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Tutorial: compiling

coolhome edited this page Feb 24, 2013 · 1 revision


To compile ChesterGL you will need the following below.

  1. Python
  2. Java
  3. Closure Library
  4. Closure Compiler
  5. JSDoc Toolkit 2 (Only for generating docs)


The compiler is just simple python script in the root directory. All you have to do is set the correct locations of the libraries and execute it.

Considering you won't have everything installed in the same spot you will have to set different arguments. For example not everyone has python in there environment, you will set python directory using the option flag.

C:\Python27\python.exe -python C:\Python27\Python.exe

Here is a list of all the variables you can set.

Option Description Options Default
-mode Set's the compile type debug, release release
-fetch Fetches external files e.g. jQuery false, true true
-docs Generates the docs false, true false
-output, -o Directory to output files A directory ./html
-python File path to python A File python
-java File path to java A File java
-jsdoc Directory to JSDOc A directory /Applications/jsdoc-toolkit
-ccompiler Directory to closure compiler A directory /Applications/closure-compiler
-clib Directory to closure library A directory /Applications/closure-library
-cjar File name of the compiler in the closure compiler folder File name compiler,jar

Example command line

C:/Python27/python.exe -mode=release -output ./release -clib ./closure-library -ccompiler ./closure-library -jsdoc ../jsdoc-toolkit -python C:\python27\python.exe
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