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Doctrine ORM Service Provider

Provides Doctrine ORM Entity Managers as services to Pimple applications.


  • Leverages the core Doctrine Service Provider for either Silex.
  • Default Entity Manager can be bound to any database connection
  • Multiple Entity Managers can be defined
  • Mechanism for allowing Service Providers to register their own mappings


  • PHP 5.3+
  • Pimple ~2.1
  • Doctrine ~2.3

Currently requires both dbs and dbs.event_manager services in order to work. These can be provided by a Doctrine Service Provider like the Silex one. If you can or want to fake it, go for it. :)


Through Composer as dflydev/doctrine-orm-service-provider.


To get up and running, register DoctrineOrmServiceProvider and manually specify the directory that will contain the proxies along with at least one mapping.

In each of these examples an Entity Manager that is bound to the default database connection will be provided. It will be accessible via orm.em.


// Default entity manager.
$em = $app['orm.em'];



use Dflydev\Provider\DoctrineOrm\DoctrineOrmServiceProvider;
use Pimple\Container;

$container = new Container;

$container["db.options"] = array(
    "driver" => "pdo_sqlite",
    "path" => "/path/to/sqlite.db",

// ensure that $container['dbs'] and $container['dbs.event_manager']
// are available, most likely by way of a core service provider.

$container->register(new DoctrineOrmServiceProvider, array(
    "orm.proxies_dir" => "/path/to/proxies",
    "orm.em.options" => array(
        "mappings" => array(
            // Using actual filesystem paths
                "type" => "annotation",
                "namespace" => "Foo\Entities",
                "path" => __DIR__."/src/Foo/Entities",
                "type" => "xml",
                "namespace" => "Bat\Entities",
                "path" => __DIR__."/src/Bat/Resources/mappings",
            // XML/YAML driver (Symfony2 style)
            // Mapping files can be named like Foo.orm.yml
            // instead of Baz.Entities.Foo.dcm.yml
                "type" => "simple_yml",
                "namespace" => "Baz\Entities",
                "path" => __DIR__."/src/Bat/Resources/config/doctrine",



use Dflydev\Provider\DoctrineOrm\DoctrineOrmServiceProvider;
use Silex\Application;
use Silex\Provider\DoctrineServiceProvider;

$app = new Application;

$app->register(new DoctrineServiceProvider, array(
    "db.options" => array(
        "driver" => "pdo_sqlite",
        "path" => "/path/to/sqlite.db",

$app->register(new DoctrineOrmServiceProvider, array(
    "orm.proxies_dir" => "/path/to/proxies",
    "orm.em.options" => array(
        "mappings" => array(
            // Using actual filesystem paths
                "type" => "annotation",
                "namespace" => "Foo\Entities",
                "path" => __DIR__."/src/Foo/Entities",
                "type" => "xml",
                "namespace" => "Bat\Entities",
                "path" => __DIR__."/src/Bat/Resources/mappings",



  • orm.em.options: Array of Entity Manager options.

    These options are available:

    • connection (Default: default): String defining which database connection to use. Used when using named databases via dbs.

    • mappings: Array of mapping definitions.

      Each mapping definition should be an array with the following options:

      • type: Mapping driver type, one of annotation, xml, yml, simple_xml, simple_yml or php.
      • namespace: Namespace in which the entities reside.

      New: the simple_xml and simple_yml driver types were added in v1.1 and provide support for the simplified XML driver and simplified YAML driver of Doctrine.

      Additionally, each mapping definition should contain one of the following options:

      • path: Path to where the mapping files are located. This should be an actual filesystem path. For the php driver it can be an array of paths
      • resources_namespace: A namespaceish path to where the mapping files are located. Example: Path\To\Foo\Resources\mappings

      Each mapping definition can have the following optional options:

      • alias (Default: null): Set the alias for the entity namespace.

      Each annotation mapping may also specify the following options:

      • use_simple_annotation_reader (Default: true): If true, only simple notations like @Entity will work. If false, more advanced notations and aliasing via use will work. (Example: use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping AS ORM, @ORM\Entity) Note that if set to false, the AnnotationRegistry will probably need to be configured correctly so that it can load your Annotations classes. See this FAQ: Why aren't my Annotations classes being found?
    • query_cache (Default: setting specified by orm.default_cache): String or array describing query cache implementation.

