ProdopsEx allows for access to the powerful Prodops API via Elixir. This SDK allows for the creation and refinement of artifacts (content) within a ProdOps team. Other features include data center document, uploads, project management and more.
To provide a simple way to interact with the Prodops API from within Elixir.
- Create and manage artifacts (content) within a ProdOps team.
- Refine existing artifacts.
- Upload documents to ProdOps data center.
- Stream the creation and refining of artifacts.
Add ProdopsEx to your mix.exs:
def deps do
{:prodops_ex, "~> 0.1.0"}
Fetch dependencies:
mix deps.get
Sign up for a ProdOps account if you don't already have one, then go to Settings -> Team -> Manage Team Details to get your API key. If you don't see Manage Team Details, you will need to ask an administrator on your team for access. More into can be found on our help site.
Put the API key somewhere in your application configuration, such as
config :prodops_ex, api_key: "YOUR_API_KEY"
Create a new artifact in ProdOps
params = %{
prompt_template_id: 2,
artifact_slug: "story",
inputs: [
%{name: "Context", value: "this is a test"}
fire_and_forget: true
artifact = ProdopsEx.Artifact.create(params)
This will create a new artifact of the given artifact type for the given team matching the api token placed in the config.
{:ok, %{"artifact_id" => 123, "status" => "created"}}
- Team: Synonymous with Company or Organization. Teams can have one or many Users. Teams can have details that define who they are, what they do, and what their culture represents. Q: Are there constraints or limiters on Teams (e.g. domain)
- Users: A member of a team. A person who uses ProdOps.AI to create something. Users are defined by email address and constrained by that email address to one Team.
- Project: A software development (or other) project, product, or idea, generally defined with a goal. A ProdOps project could have a start and a finish, like a typical project (Build a wordpress marketing site for NOLA PD; Update the Revelry website with new creative and branding). As well, a ProdOps project could be an ongoing effort, such as a product (Platform, Peerbot, Apple Music). At its most basic, a ProdOps project is the subject that will drive the types of content that will be generated.
- Artifact Types: Every piece of content generated in ProdOps has a type, which determines the purpose, format, and types of prompt used in generating the thing. Users define their own prompt template types based on their needs.
- Prompt templates / Prompt / Template: A re-usable template that contains both dynamic and static data. When the user is generating an artifact, this is what they will interact with, and that collaboration is what is sent to the LLM. Prompt templates are grouped by the type of artifact selected.
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at Check out the contributing guidelines for more info.
Everyone is welcome to participate in the project. We expect contributors to adhere to the Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct.
See for details about the release process.
Documentation can be generated with ExDoc and published on HexDocs. Docs can be found at
Prodops.AI documentation can be found on the help site.
ProdopsEx is released under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.