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Martin Kunz edited this page Apr 27, 2022 · 1 revision

Issue: cmdheight after restore is incorrect

description: On restore the cmdheight (location where ex commands can be written) spans almost the full window.

Issue: cmdheight after restore is incorrect

cause: Floating windows are not saved correctly in sessions. This means that when a floating window is present when the session is saved the parameters of the window are saved into the session but it does not include the window being floating.

fix: You can register a callback function for removing all the floating windows on save of a session. auto-session allows to do this by the conf key pre_save_cmds.

function _G.close_all_floating_wins()
  for _, win in ipairs(vim.api.nvim_list_wins()) do
    local config = vim.api.nvim_win_get_config(win)
    if config.relative ~= '' then
      vim.api.nvim_win_close(win, false)

-- ...

require('auto-session').setup {
  -- ...
  pre_save_cmds = { _G.close_all_floating_wins },
  -- ...

(credits: @rockyzhang24)

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