Overall changes
bugfix: Intermittent failures in batch conversions due to container process crashes
bugfix: Permission denied errors at the end of conversions, under Linux with Docker
enhancement: More predictable PDF quality and PDF result size
enhancement: Display overall progress information and final status summary
enhancement: Add "clickable" hyperlinks in few dialogs (project and release URLs)
maintenance: Look and feel consistency improvements (Desktop and "Online Service" interfaces)
maintenance: Web framework change from actix_web to axum for the "Online Service"
General notes
The installers or binaries are not signed for Mac OS or Windows, please ignore any warnings
On Linux, the graphical interface is an AppImage artifact: it requires Fuse to run
On Linux, if you prefer Flatpak , please check out the axtloss flatpaks project page
For the Live CD ISO image, you need at least 1 GB of RAM
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