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RIESGOS 2.0: Async sprint

User stories

  • As a user, I want to see past results in a catalogue,
    • so that I have an overview of the spread of possible values
  • As a user, I want to be able to request new data by specifying parameters like: "I'm interested in eq's of magnitude 7.5 and using the USGS-grid", leaving out some other parameters,
    • so that I can fill any gaps in the catalogue where I'm interested in data that isn't already there.
    • all conditional on one selected eq from catalog (=mag, location, angle etc)


  • One central message-bus (pulsar)
  • One database listing:
    • product-id
    • data (or link to location of data)
    • sources: list of product-id's of all the products that have been used to calculate this data
    • configuration-values?
  • WPS'es wrapped in wrapper

Deployment at LRZ

     outside vm   │ inside vm                                       inside vm  │ outside vm
                  │                                                            │
                  │                                                            │
                  │                                                            │
                  │                                                  /riesgosfiles/<id>
                  │                                                     ┌──────┼┐       ┌─────┐
                  │                    ┌─────────────┐◄─────────────────┼ proxy│┼───────┤wps  │
                  │                    │filestorage  │                  └──────┼┘       └─────┘
                  │                    └─────────────┘◄─────────────┐          │           ▲
                  │                                                 │          │           │
                  │                                                 │          │           │
                  │                                                 │          │           │
           /queue/ws/v2/                                            │          │           │

┌──────────┐ ┌────┴─┼┐ ┌──────────────┐ ┌───┴─────┐ │ │ │ browser ├──►│ proxy│┼─────────────────►│ queue │◄─────────┤ wrapper ├────┼───────────┘ └────┬─────┘ └──────┼┘ └──────────────┘ └───┬─────┘ │ │ │ │ │ │ /backend/api │ │ │ ┌────┴─┼┐ ┌───────────┐ ┌──────────────┐ │ │ └────────►│ proxy│┼──►│ fast-api │───► │ database │◄──────────┘ │ order └──────┼┘ └───────────┘ └──────────────┘ jobForOrder │ │ order │ │ │ │ │

  • :8081 -> Pulsar
  • :8082/wps
  • :8082/manager
  • :8082/geoserver
  • :9090 -> filestorage

Getting products: postgres=# select co.wps_identifier,, p.wps_identifier, ojr.order_id from complex_outputs as co join jobs as j on co.job_id = join processes as p on j.process_id = join order_job_refs as ojr on = ojr.job_id;

wps_identifier | link | wps_identifier | order_id ---------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+---------- selectedRows | http://filestorage:9000/riesgosfiles/542D7AC160040F79AC93451BC6133257E3EB3871 | org.n52.gfz.riesgos.algorithm.impl.ModelpropProcess | 1 selectedRows | http://filestorage:9000/riesgosfiles/542D7AC160040F79AC93451BC6133257E3EB3871 | org.n52.gfz.riesgos.algorithm.impl.ModelpropProcess | 2 selectedRows | http://filestorage:9000/riesgosfiles/7B9EE041AB9C14EED5787BB37D8DBDFADA33DA0C | org.n52.gfz.riesgos.algorithm.impl.QuakeledgerProcess | 2 selectedRows | http://filestorage:9000/riesgosfiles/605E2A910BB53A241F70D7A515E1D227884B90E1 | org.n52.gfz.riesgos.algorithm.impl.QuakeledgerProcess | 2 shakeMapFile | http://filestorage:9000/riesgosfiles/B312B26FBAE05197046986FD1148E9D6DB7D10DA | org.n52.gfz.riesgos.algorithm.impl.ShakygroundProcess | 2 shakeMapFile | http://filestorage:9000/riesgosfiles/6A06F49A7996BEC897729CDBE88539A23526F9D0 | org.n52.gfz.riesgos.algorithm.impl.ShakygroundProcess | 2 selectedRows | http://filestorage:9000/riesgosfiles/542D7AC160040F79AC93451BC6133257E3EB3871 | org.n52.gfz.riesgos.algorithm.impl.ModelpropProcess | 3 selectedRows | http://filestorage:9000/riesgosfiles/542D7AC160040F79AC93451BC6133257E3EB3871 | org.n52.gfz.riesgos.algorithm.impl.ModelpropProcess | 4 selectedRowsGeoJson | http://filestorage:9000/riesgosfiles/51768D5104799C07C72250C9F8E37853D4300B1D | org.n52.gfz.riesgos.algorithm.impl.AssetmasterProcess | 4