This is a python (v2) framework for unit-testing various allometry schemes in the ED model. These are offline (not coupled to the CLM-ED, ED2 or other) tests. The python script calls two F90 shared libraries, EDAllomMod.o and EDAllomUnitWrap.o. The communication between python and F90 shared libraries are handled via the "ctypes" classes.
##Contents: The python driver script
EDAllomMod.F90: The allometry library that is being prototyped, ultimately to make its way into clm-ed.
EDAllomUnitWrap.F90: A library that allocates the pft derived type and handles some classes.
allom_params.xml: An XML file containing the PFT parameters relevant to allometry. A simple bash script that compiles the two libraries.
allom_lib_v3.m: The library that is mirrored in moderen fortran inside the model. drive_allomtests.m: The user invokes tests through this script. This is the driver script and contains some control parameters. gen_param_instance.m: This is the control card that defines the parameters associated with the different schemes.
The following are various plotting functions that could un-doubtedly be re-written more efficiently into one script with variable controls:
functions/plot_multicase_bag.m functions/plot_multicase_blmax.m functions/plot_multicase_blmax_o_dbagdh.m functions/plot_multicase_blmaxdi.m functions/plot_multicase_bsap.m functions/plot_multicase_bsapbag.m functions/plot_multicase_bsapid.m functions/plot_multicase_dbhe.m functions/plot_multicase_h.m functions/plot_singlecase_cfractions.m