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Edgars edited this page Oct 17, 2022 · 8 revisions

Easer is the tool to automate control jobs for/on your Android device. Easer是一個自動化控制各項雜物/任務的軟件。

This wiki will talk about the usages and designs of Easer. 該wiki簡單描述一些設計和用法。

If you don't immediately know how to use Easer, have a look at Usage example. Reading FAQ is also hightly suggested. 如果你不(在看到Easer的UI時瞬間)明白如何使用Easer的話,請先閱讀Usage example。另外,建議也請讀下須知

Read this page if you are interested to extend Easer, for example, creating new skills. 如果你想擴展Easer(如創建新的技能),請參考這個頁面

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