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benkehoe edited this page Feb 28, 2013 · 3 revisions

This package contains scripts for teleoperating the Raven. The only controller currently implemented in the package is the Sixense Razer Hydra.

Sixense Razer Hydra

The Hydras have a ROS package here, which publishes Hydra-specific messages about the state of the controller. The hydra_teleop script in this package subscribes to those messages and turns them into Raven commands.

Hydra operation

The buttons on the hydras are mirrored, so the outside buttons perform the same functions on each controller, even though the buttons numbers are not mirrored.

  • The "bumper" (the top button on the front of the controller) is pedal-down. This engages per-arm, so for both arms to be moved, both bumpers must be pressed.
  • The gripper open/close buttons are the outside buttons:
    • 3 (open), 1 (close) for the left
    • 4 (open), 2 (close) for the right
  • The scale is adjusted pressing the start button, which enters scale adjust mode. Press the start button again to exit this mode. In scale adjust mode, use the following buttons:
    • Scale up: same as gripper open
    • Scale down: same as gripper close
    • The scale can be varied continuously using the joystick. Click the joystick to reset the scale to its default value.
  • If recording is enabled (see trajectory recording), it is operated using the inside buttons:
    • 2 (start), 4 (stop) for the left
    • 1 (start), 3 (stop) for the right

There are several command line options that can be given:

  • --disable-left and --disable-right: these can be used for one-arm operation.
  • -s or --scale: set the default scale (without this, the default is 0.1)
  • -r or --record: enable trajectory recording. See trajectory recording for more details.
  • -g or --grasp-while-inactive: allow the grasp buttons to work while the bumper is not pressed (i.e., without updating the commanded pose)
  • --force-pedal-down: Always set pedal down in the RavenCommand message. This is useful if hydra_teleop is only commanding one arm, and another source is sending commands for the other arm.

Phantom Omnis

The Phantom Omnis are not used with this package. They are run separately in Windows using the code found here, and communicate with the Raven over UDP, not ROS.

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