First assignment basic html and css.
Part 1: Organize your project files
- On your computer 'Documents' folder, create a new folder called 'GitHub'
- In the GitHub folder, create a new folder: 'RWU' and another folder 'Comsc230' and another folder 'Assignments'
Part 2: Clone the repo
- Clone this repository using GitHub Desktop ** Important: point the local path to the local RWU/Comsc230/Assignments folder
- Open in VS Code, look at the files in the project, you should see the README and in the 'src' folder two html files
- Open each of the html files using Google Chrome browser File/Open/Documents/GitHub/RWU/Comsc230/Assignments/Comsc230-Assignment1-HTML/src/a1-hello-v1.html
- Open Chrome developer tools: View/Developer/Developer Tools
Part 3: Create a new web page
- Navigate to and look at the first HTML example.
- Create a new file in the project 'src' folder called: a1-w3schools-example1.html
- Copy the code from the tutorial, paste it into the editor, save it and run it in your browser
- Open the a1-hello-v2.html program and copy the css <style>...</style> section
- Paste the css into the appropriate location in you a1-w3schools-example1.html file
- Open (or refresh) the file in the browser to see if the style has changed.
Part 4: Point the project origin to your github account
- Create a new repository in your GitHub account: Comsc230-Assignment1-HTML
After it is created you will see a message that gives you the path to use when you set the origin on your laptop.
- Remove pointer to the original project, open a new Terminal in Vs Code type in the following command
git remote rm origin
- Next we need to add the origin pointer to our own github project repo:
git remote add origin** your github user **/Comsc230-Assignment1-HTML.git
- Finally we want to save our changes from our local git repository to our GitHub git repository
git push -u origin master
Part 5: Submit your assignment on Bridges
in the 'Assignments' folder on Bridges course website Submit a copy of the modified HTML page (a1-w3schools-example1.html) to receive credit for 'Assignment 1'