    • metadata_cache (Default: setting specified by orm.default_cache): String or array describing metadata cache implementation.

    • result_cache (Default: setting specified by orm.default_cache): String or array describing result cache implementation.

    • hydration_cache (Default: setting specified by orm.default_cache): String or array describing hydration cache implementation.

    • types An array of custom types in the format of 'typeName' => 'Namespace\To\Type\Class'

  • orm.ems.options: Array of Entity Manager configuration sets indexed by each Entity Manager's name. Each value should look like orm.em.options.

    Example configuration:

    $app['orm.ems.default'] = 'sqlite';
    $app['orm.ems.options'] = array(
        'mysql' => array(
            'connection' => 'mysql',
            'mappings' => array(), 
        'sqlite' => array(
            'connection' => 'sqlite',
            'mappings' => array(),

    Example usage:

    $emMysql = $app['orm.ems']['mysql'];
    $emSqlite = $app['orm.ems']['sqlite'];
  • orm.ems.default (Default: first Entity Manager processed): String defining the name of the default Entity Manager.

  • orm.proxies_dir: String defining path to where Doctrine generated proxies should be located.

  • orm.proxies_namespace (Default: DoctrineProxy): String defining namespace in which Doctrine generated proxies should reside.

  • orm.auto_generate_proxies: Boolean defining whether or not proxies should be generated automatically.

  • orm.class_metadata_factory_name: Class name of class metadata factory. Class implements Doctrine\Common\Persistence\Mapping\ClassMetadataFactory.

  • orm.default_repository_class: Class name of default repository. Class implements Doctrine\Common\Persistence\ObjectRepository.

  • orm.repository_factory: Repository factory, instance Doctrine\ORM\Repository\RepositoryFactory.

  • orm.entity_listener_resolver: Entity listener resolver, instance Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\EntityListenerResolver.

  • orm.default_cache: String or array describing default cache implementation.

  • orm.add_mapping_driver: Function providing the ability to add a mapping driver to an Entity Manager.

    These params are available:

    • $mappingDriver: Mapping driver to be added, instance Doctrine\Common\Persistence\Mapping\Driver\MappingDriver.
    • $namespace: Namespace to be mapped by $mappingDriver, string.
    • $name: Name of Entity Manager to add mapping to, string, default null.
  • orm.em_name_from_param: Function providing the ability to retrieve an entity manager's name from a param.

    This is useful for being able to optionally allow users to specify which entity manager should be configured for a 3rd party service provider but fallback to the default entity manager if not explitely specified.

    For example:

    $emName = $app['orm.em_name_from_param']('3rdparty.provider.em');
    $em = $app['orm.ems'][$emName];

    This code should be able to be used inside of a 3rd party service provider safely, whether the user has defined 3rdparty.provider.em or not.

  • orm.strategy:

    • naming: Naming strategy, instance Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\NamingStrategy.
    • quote: Quote strategy, instance Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\QuoteStrategy.
  • orm.custom.functions:

    • string, numeric, datetime: Custom DQL functions, array of class names indexed by DQL function name. Classes are subclasses of Doctrine\ORM\Query\AST\Functions\FunctionNode.
    • hydration_modes: Hydrator class names, indexed by hydration mode name. Classes are subclasses of Doctrine\ORM\Internal\Hydration\AbstractHydrator.


  • orm.em: Entity Manager, instance Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager.
  • orm.ems: Entity Managers, array of Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager indexed by name.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why aren't my Annotations classes being found?

When use_simple_annotation_reader is set to False for an entity, the AnnotationRegistry needs to have the project's autoloader added to it.


$loader = require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';

\Doctrine\Common\Annotations\AnnotationRegistry::registerLoader(array($loader, 'loadClass'));

Why is there no manager registry implementation?

There is allready a thirdparty ManagerRegistry implementation at saxulum-doctrine-orm-manager-registry-provider. It support the entity type known of the form component, adds the UniqueEntity validator and a command line integration.




If you have questions or want to help out, join us in the #dflydev or #silex-php channels on

Not Invented Here

This project is based heavily on both the core Doctrine Service Provider and the work done by @docteurklein on the docteurklein/silex-doctrine-service-providers project. Some inspiration was also taken from Doctrine Bundle and Doctrine Bridge.


Doctrine ORM Service Provider







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