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Image annotation -> I did this localy, it is not tested in Colab

  1. pip install -r requirements.txt
  2. Use Image Collection.ipynb to take the images
  3. Move them to workspace/images/colectedimages
  4. Go to labelImg folder
  5. python
  6. Use Open Dir and select workspace/images/colectedimages
  7. Change Save Dir to workspace/images/colectedimages
  8. Annotate the images
  9. Go to workspace/images and run prepare-train-test.ipynb

Label IMG Shortcuts

Ctrl + u - Load all of the images from a directory

Ctrl + r - Change the default annotation target dir

Ctrl + s - Save

w - Create a rect box

d - Next image

a - Previous image

del - Delete the selected rect box

Ctrl++ - Zoom in

Ctrl-- - Zoom out

Ctrl + d - Copy the current label and rect box

Space - Flag the current image as verified

↑→↓←Keyboard arrows to move selected rect box

Image augmentation

  1. Image augmentation done with imgaug
  2. Link to augmentation notebook

Model train -> Do this in Colab

  1. Run pipeline.ipynb in colab env
  2. There are a few paths that need to be adjusted to the directory in which you will clone the repo
  3. Test it with predictions.ipynb

Predictions -> Do this in Colab

  1. Run predictions.ipynb in Colab env after you completed pipeline.ipynb


  1. work out the real time solution in predictions.ipynb -> Done
  2. Train on more images -> Done
  3. Write documentation overleaf -> Done

Real-time preview