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Right Track Core Library

GitHub repo: right-track/right-track-core

This Node module contains the core data classes and functionality of the Right Track Library. It can query a RightTrackDB (a SQLite database that combines GTFS data with additional data) that is built using the right-track-db-build module and create data classes representing the queried data.

This module is a requirement for the right-track-server and the right-track-pwa website.

Agency specific functionality (such as real-time feed information) is added through the various implementations of the RightTrackAgency classes, such as Metro North or LIRR.

Transit Agency specific Transit Feeds that provide real-time transit event information is added through the various implementations of the RightTrackTransitAgency classes, such as MTA or NYSTA.

Features and Functionality

This project is still very much a work in progress and is being actively developed. Functionality may be added and/or removed without notice.

Currently, the module supports the following features:

  • GTFS Data Models:
    • Agency
    • Route
    • Service (from gtfs calendar.txt)
    • ServiceException (from gtfs calendar_dates.txt)
    • Stop
    • StopTime
    • Trip
  • Right Track Data Models:
    • About (database metadata)
    • Favorite (Class for User favorites - station and trips)
    • Holiday (service information for holidays)
    • Link (links for additional transit resources)
  • Right Track Database queries
  • Trip Search Classes and Query Functions
    • Trip Search
    • Trip Search Result
    • GTFS schedule search functions (including transfers)
  • General purpose utility functions
  • Abstract Right Track Classes:
    • RightTrackDB (Class for managing the SQLite database)
    • RightTrackAgency (Class containing agency-specific information and the function for building Station Feeds)
    • RightTrackTransitAgency (Class containing transit agency-specific information and the function for building Transit Feeds)


Full documentation can be found in the /doc/ directory in this repository or online at

Module Structure

This module is essentially a bundled group of sub-modules representing each of the supported data types. To import the entire collection, require the right-track-core module. The returned Object will be a collection of all of the sub-modules that follows a package-like structure mirroring the module paths.

For example, to get the GTFS Agency class from the collection:

const core = require('right-track-core');
const Agency = core.gtfs.Agency;

Sub-modules can also be loaded individually by requiring the specific module:

const Agency = require('right-track-core/modules/gtfs/Agency');

Refer to the Documentation for the complete module structure.


Create a GTFS data class

const core = require('right-track-core');
const Agency = core.gtfs.Agency;
const Route = core.gtfs.Route;

// Create a new Agency for Metro North Railroad
let metroNorth = new Agency('Metro North Railroad', '', 'America/New_York', 'mnr');
// Agency {
//   name: 'Metro North Railroad',
//   url: '',
//   timezone: 'America/New_York',
//   id: 'mnr' 
// }

// Create a new Route for the New Haven Line
let newHavenLine = new Route('nh', 'new haven', 'New Haven Line', Route.ROUTE_TYPE_RAIL, metroNorth, 'ff0000', '000000');
// Route {
//   id: 'nh',
//   shortName: 'new haven',
//   longName: 'New Haven Line',
//   type: 2,
//   agency:
//     Agency {
//       name: 'Metro North Railroad',
//       url: '',
//       timezone: 'America/New_York',
//       id: 'mnr' 
//     },
//   color: 'ff0000',
//   textColor: '000000' 
// }

Query a Right Track Database

The query functions of this module query a specific type of SQLite database (Right Track Database) that contains the GTFS data and additional Right Track data. In order to make a query, there are two additional dependencies:

  • A RightTrackDB Class Object. This acts as a SQLite wrapper that provides the actual SQLite functionality. The right-track-db-sqlite3 module provides this functionality using the node-sqlite3 module and should work in any environment supported by node-sqlite3.

  • A Right Track Agency implementation. This provides the agency-specific configuration properties as well as the agency's Right Track Database (or the location of the database).

