if ("INVALID_IP_ADDRESS".equals(rec.getStatus())) {
System.out.println("Invalid IP address.");
} else if ("MISSING_FILE".equals(rec.getStatus())) {
System.out.println("Invalid database path.");
} else if ("IPV6_NOT_SUPPORTED".equals(rec.getStatus())) {
System.out.println("This BIN does not contain IPv6 data.");
} else {
System.out.println("Unknown error." + rec.getStatus());
System.out.println("Java Component: " + rec.getVersion());
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
Name | Type | Description |
ip_from | INT (10) / DECIMAL (39,0) | First IP address show netblock. |
ip_to | INT (10) / DECIMAL (39,0) | Last IP address show netblock. |
country_code | CHAR(2) | Two-character country code based on ISO 3166. |
country_name | VARCHAR(64) | Country name based on ISO 3166. |
region_name | VARCHAR(128) | Region or state name. |
city_name | VARCHAR(128) | City name. |
latitude | DOUBLE | City latitude. Default to capital city latitude if city is unknown. |
longitude | DOUBLE | City longitude. Default to capital city longitude if city is unknown. |
zip_code | VARCHAR(30) | ZIP/Postal code. |
time_zone | VARCHAR(8) | UTC time zone (with DST supported). |
Below are the methods supported in this class.
Method Name | Description |
public boolean IsIPv4(String IPAddress) | Returns true if string contains an IPv4 address. Otherwise false. |
public boolean IsIPv6(String IPAddress) | Returns true if string contains an IPv6 address. Otherwise false. |
public BigInteger IPv4ToDecimal(String IPAddress) | Returns the IP number for an IPv4 address. |
public BigInteger IPv6ToDecimal(String IPAddress) | Returns the IP number for an IPv6 address. |
public String DecimalToIPv4(BigInteger IPNum) | Returns the IPv4 address for the supplied IP number. |
public String DecimalToIPv6(BigInteger IPNum) | Returns the IPv6 address for the supplied IP number. |
public String CompressIPv6(String IPAddress) | Returns the IPv6 address in compressed form. |
public String ExpandIPv6(String IPAddress) | Returns the IPv6 address in expanded form. |
public List IPv4ToCIDR(String IPFrom, String IPTo) | Returns a list of CIDR from the supplied IPv4 range. |
public List IPv6ToCIDR(String IPFrom, String IPTo) | Returns a list of CIDR from the supplied IPv6 range. |
public String[] CIDRToIPv4(String CIDR) | Returns the IPv4 range from the supplied CIDR. |
public String[] CIDRToIPv6(String CIDR) | Returns the IPv6 range from the supplied CIDR. |
import com.ip2location.*;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.*;
public class Main {
public Main() {
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
IPTools tools = new IPTools();
System.out.println(tools.DecimalToIPv4(new BigInteger("1010214438")));
System.out.println(tools.DecimalToIPv6(new BigInteger("50510686025047391022278667396705210092")));
List<String> stuff = tools.IPv4ToCIDR("", "");
List<String> stuff2 = tools.IPv6ToCIDR("2001:4860:4860:0000:0000:0000:0000:8888", "2001:4860:4860:0000:eeee:ffff:ffff:ffff");
String[] stuff3 = tools.CIDRToIPv4("");
String[] stuff4 = tools.CIDRToIPv6("2002:1234::abcd:ffff:c0a8:101/62");
} catch (Exception e) {