Roam 3 - Beta 2
Pre-releaseBETA 2
This release contains the second beta release of Roam after an update from QGIS 2.x API to QGIS 3.x API.
Changes since beta one.
Lots of bug fixes that got found in beta 1 have been fixed in this version. Some bugs got caught and reported to sentry so I could fix them quickly.
There are a lot of commits so I'm not going to dump the changelog here in full (It is attached at the bottom of this release if you want to read it)
- New Form and New Project tree nodes in Config Manager have been removed in favour of a text box and button on the main Forms and Projects nodes.
- Many cleanups in Config Manager to make things a bit clearer
- Old v2 projects can be loaded in Config Manager and then resaved in order to bump the Roam version they are using
- Old v2 projects won't open in V3 Roam without opening in Config Manager first and resaving. For most projects, this is a version bump in the project.config file. Unless you are using custom Python code in the form you shouldn't have to change any form config.
Notes from beta 1 still apply
Main updates are:
- Python 3
- PyQt5
- Qt5
Due to the many many API changes in the whole stack, there is bound to be issued with this release.
Things you should NOT do with this release
- Run in production
- Expect it to be perfect first cut
- Replace your current release with this version
- Run in production
Things you can do with this release
- Don't run it in production
- Do solid testing of any forms you have
- Do Give me feedback on any issues you find. I will try to fix them as they come in and release again.
- Use a copy of any projects you wish to use with this release as project versions and code will need to be updated to run correctly
This first release is mainly focused on getting it running on the new API and flushing out any early API changes that might have come up. Things might still not work fully yet but you should be able to create a new project, with forms and use it like before. Existing forms might not work yet due to some Python API changes that need to change.
Custom forms
Full custom forms (using a custom .ui file) haven't been tested as most people use the auto forms these days (at least from what I can tell), I haven't put much testing into this logic yet. If you use custom .ui files for your forms I would welcome help fix any issues in this area.
Custom form code
Custom form code that you have written won't work right out of the gate as the move in APIs will have broken it. I will work on a guide for this before the final release once I am aware of any more API changes.