The following example queries the information for a Stop with id 110 from a Right Track Database for Metro North Railroad.

const core = require('right-track-core');
const RightTrackDB = require('right-track-db-sqlite3');
const MNR = require('right-track-agency-mnr');

// Create the Right Track DB using the MNR Right Track Agency
let db = new RightTrackDB(MNR);

// Query the database for the stop with ID == '110'
core.query.stops.getStop(db, '110', function(err, stop) {

// Returns Stop:
// Stop {
//   id: '110',
//   name: 'Larchmont',
//   lat: 40.933394,
//   lon: -73.759792,
//   url: '',
//   wheelchairBoarding: 1,
//   statusID: '110',
//   transferWeight: 1171 
// }

Schedule Trip Search

The search functions of this module can query the GTFS schedule to build a set of Trip Search Results that connect the Origin and Destination Stops together with either a direct Trip or one that includes one or more transfers.

The Search parameters can be customized with the following options:

Option Name Default Value Description
allowTransfers true Enable to allow a Trip Search Result to include one or more transfers to a different Trip at a Transfer Stop.
allowChangeInDirection true Enable to allow transfers to a Trip running in the opposite direction.
preDepartureHours 3 The number of hours before the specified departure date/time to include in the results.
postDepartureHours 6 The number of hours after the specified departure date/time to include in the results.
maxLayoverMins 30 The maximum number of minutes to layover at a transfer Stop.
minLayoverMins 0 The minimum number of minutes to layover at a transfer Stop.
maxTransfers 2 The maximum number of transfers allowed per Trip Search Result.
Trip Search Example

The following example searches the GTFS schedule for Long Island Rail Road between the Patchogue and Atlantic Terminal Stops with a desired departure of 1:30 PM on Jan 16, 2018.

The default options were changed to allow search results up to 8 hours after the desired departure.

const core = require('right-track-core');
const RightTrackDB = require('right-track-db-sqlite3');
const LIRR = require('right-track-agency-lirr');

const DateTime = core.utils.DateTime;
const TripSearch =;

// Set up a Right Track DB for LIRR
let db = new RightTrackDB(LIRR);

// Get the Origin and Destination Stops by their IDs
core.query.stops.getStop(db, '124', function(err, origin) {
  core.query.stops.getStop(db, '12', function(err, destination) {

    // Set Search Paramters
    let dt = DateTime.create("1:30 PM", 20180116);
    let options = {
      postDepartureHours: 8

    // Set up the Trip Search
    let search = new TripSearch(origin, destination, dt, options);

    // Perform the Trip Search, function(err, results) {

      // Print the Results
      console.log("==== TRIP SEARCH RESULTS: ===");
      console.log("ORIGIN: " +;
      console.log("DESTINATION: " +;
      console.log("DEPARTURE: " + dt.toString());
      console.log("RESULTS: " + results.length);

      // Parse each Result
      for ( let i = 0; i < results.length; i++ ) {
        let result = results[i];

        console.log( + " @ " + result.origin.departure.getTimeReadable() + " --> " + + " @ " + result.destination.arrival.getTimeReadable());

        // Parse segments when a transfer is required
        if ( result.length > 1 ) {
          let segments = result.segments;
          for ( let j = 0; j < segments.length; j++ ) {
            let segment = segments[j];
            console.log("  " + + " @ " + segment.enter.departure.getTimeReadable() + " --> " + + " @ " + segment.exit.arrival.getTimeReadable());




The resulting output, which prints the Trip Search Results to the console:

