This is a serverless, express, dynamoose boiler plate implementing single table design.
- Create an AWS Account
- Create an AWS Cognito User Pool
- Register a Route53 Domain
- Create a Public Route53 Hosted Zone
- Create an ACM Certificate for HTTPS termination
- Install Docker for local development
- Create AWS Access Keys
- Add AWS Access Keys to local Credentials file
: deployed aws environmentdev
: local development
Copy the sample.env
to a file called .env
and fill in the missing values.
npm install
docker compose up -d # Or use docker-compose for Linux
npm start
npm install
npm run deploy # deploys to an aws environment called "prod"
Cognito Authentication is built in to the prod deployment. An example curl
request with jq
to get a JWT:
First make sure jq is installed by running: which jq
. It should output the path to the installation if it is installed already.
export COGNITO_USERNAME=<your username>
export COGNITO_PASSWORD=<your password>
export COGNITO_CLIENT_ID=<cognito application client id>
export AWS_REGION=<the region in which you deployed your api>
export JWT_TOKEN=$(curl -X POST https://cognito-idp.$ \
-H 'Content-Type: application/x-amz-json-1.1' \
-H 'X-Amz-Target: AWSCognitoIdentityProviderService.InitiateAuth' \
--data "{\"AuthParameters\":{\"USERNAME\":\"$COGNITO_USERNAME\",\"PASSWORD\":\"$COGNITO_PASSWORD\"},\"AuthFlow\":\"USER_PASSWORD_AUTH\",\"ClientId\":\"$COGNITO_CLIENT_ID\"}" \
| jq -r '.AuthenticationResult.AccessToken')
# you can now make an authenticated request against your prod api:
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $JWT_TOKEN" <your-prod-api-url>
The IAM policy defined in serverless.yml
provides access to retrieve ssm parameters under a prefix pattern like /app/$STAGE/$APP_NAME
is set in the .env
import { SSM } from 'aws-sdk';
const ssm = new SSM();
// ...
async function getParameters() {
const { Parameters: parameters, NextToken } = await ssm.getParametersByPath({
Path: process.env.APP_NAME,
WithDecryption: true,
return parameters;