Smart dustbin, a combination of Microcontroller and Microprocessor to smartify daily life essential
The Smart Dustbin using a proximity sensor uses object detection, where the Proximity sensor is placed on top of the dustbin and when the sensor detects any object like a human hand, it will trigger the Micro Servo to open the lid.
- Automated Lid.
- LCD to display the level of trash.
- Alert notifications when filled to full capacity.
- Gps Based location of the Dustbin. note: GPS module only runs under the direct sky.
- Arduino UNO/Mega or MSP 430 Launchpad
- Micro Servo Motor
- HC-SR04 x2 Ultrasonic Distance Sensor
- RaspberryPi 3/4B with wifi connected
- NEO-6M GPS module
- Arduino IDE
- Python
- Android app: Pushbullet
Connect Arduino to Raspberry Pi using a USB cable. Install the .ino file to the microcontroller and run the python file on Raspberry pi GUI
A few changes may be required based on trials.