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IOSurface iOS xcode9 beta1

Miguel de Icaza edited this page Jul 24, 2017 · 3 revisions



diff -ruN /Applications/ /Applications/
--- /Applications/	1969-12-31 19:00:00.000000000 -0500
+++ /Applications/	2017-05-28 01:06:44.000000000 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+ *  IOSurfaceBase.h
+ *  IOSurface
+ *
+ *  Copyright 2006-20016 Apple, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ */
+#include <sys/cdefs.h>
+#include <Availability.h>
+#include <TargetConditionals.h>
+#if !(defined(MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_13) || defined(__IPHONE_11_0)) || defined(IOSFC_BUILDING_IOSFC)
+#  define IOSFC_AVAILABLE_STARTING(_mac,_iphone)
+#  define IOSFC_AVAILABLE_BUT_DEPRECATED(_mac,_macDep,_iphone,_iphoneDep)
+#  define IOSFC_CLASS_AVAILABLE(a, b)
+#else /* !defined(IOSFC_BUILDING_IOSFC) */
+#endif /* !defined(IOSFC_BUILDING_IOSFC) */
+#if __has_feature(objc_class_property)
+#define IOSFC_SWIFT_NAME(name) __attribute__((swift_name(#name)))
+#define IOSFC_SWIFT_NAME(name)
+#include <mach/kern_return.h>
+#include <CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h>
+#include <xpc/xpc.h>
diff -ruN /Applications/ /Applications/
--- /Applications/	1969-12-31 19:00:00.000000000 -0500
+++ /Applications/	2017-05-30 01:25:49.000000000 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
+ *  IOSurfaceObjC.h
+ *  IOSurface Objective C Interface
+ *
+ *  Copyright 20016 Apple, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ */
+#define _IOSURFACE_OBJC_H 1
+#if defined(__OBJC__)
+#import <IOSurface/IOSurfaceTypes.h>
+#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
+#if !defined(NS_STRING_ENUM)
+typedef NSString *IOSurfacePropertyKey NS_STRING_ENUM;
+/* The following list of properties are used with the CFDictionary passed to IOSurfaceCreate(). */
+/* IOSurfacePropertyAllocSizeKey    - NSNumber of the total allocation size of the buffer including all planes.    
+   Defaults to BufferHeight * BytesPerRow if not specified.   Must be specified for
+   dimensionless buffers. */
+extern IOSurfacePropertyKey IOSurfacePropertyAllocSizeKey                   IOSFC_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_12, __IPHONE_10_0);
+/* IOSurfacePropertyKeyWidth  - NSNumber for the width of the IOSurface buffer in pixels.   Required for planar IOSurfaces. */
+extern IOSurfacePropertyKey IOSurfacePropertyKeyWidth                       IOSFC_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_12, __IPHONE_10_0);
+/* IOSurfacePropertyKeyHeight - NSNumber for the height of the IOSurface buffer in pixels.  Required for planar IOSurfaces. */
+extern IOSurfacePropertyKey IOSurfacePropertyKeyHeight                      IOSFC_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_12, __IPHONE_10_0);
+/* IOSurfacePropertyKeyBytesPerRow - NSNumber for the bytes per row of the buffer.   If not specified, IOSurface will first calculate
+   the number full elements required on each row (by rounding up), multiplied by the bytes per element for this surface.
