Stream Chat API using Django Rest Framework and Djoser
This project is just an example how create a chat Using Stream Chat API
- This project requires:
- Python 3.6 or earlier
- Git
- virtualenvwrapper, pyenv virtualenv or virtualenv for local development
- Create a Python environment and clone project repository:
Add you SSH Key
$ git clone [email protected]:rhenter/stream-chat-api.git
$ cd stream-chat-api
$ mkvirtualenv -p $(which python) chat-api
$ workon chat-api
Or using pyenv virtualenv
$ git clone [email protected]:rhenter/stream-chat-api.git
$ cd stream-chat-api
$ pyenv virtualenv chat-api
$ pyenv activate chat-api
- Create your local settings file (use local.env as a template):
$ cp local.env .env
Edit .env file to use your settings
It's necessary to change the Stream API credentials by yours according to
- Install the project requirements:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
All migrations SHOULD have a description, so, always use the following command to apply all database migrations:
$ python migrate
$ python broadcast --message "Message Test"