ORIGIN: Patchogue
DESTINATION: Atlantic Terminal
DEPARTURE: 2018-01-16 @ 13:30:00
Patchogue @ 11:25 AM --> Atlantic Terminal @ 1:33 PM
  Patchogue @ 11:25 AM --> Babylon @ 11:55 AM
  Babylon @ 12:00 PM --> Jamaica @ 12:48 PM
  Jamaica @ 1:13 PM --> Atlantic Terminal @ 1:33 PM
Patchogue @ 1:07 PM --> Atlantic Terminal @ 2:33 PM
  Patchogue @ 1:07 PM --> Jamaica @ 2:12 PM
  Jamaica @ 2:13 PM --> Atlantic Terminal @ 2:33 PM
Patchogue @ 1:25 PM --> Atlantic Terminal @ 3:33 PM
  Patchogue @ 1:25 PM --> Babylon @ 1:55 PM
  Babylon @ 2:00 PM --> Jamaica @ 2:48 PM
  Jamaica @ 3:13 PM --> Atlantic Terminal @ 3:33 PM
Patchogue @ 2:30 PM --> Atlantic Terminal @ 4:03 PM
  Patchogue @ 2:30 PM --> Jamaica @ 3:36 PM
  Jamaica @ 3:43 PM --> Atlantic Terminal @ 4:03 PM
Patchogue @ 3:32 PM --> Atlantic Terminal @ 5:10 PM
  Patchogue @ 3:32 PM --> Babylon @ 4:02 PM
  Babylon @ 4:06 PM --> Jamaica @ 4:44 PM
  Jamaica @ 4:52 PM --> Atlantic Terminal @ 5:10 PM
Patchogue @ 4:43 PM --> Atlantic Terminal @ 6:23 PM
  Patchogue @ 4:43 PM --> Jamaica @ 5:50 PM
  Jamaica @ 6:05 PM --> Atlantic Terminal @ 6:23 PM
Patchogue @ 5:26 PM --> Atlantic Terminal @ 7:10 PM
  Patchogue @ 5:26 PM --> Babylon @ 5:58 PM
  Babylon @ 6:03 PM --> Jamaica @ 6:40 PM
  Jamaica @ 6:52 PM --> Atlantic Terminal @ 7:10 PM
Patchogue @ 6:30 PM --> Atlantic Terminal @ 8:21 PM
  Patchogue @ 6:30 PM --> Babylon @ 7:03 PM
  Babylon @ 7:09 PM --> Jamaica @ 8:01 PM
  Jamaica @ 8:03 PM --> Atlantic Terminal @ 8:21 PM
Patchogue @ 7:39 PM --> Atlantic Terminal @ 9:53 PM
  Patchogue @ 7:39 PM --> Babylon @ 8:09 PM
  Babylon @ 8:13 PM --> Jamaica @ 9:04 PM
  Jamaica @ 9:33 PM --> Atlantic Terminal @ 9:53 PM

Abstract Classes

The core module now includes the abstract Right Track Classes that are used by the implementing database, agency, and transit agency classes.

Right Track Database

This is the abstract RightTrackDB Class that is used by various Right Track projects to query the SQLite Right Track Database.

An implementation of this Class, such as right-track-db-sqlite3, which uses the node sqlite3 module, is what will actually be used in the projects.

An implementation of this Class must have the following functions:

  • constructor({RightTrackAgency} agency):

    • this is used to initialize the SQLite database
    • agency: The RightTrackAgency this DB will be used to query. The agency must have the configuration properties set to the agency's id as well as the database location.
  • select({string} statement, {function} callback):

    • this is used to SELECT multiple rows from the SQLite database using the passed statement. It will return the rows using the passed callback function.
    • statement: the full SQLite SELECT statement
    • callback: the selectCallback function
  • get({string} statement, {function} callback):

    • this is used to SELECT a single row from the SQLite database using the passed statement. It will return the result using the passed callback function.
      • If no rows are selected, it will return undefined
      • If one row is selected, it will return the single row
      • If more than one row is selected, it will return the first row
    • statement: the full SQLite SELECT statement
    • callback: the getCallback function

Right Track Agency

This module provides the abstract RightTrackAgency class which is extended by an implementing Right Track Agency.

The abstract class provides the functionality for reading agency configuration files and setting the configuration properties.

This module also includes the Station Feed Classes: StationFeed, StationFeedDeparture,
StationFeedDepartureStatus, and StationFeedDeparturePosition, which are all required when an Agency implements the real-time Station Feed functionality.