+   That value will then be appropriately aligned. */
+extern IOSurfacePropertyKey IOSurfacePropertyKeyBytesPerRow	                 IOSFC_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_12, __IPHONE_10_0);
+/* Optional properties for non-planar two dimensional images */
+/* IOSurfacePropertyKeyBytesPerElement - NSNumber for the total number of bytes in an element.  Default to 1. */
+extern IOSurfacePropertyKey IOSurfacePropertyKeyBytesPerElement             IOSFC_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_12, __IPHONE_10_0);
+/* IOSurfacePropertyKeyElementWidth   - NSNumber for how many pixels wide each element is.   Defaults to 1. */ 
+extern IOSurfacePropertyKey IOSurfacePropertyKeyElementWidth                IOSFC_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_12, __IPHONE_10_0);
+/* IOSurfacePropertyKeyElementHeight  - NSNumber for how many pixels high each element is.   Defaults to 1. */ 
+extern IOSurfacePropertyKey IOSurfacePropertyKeyElementHeight               IOSFC_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_12, __IPHONE_10_0);
+/* IOSurfacePropertyKeyOffset - NSNumber for the starting offset into the buffer.  Defaults to 0. */
+extern IOSurfacePropertyKey IOSurfacePropertyKeyOffset                      IOSFC_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_12, __IPHONE_10_0);
+/* Properties for planar surface buffers */
+/* IOSurfacePropertyKeyPlaneInfo    - NSArray describing each image plane in the buffer as a CFDictionary.   The CFArray must have at least one entry. */
+extern IOSurfacePropertyKey IOSurfacePropertyKeyPlaneInfo                   IOSFC_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_12, __IPHONE_10_0);
+/* IOSurfacePropertyKeyPlaneWidth  - NSNumber for the width of this plane in pixels.  Required for image planes. */
+extern IOSurfacePropertyKey IOSurfacePropertyKeyPlaneWidth                  IOSFC_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_12, __IPHONE_10_0);
+/* IOSurfacePropertyKeyPlaneHeight  - NSNumber for the height of this plane in pixels.  Required for image planes. */
+extern IOSurfacePropertyKey IOSurfacePropertyKeyPlaneHeight	                 IOSFC_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_12, __IPHONE_10_0);
+/* IOSurfacePropertyKeyPlaneBytesPerRow    - NSNumber for the bytes per row of this plane.  If not specified, IOSurface will first calculate
+   the number full elements required on each row (by rounding up), multiplied by the bytes per element for this plane.  
+   That value will then be appropriately aligned. */
+extern IOSurfacePropertyKey IOSurfacePropertyKeyPlaneBytesPerRow            IOSFC_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_12, __IPHONE_10_0);
+/* IOSurfacePropertyKeyPlaneOffset  - NSNumber for the offset into the buffer for this plane.  If not specified then IOSurface
+   will lay out each plane sequentially based on the previous plane's allocation size. */
+extern IOSurfacePropertyKey IOSurfacePropertyKeyPlaneOffset	                 IOSFC_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_12, __IPHONE_10_0);
+/* IOSurfacePropertyKeyPlaneSize    - NSNumber for the total data size of this plane.  Defaults to plane height * plane bytes per row if not specified. */
+extern IOSurfacePropertyKey IOSurfacePropertyKeyPlaneSize                   IOSFC_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_12, __IPHONE_10_0);
+/* Optional properties for planar surface buffers */
+/* IOSurfacePropertyKeyPlaneBase    - NSNumber for the base offset into the buffer for this plane. Optional, defaults to the plane offset */
+extern IOSurfacePropertyKey IOSurfacePropertyKeyPlaneBase                   IOSFC_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_12, __IPHONE_10_0);
+/* IOSurfacePropertyKeyPlaneBytesPerElement    - NSNumber for the bytes per element of this plane.  Optional, default is 1. */
+extern IOSurfacePropertyKey IOSurfacePropertyKeyPlaneBytesPerElement        IOSFC_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_12, __IPHONE_10_0);
+/* IOSurfacePropertyKeyPlaneElementWidth    - NSNumber for the element width of this plane.  Optional, default is 1. */
+extern IOSurfacePropertyKey IOSurfacePropertyKeyPlaneElementWidth           IOSFC_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_12, __IPHONE_10_0);
+/* IOSurfacePropertyKeyPlaneElementHeight   - NSNumber for the element height of this plane.  Optional, default is 1. */
+extern IOSurfacePropertyKey IOSurfacePropertyKeyPlaneElementHeight          IOSFC_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_12, __IPHONE_10_0);
+/* Optional properties global to the entire IOSurface */
+/* IOSurfacePropertyKeyCacheMode		- NSNumber for the CPU cache mode to be used for the allocation.  Default is kIOMapDefaultCache. */
+extern IOSurfacePropertyKey IOSurfacePropertyKeyCacheMode                   IOSFC_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_12, __IPHONE_10_0);
+/* IOSurfacePropertyKeyPixelFormat - NSNumber	A 32-bit unsigned integer that stores the traditional Mac OS X buffer format  */
+extern IOSurfacePropertyKey IOSurfacePropertyKeyPixelFormat	                 IOSFC_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_12, __IPHONE_10_0);
+/* IOSurfacePropertyKeyPixelSizeCastingAllowed - If false the creator promises that there will be no pixel size casting when used on the GPU.  Default is true.  */
+extern IOSurfacePropertyKey IOSurfacePropertyKeyPixelSizeCastingAllowed     IOSFC_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_12, __IPHONE_10_0);
+// Note: IOSurface objects are "toll free bridged" to IOSurfaceRef objects
+@interface IOSurface : NSObject <NSSecureCoding>
+    void * _impl;
+/* Create a new IOSurface */
+- (nullable instancetype)initWithProperties:(NSDictionary <IOSurfacePropertyKey, id> *)properties;
+/* "Lock" or "Unlock" a IOSurface for reading or writing.
