- Added keybinding which toggles fullscreen (#37)
- Added keybinding for quitting the game
- Added a translation system (#51)
- Added crate world objects which act as item containers (#42)
- Ammo is spawned randomly in these crates when the game starts
- Characters can open and interact with the container's inventory by using the "interact" mode
- Added inventory screen for swapping items between friendly characters (#59)
- Added weight attributes for items (#44)
- Added volume attributes for items (#65)
- Added weight and volume limitation for inventory containers (bags, tiles, etc.) (#48)
- Inventory lists show the current weight and the weight limit (#62)
- Added stackable items (#45)
- Added functionality to allow arbitrary item sorting in the inventory (#60)
- Added a maximum range for weapons (#63)
- Added line-of-sight overlay for grenades (#64)
- Added a cone overlay representing the maximum angle at which a projectile can divert from its intended target (#71)
- Added a small version info overlay
- Added a quick-help screen
- Removed a bunch items until the item and inventory system is a bit more stable
- Fixed serialization and loading of openable world objects (#49)
- Fixed unequippable items vanishing when trying to equip them (#54)
- Fixed crash when trying to switch firing modes without a weapon equipped (#55)
- Fixed grenades being removed upon explosion instead of being thrown
- Fixed crash when a character tries to attack its own tile (#68)
- Fixed crash with dropping a character's inventory on death (#70)
Other Changes
- The game starts in fullscreen now by default
- The mouse scrolling stops if the mouse cursor leaves the game's window (#38)
- Increased the size of the mouse scrolling area
- Renamed Police Baton to Tonfa
- Ammunition is now handled on a single-round level instead of using magazines (#52)
- Pathfinding now uses the more appropriate Chebyshev distance as an heuristic (#66)
- Updated spawnpoints for player's characters