Requires garb 0.8.0:
sudo gem install garb -v 0.8.0
Scripts should always start with:
require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../lib/community_usage'
The interface class contains methods for getting dates ($start_date, $end_date), and for starting up the analytics session.
Export.make_directory creates the output directory if it doesn’t exist.
The Export class is used for the rest of the report, to wrap calls to specific reports, with a particular output format:
Export.to_csv(report, output filename)
Each call to Export.to_csv spits out its own file.
You pass Export.to_csv specific reports. These live in /reports
and all inherit from /reports/report.rb
Report also creates the @@sites object. This single object is accessible by all reports. It contains a hash
of all the individual sites, and can be used to access their variables in report methods:
Iterate through the sites, from within a report, like:
@@sites.each {|key, site_object| puts}
Site keys are their names:
@@sites[:portal].profile @@sites[:promoting_healthy_lifestyles].visitors
sites have tests for their place in TKI (see site.rb), so you can go:
@@sites.each do |k, site| next unless @legacy_visits += site.visits end
The Report classes also have the following helpers:
Report.new_zealandify Report.de_new_zealandify
This sets and unsets a “use new zealand” variable for all the sites.
While this is set sites will grab stats with their new zealand only segments (entered in sites.rb)
Report.set_to_previous_month Report.back_to_report_month
Change the global date variables, and resets them
The @sites object is populated via the array in @/lib/community_usage/sites.rb
This is where you add new sites.
Sites have nil/true values for total (should the site be added to a total for the whole of the community?)
and for community – is the site supposed to be on the main display page for your report…
These can be usefully used as conditionals when looping through the sites.
There is also the slice hash {:total => '1219464740', :nz => '1687910005'}
All sites should have a :nz entry, which is their new zealand only analytics segment id.
Most sites should have :total set to nil, unless they require a segment always.
Make sure it is nil, because a lot of stats methods use some_site.slice[:total]?
to decide how to proceed.
Individual stats methods are in /lib/community_usage/stats.rb
. This is a mixin for the Site class. So the basic structure is:
Site, with its own stat getting methods mixed in, is included in the @@sites hash, which is shared by Reports, which are passed to Export methods.