+    The term "lock" is used loosely in this context, and is simply used along with the
+    "unlock" information to put a bound on CPU access to the raw IOSurface data.
+    If the seed parameter is non-NULL, IOSurfaceLock() will store the buffer's
+    internal modification seed value at the time you made the lock call.   You can compare
+    this value to a value returned previously to determine of the contents of the buffer
+    has been changed since the last lock.
+    In the case of IOSurfaceUnlock(), the seed value returned will be the internal
+    seed value at the time of the unlock.  If you locked the buffer for writing, this value
+    will be incremented as the unlock is performed and the new value will be returned.
+    See the IOSurfacePropertyKeyLock enums for more information.
+    Note: Locking and unlocking a IOSurface is not a particularly cheap operation,
+    so care should be taken to avoid the calls whenever possible.   The seed values are 
+    particularly useful for keeping a cache of the buffer contents.
+- (kern_return_t)lockWithOptions:(IOSurfaceLockOptions)options seed:(nullable uint32_t *)seed;
+- (kern_return_t)unlockWithOptions:(IOSurfaceLockOptions)options seed:(nullable uint32_t *)seed;
+/* The total allocation size of the IOSurface */
+@property (readonly) NSInteger allocationSize;
+/* Basic surface layout information */
+@property (readonly) NSInteger width;
+@property (readonly) NSInteger height;
+@property (readonly) void *baseAddress NS_RETURNS_INNER_POINTER;
+@property (readonly) OSType pixelFormat;
+/* Note: These properties may not return well-defined values for planar surfaces */
+@property (readonly) NSInteger bytesPerRow;
+@property (readonly) NSInteger bytesPerElement;
+@property (readonly) NSInteger elementWidth;
+@property (readonly) NSInteger elementHeight;
+/* This will return the current seed value of the buffer and is a cheap property to read to see
+   if the contents of the buffer have changed since the last lock/unlock. */
+@property (readonly) uint32_t seed;
+/* Return the number of planes in this buffer.  Will be 0 if the surface is non-planar */
+@property (readonly) NSUInteger planeCount;
+/* These properties return information about a particular plane of a IOSurface.  They will
+   raise if called on non-planar surfaces or if the index value is not less than the number
+   of planes. */
+- (NSInteger)widthOfPlaneAtIndex:(NSUInteger)planeIndex;
+- (NSInteger)heightOfPlaneAtIndex:(NSUInteger)planeIndex;
+- (NSInteger)bytesPerRowOfPlaneAtIndex:(NSUInteger)planeIndex;
+- (NSInteger)bytesPerElementOfPlaneAtIndex:(NSUInteger)planeIndex;
+- (NSInteger)elementWidthOfPlaneAtIndex:(NSUInteger)planeIndex;
+- (NSInteger)elementHeightOfPlaneAtIndex:(NSUInteger)planeIndex;
+- (void *)baseAddressOfPlaneAtIndex:(NSUInteger)planeIndex NS_RETURNS_INNER_POINTER;
+/* These calls let you attach property list types to a IOSurface buffer.  These calls are 
+   expensive (they essentially must serialize the data into the kernel) and thus should be avoided whenever
+   possible.   Note:  These functions can not be used to change the underlying surface properties. */
+- (void)setAttachment:(id)anObject forKey:(NSString *)key;
+- (nullable id)attachmentForKey:(NSString *)key;
+- (void)removeAttachmentForKey:(NSString *)key;
+- (void)setAllAttachments:(NSDictionary *)dict;
+- (nullable NSDictionary *)allAttachments;
+- (void)removeAllAttachments;
+/* There are cases where it is useful to know whether or not an IOSurface buffer is considered to be "in use"
+   by other users of the same IOSurface.  In particular, CoreVideo and other APIs make use of the IOSurface
+   use count facility to know when it is safe to recycle an IOSurface backed CVPixelBuffer object.  This is
+   particularly important when IOSurface objects are being shared across process boundaries and the normal
+   mechanisms one might use would not be viable.