Supported Agencies

The following are Right Track Agencies that implement this abstract class:


When a RightTrackAgency class is instantiated it will read the agency's default configuration file (agency.json located in the root of the agency's module directory).

Get Agency Configuration

To get the agency configuration use the getConifg() function. The configuration will have a structure similar to:

  "name": "Long Island Rail Road",
  "id": "lirr",
  "maintainer": {
    "name": "David Waring",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "website": ""
  "db": {
    "location": "./static/db/latest/database.db",
    "archiveDir": "./static/db/archive/"
  "stationFeed": {
    "stationURL": "{{ORIGIN_ID}}&endsta={{DESTINATION_ID}}",
    "gtfsrt": {
      "url": "{{GTFS_RT_API_KEY}}/json",
      "apiKey": ""
  "static": {
    "img": {
      "icon": "./static/img/icon.png"
  "build": {
    "updateURL": ""
  "colors": {
    "primary": "#0f47a1",
    "primaryText": "#dddddd",
    "secondary": "#ffd54f",
    "secondaryText": "#263238"
Additional Configuration

To provide additional configuration variables, or to override the default ones, create a new configuration file with the variables to add:

    "db": {
        "location": "/new/path/to/database.db"
    "stationFeed": {
        "gtfsrt": {
            "apiKey": "your-mta-api-key"

Then, use the readConfig(configFile) to parse the configuration file and merge its properties with those already loaded.

The configFile path can be an absolute or relative path, with relative paths loaded relative to the root of the agency's module directory.

Any relative paths in the configuration file will be loaded relative to the directory the new configuration file is located in.

Station Feed

A Station Feed provides a list of scheduled departures from a single Stop combined with agency-specific real-time information, such as departure status and/or track numbers.

To load an agency-specific StationFeed, use the loadFeed(db, origin, callback) function where:

  • db is the agency's RightTrackDB
  • origin is the origin Stop
  • callback is a callback function: function(err, feed)
    • accepting an Error and StationFeed as arguments.

See the Documentation for more information on the structure of a StationFeed.


The following example uses the right-track-agency-mnr module, which is the Metro North Railroad implementation of a RightTrackAgency.

const MNR = require('right-track-agency-mnr');
const RightTrackDB = require('right-track-db-sqlite3');
const core = require('right-track-core');

// Load an additional configuration file
// This path is relative to the agency's module directory

// Create a RightTrackDB for this Agency
let db = new RightTrackDB(MNR);

// Query the Database for Stop with id = '1'
core.query.stops.getStop(db, '1', function(err, stop) {
  // Load the agency's StationFeed for this Stop
  MNR.loadFeed(db, stop, function(err, feed) {
    // Do something with the station feed

Right Track Transit Agency

This module provides the abstract RightTrackTransitAgency class which is extended by an implementing Right Track Transit Agency.

This module also includes the Transit Feed Classes: TransitFeed, TransitDivision, and TransitEvent, which are all required when a Transit Agency implements the real-time Transit Feed functionality.

Supported Agencies

The following are Right Track Transit Agencies that implement this abstract class:

Transit Feed

A Transit Feed provides a list of real-time transit events. A Transit Feed is broken down into a hierarchical system where a single Transit Feed includes one or more Divisions, which in turn includes either one or more child Divisions or a list of Events (which contain the real-time transit status information).

To load an agency-specific TransitFeed, use the loadFeed(callback) function where:

  • callback is a callback function: function(err, feed)
    • accepting an Error and TransitFeed as arguments.

See the Documentation for more information on the structure of a TransitFeed.


The following example uses the right-track-transit-mta module to build a Transit Feed for the Metropolitan Transportation Authority.

const mta = require('right-track-transit-mta');

mta.loadFeed(function(err, feed) {
  if ( !err ) {
    console.log(JSON.stringify(feed, null, 2));


Right Track Core Classes and Functions







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