This repo is to aid in setting up and running a dedicate MegaMek server as a container. The Dockerfile is set to automatically download the latest released version.
docker build --build-arg MM_VERSION=<version to build> --build-arg SENTRY_ENABLED=<true or false> --tag megamek:<version> .
docker buildx build --platform=linux/amd64,linux/arm64 --build-arg MM_VERSION=<version to build> --build-arg SENTRY_ENABLED=<true or false> -t tapenvyus/megamek:<version> .
We should now have a megamek container built. You can run the container with the following command:
docker run --rm -d -p 2346:2346 megamek:<version>
You should now be able to connect to the above dedicate megamek server on localhost or your LAN IP and port 2346
A point of note, this image is configured to allow the enable or disable of Sentry upon build. The images provided to Docker Hub have Sentry enabled for the MegaMek team to get as much error data as possible. You can disable in your own build by passing false
to the above build arg.