+   The IOSurface use count is similar in concept to any other reference counting scheme.  When the global use
+   count of an IOSurface goes to zero, it is no longer considered "in use".   When it is anything other than
+   zero, then the IOSurface is still "in use" by someone and therefore anyone attempting to maintain a pool
+   of IOSurfaces to be recycled should not reclaim that IOSurface.
+   Note that IOSurface maintains both a per-process and an internal system wide usage count.   In the current
+   implementation, when the per-process usage count goes from zero to one, the system wide usage count is
+   incremented by one.   When the per-process usage count drops back to zero (either via explicit decrement
+   calls or the process terminates), the global usage count is decremented by one. */
+@property (readonly, getter = isInUse) BOOL inUse;
+- (void)incrementUseCount;
+- (void)decrementUseCount;
+/* The localUseCount property returns the local per-process usage count for an IOSurface.  This call is only
+   provided for logging/debugging purposes and should never be used to determine whether an IOSurface is
+   considered to be "in use".   The isInUse property is the only call that should be used for that purpose. */
+@property (readonly ) int32_t localUseCount;
+/* This property returns YES if it is legal to choose an OpenGL or Metal pixel format with a bytes per pixel
+value that is different than the bytesPerElement value(s) of this IOSurface.  Returns NO if the bytes per pixel
+value must be an exact match. */
+@property (readonly) BOOL allowsPixelSizeCasting;
+/* See comments in IOSurfaceAPI.h */
+- (kern_return_t)setPurgeable:(IOSurfacePurgeabilityState)newState oldState:(IOSurfacePurgeabilityState * __nullable)oldState
diff -ruN /Applications/ /Applications/
--- /Applications/	1969-12-31 19:00:00.000000000 -0500
+++ /Applications/	2017-05-28 01:06:44.000000000 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,436 @@
+ *  IOSurfaceRef.h
+ *  IOSurface
+ *
+ *  Copyright 2006-2016 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ */
+#define _IOSURFACE_REF_H 1
+#include <IOSurface/IOSurfaceBase.h>
+#include <IOSurface/IOSurfaceTypes.h>
+typedef struct CF_BRIDGED_TYPE(id) __IOSurface *IOSurfaceRef IOSFC_SWIFT_NAME(IOSurfaceRef);
+/* The following list of properties are used with the CFDictionary passed to IOSurfaceCreate(). */
+/* kIOSurfaceAllocSize    - CFNumber of the total allocation size of the buffer including all planes.    
+				    Defaults to BufferHeight * BytesPerRow if not specified.   Must be specified for
+				    dimensionless buffers. */
+extern const CFStringRef kIOSurfaceAllocSize					IOSFC_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_6, __IPHONE_3_0);
+/* kIOSurfaceWidth  - CFNumber for the width of the IOSurface buffer in pixels.   Required for planar IOSurfaces. */
+extern const CFStringRef kIOSurfaceWidth					IOSFC_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_6, __IPHONE_3_0);
+/* kIOSurfaceHeight - CFNumber for the height of the IOSurface buffer in pixels.  Required for planar IOSurfaces. */
+extern const CFStringRef kIOSurfaceHeight					IOSFC_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_6, __IPHONE_3_0);
+/* kIOSurfaceBytesPerRow - CFNumber for the bytes per row of the buffer.   If not specified, IOSurface will first calculate
+   the number full elements required on each row (by rounding up), multiplied by the bytes per element
+   for this buffer.   That value will then be appropriately aligned. */
+extern const CFStringRef kIOSurfaceBytesPerRow					IOSFC_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_6, __IPHONE_3_0);
+/* Optional properties for non-planar two dimensional images */
+/* kIOSurfaceBytesPerElement - CFNumber for the total number of bytes in an element.  Default to 1. */
+extern const CFStringRef kIOSurfaceBytesPerElement				IOSFC_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_6, __IPHONE_3_0);
+/* kIOSurfaceElementWidth   - CFNumber for how many pixels wide each element is.   Defaults to 1. */ 
+extern const CFStringRef kIOSurfaceElementWidth					IOSFC_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_6, __IPHONE_3_0);
