This is an E-Commerce platform which is completely based on MERN stack (MongoDB, Express, React and Node).
So, the features we would be having in the application that we would be building are:-
- Authentication using JSON Web Tokens (JWT).
- Option to add, edit, view and delete all the items in our store.
- Option to add items or remove items from the cart.
- Display the total bill of the cart and update it as soon as the cart is updated by the user.
- Using Local Storage to store the JWT so that we only allow logged-in users to buy items.
- Option to pay and checkout thus creating order and emptying the cart.
- Option to add or update review to the products you've brought.
- Admin Panel where admin can manage products, users, orders etc.
- Admin can also see the analytical dashboard.
| │ index.html
| │ logo.jpg
| │ logo.png
| │ logo.svg
| │ manifest.json
│ │___Assets
│ │___Components
│ │___Containers
| |___Data
| |___HOCS
| |___SCSS
| | App.js
| | index.js
| .env
| .env.example
| package.json
| package-lock.json
│ .env
| .env.example
| index.js
| package-lock.json
| package.json