Datahike Client is a library to interact with Datahike Server from your Clojure and Clojurescript applications.
This project is early stage and considered instable. Expect changes to the API and to the underlying parts.
(require [datahike-client.api :as d]))
(defonce config {:timeout 300
:endpoint "http://localhost:3000"
:token "secret"
:db-name "config-test"})
(def client (d/client config))
(def connection (d/connect client (:db-name config)))
(d/transact connection {:db-name (:db-name config)
:tx-data [{:name "Alice", :age 20}
{:name "Bob", :age 30}
{:name "Charlie", :age 40}
{:age 15}]})
(d/q connection
{:query '[:find ?v
:where [_ :name ?v]]}) ; => [["Charlie"] ["Alice"] ["Bob"]]
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