+/* kIOSurfaceElementHeight  - CFNumber for how many pixels high each element is.   Defaults to 1. */ 
+extern const CFStringRef kIOSurfaceElementHeight				IOSFC_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_6, __IPHONE_3_0);
+/* kIOSurfaceOffset - CFNumber for the starting offset into the buffer.  Defaults to 0. */
+extern const CFStringRef kIOSurfaceOffset					IOSFC_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_6, __IPHONE_3_0);
+/* Properties for planar surface buffers */
+/* kIOSurfacePlaneInfo    - CFArray describing each image plane in the buffer as a CFDictionary.   The CFArray must have at least one entry. */
+extern const CFStringRef kIOSurfacePlaneInfo					IOSFC_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_6, __IPHONE_3_0);
+/* kIOSurfacePlaneWidth  - CFNumber for the width of this plane in pixels.  Required for image planes. */
+extern const CFStringRef kIOSurfacePlaneWidth					IOSFC_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_6, __IPHONE_3_0);
+/* kIOSurfacePlaneHeight  - CFNumber for the height of this plane in pixels.  Required for image planes. */
+extern const CFStringRef kIOSurfacePlaneHeight					IOSFC_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_6, __IPHONE_3_0);
+/* kIOSurfacePlaneBytesPerRow    - CFNumber for the bytes per row of this plane.  If not specified, IOSurface will first calculate
+   the number full elements required on each row (by rounding up), multiplied by the bytes per element
+   for this plane.   That value will then be appropriately aligned. */
+extern const CFStringRef kIOSurfacePlaneBytesPerRow				IOSFC_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_6, __IPHONE_3_0);
+/* kIOSurfacePlaneOffset  - CFNumber for the offset into the buffer for this plane.  If not specified then IOSurface
+   will lay out each plane sequentially based on the previous plane's allocation size. */
+extern const CFStringRef kIOSurfacePlaneOffset					IOSFC_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_6, __IPHONE_3_0);
+/* kIOSurfacePlaneSize    - CFNumber for the total data size of this plane.  Defaults to plane height * plane bytes per row if not specified. */
+extern const CFStringRef kIOSurfacePlaneSize					IOSFC_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_6, __IPHONE_3_0);
+/* Optional properties for planar surface buffers */
+/* kIOSurfacePlaneBase    - CFNumber for the base offset into the buffer for this plane. Optional, defaults to the plane offset */
+extern const CFStringRef kIOSurfacePlaneBase					IOSFC_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_6, __IPHONE_3_0);
+/* kIOSurfacePlaneBitsPerElement    - CFNumber for the bits per element of this plane.  Optional, default is 1. 
+   For use in cases where kIOSurfacePlaneBytesPerElement doesn't allow sufficient precision. */
+extern const CFStringRef kIOSurfacePlaneBitsPerElement				IOSFC_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_13, __IPHONE_11_0);
+/* kIOSurfacePlaneBytesPerElement    - CFNumber for the bytes per element of this plane.  Optional, default is 1. */
+extern const CFStringRef kIOSurfacePlaneBytesPerElement				IOSFC_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_6, __IPHONE_3_0);
+/* kIOSurfacePlaneElementWidth    - CFNumber for the element width of this plane.  Optional, default is 1. */
+extern const CFStringRef kIOSurfacePlaneElementWidth				IOSFC_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_6, __IPHONE_3_0);
+/* kIOSurfacePlaneElementHeight   - CFNumber for the element height of this plane.  Optional, default is 1. */
+extern const CFStringRef kIOSurfacePlaneElementHeight				IOSFC_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_6, __IPHONE_3_0);
+/* Optional properties global to the entire IOSurface */
+/* kIOSurfaceCacheMode		- CFNumber for the CPU cache mode to be used for the allocation.  Default is kIOMapDefaultCache. */
+extern const CFStringRef kIOSurfaceCacheMode					IOSFC_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_6, __IPHONE_3_0);
+/* kIOSurfaceIsGlobal - CFBoolean     If true, the IOSurface may be looked up by any task in the system by its ID. */
+extern const CFStringRef kIOSurfaceIsGlobal					IOSFC_AVAILABLE_BUT_DEPRECATED(__MAC_10_6, __MAC_10_11, __IPHONE_3_0, __IPHONE_9_0);
+/* kIOSurfacePixelFormat - CFNumber	A 32-bit unsigned integer that stores the traditional Mac OS X buffer format  */
+extern const CFStringRef kIOSurfacePixelFormat					IOSFC_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_6, __IPHONE_3_0);
+/* kIOSurfacePixelSizeCastingAllowed - If false the creator promises that there will be no pixel size casting when used on the GPU.  Default is true.  */
+extern const CFStringRef kIOSurfacePixelSizeCastingAllowed					IOSFC_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_12, __IPHONE_10_0);
+/* kIOSurfacePlaneComponentBitDepths   - CFArray[CFNumber] for bit depth of each component in this plane. */
+extern const CFStringRef kIOSurfacePlaneComponentBitDepths		IOSFC_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_13, __IPHONE_11_0);
+/* kIOSurfacePlaneComponentBitOffsets   - CFArray[CFNumber] for bit offset of each component in this plane, (low bit zero, high bit 7). For example 'BGRA' would be {0, 8, 16, 24} */
+extern const CFStringRef kIOSurfacePlaneComponentBitOffsets		IOSFC_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_13, __IPHONE_11_0);
+typedef CF_ENUM(int32_t, IOSurfaceComponentName) {
+	kIOSurfaceComponentNameUnknown = 0,
+	kIOSurfaceComponentNameAlpha = 1,
+	kIOSurfaceComponentNameRed = 2,
+	kIOSurfaceComponentNameGreen = 3,
+	kIOSurfaceComponentNameBlue = 4,
+	kIOSurfaceComponentNameLuma = 5,
+	kIOSurfaceComponentNameChromaRed = 6,
+	kIOSurfaceComponentNameChromaBlue = 7,
+/* kIOSurfacePlaneComponentNames   - CFArray[CFNumber] for IOSurfaceComponentName of each component in this plane. 
+    For example 'BGRA' would be {4, 3, 2, 1} */
+extern const CFStringRef kIOSurfacePlaneComponentNames		IOSFC_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_13, __IPHONE_11_0);
+typedef CF_ENUM(int32_t, IOSurfaceComponentType) {
+	kIOSurfaceComponentTypeUnknown = 0,
+	kIOSurfaceComponentTypeUnsignedInteger = 1,
+	kIOSurfaceComponentTypeSignedInteger = 2,
+	kIOSurfaceComponentTypeFloat = 3,
+/* kIOSurfacePlaneComponentTypes   - CFArray[CFNumber] for IOSurfaceComponentType of each component in this plane. */
+extern const CFStringRef kIOSurfacePlaneComponentTypes		IOSFC_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_13, __IPHONE_11_0);
+typedef CF_ENUM(int32_t, IOSurfaceComponentRange) {
+	kIOSurfaceComponentRangeUnknown = 0,
+	kIOSurfaceComponentRangeFullRange = 1,
+	kIOSurfaceComponentRangeVideoRange = 2,
+	kIOSurfaceComponentRangeWideRange = 3,
+/* kIOSurfacePlaneComponentRanges   - CFArray[CFNumber] for IOSurfaceComponentRange of each component in this plane. */
+extern const CFStringRef kIOSurfacePlaneComponentRanges		IOSFC_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_13, __IPHONE_11_0);
+typedef CF_ENUM(int32_t, IOSurfaceSubsampling) {
+	kIOSurfaceSubsamplingUnknown = 0,
+	kIOSurfaceSubsamplingNone = 1, // Includes "4:4:4"
+	kIOSurfaceSubsampling422 = 2, // Chroma downsampled by 2x1
+	kIOSurfaceSubsampling420 = 3, // Chroma downsampled by 2x2
+	kIOSurfaceSubsampling411 = 4, // Chroma downsampled by 4x1
+/* kIOSurfaceSubsampling   - CFNumber(IOSurfaceSubsampling) describing the chroma subsampling. */
+extern const CFStringRef kIOSurfaceSubsampling		IOSFC_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_13, __IPHONE_11_0);
+CFTypeID IOSurfaceGetTypeID(void)
+/* Create a brand new IOSurface object */
+IOSurfaceRef _Nullable IOSurfaceCreate(CFDictionaryRef properties)
+/* Perform an atomic lookup and retain of a IOSurface by its IOSurfaceID.
+   Note: Performing multiple lookups of the same IOSurface will *NOT* return
+   the same IOSurfaceRef.   If you need to compare two IOSurface objects
+   for equality, you must either do so by comparing their IOSurfaceIDs, or by 
+   using CFEqual(). */
+IOSurfaceRef _Nullable IOSurfaceLookup(IOSurfaceID csid) CF_RETURNS_RETAINED
+/* Retrieve the unique IOSurfaceID value for a IOSurface */
+IOSurfaceID IOSurfaceGetID(IOSurfaceRef buffer)
+/* "Lock" or "Unlock" a IOSurface for reading or writing.
+    The term "lock" is used loosely in this context, and is simply used along with the
+    "unlock" information to put a bound on CPU access to the raw IOSurface data.
+    If the seed parameter is non-NULL, IOSurfaceLock() will store the buffer's
+    internal modification seed value at the time you made the lock call.   You can compare
+    this value to a value returned previously to determine of the contents of the buffer
+    has been changed since the last lock.
+    In the case of IOSurfaceUnlock(), the seed value returned will be the internal
+    seed value at the time of the unlock.  If you locked the buffer for writing, this value
+    will be incremented as the unlock is performed and the new value will be returned.
+    See the kIOSurfaceLock enums for more information.
+    Note: Locking and unlocking a IOSurface is not a particularly cheap operation,
+    so care should be taken to avoid the calls whenever possible.   The seed values are 
+    particularly useful for keeping a cache of the buffer contents.
+kern_return_t IOSurfaceLock(IOSurfaceRef buffer, IOSurfaceLockOptions options, uint32_t * _Nullable seed)
+kern_return_t IOSurfaceUnlock(IOSurfaceRef buffer, IOSurfaceLockOptions options, uint32_t * _Nullable seed)
+/* These routines are all fairly self explanatory.  0 is returned if buffer is invalid or NULL */
+size_t IOSurfaceGetAllocSize(IOSurfaceRef buffer)
+size_t IOSurfaceGetWidth(IOSurfaceRef buffer)
+size_t IOSurfaceGetHeight(IOSurfaceRef buffer)
+size_t IOSurfaceGetBytesPerElement(IOSurfaceRef buffer)
+size_t IOSurfaceGetBytesPerRow(IOSurfaceRef buffer)
+void *IOSurfaceGetBaseAddress(IOSurfaceRef buffer)
+size_t IOSurfaceGetElementWidth(IOSurfaceRef buffer)
+size_t IOSurfaceGetElementHeight(IOSurfaceRef buffer)
+OSType IOSurfaceGetPixelFormat(IOSurfaceRef buffer)
+/* This will return the current seed value of the buffer and is a cheap call to make to see
+   if the contents of the buffer have changed since the last lock/unlock. */
+uint32_t IOSurfaceGetSeed(IOSurfaceRef buffer)
+/* Return the number of planes in this buffer.  May be 0.   Returns 0 for an invalid or NULL buffer pointer. */
+size_t IOSurfaceGetPlaneCount(IOSurfaceRef buffer)
+/* These routines return information about a particular plane of a IOSurface.   
+   If the planeIndex is greater than or equal to the plane count of the IOSurface, zero
+   is returned.... with one exception.   If this IOSurface has zero planes and a planeIndex
+   of zero is passed in, the routines function just like the non-planar APIs.  This is to allow
+   higher level code to treat planar and non-planar buffers is a more uniform fashion. */
+size_t IOSurfaceGetWidthOfPlane(IOSurfaceRef buffer, size_t planeIndex)
+size_t IOSurfaceGetHeightOfPlane(IOSurfaceRef buffer, size_t planeIndex)
+size_t IOSurfaceGetBytesPerElementOfPlane(IOSurfaceRef buffer, size_t planeIndex)
+size_t IOSurfaceGetBytesPerRowOfPlane(IOSurfaceRef buffer, size_t planeIndex)
+void *IOSurfaceGetBaseAddressOfPlane(IOSurfaceRef buffer, size_t planeIndex)
+size_t IOSurfaceGetElementWidthOfPlane(IOSurfaceRef buffer, size_t planeIndex)
+size_t IOSurfaceGetElementHeightOfPlane(IOSurfaceRef buffer, size_t planeIndex)
+/* These routines return information about a particular component of a particular plane of a IOSurface.
+ For non-planar IOSurfaces, pass zero for planeIndex. */
+size_t IOSurfaceGetNumberOfComponentsOfPlane(IOSurfaceRef buffer, size_t planeIndex)
+IOSurfaceComponentName IOSurfaceGetNameOfComponentOfPlane(IOSurfaceRef buffer, size_t planeIndex, size_t componentIndex)
+IOSurfaceComponentType IOSurfaceGetTypeOfComponentOfPlane(IOSurfaceRef buffer, size_t planeIndex, size_t componentIndex)
+IOSurfaceComponentRange IOSurfaceGetRangeOfComponentOfPlane(IOSurfaceRef buffer, size_t planeIndex, size_t componentIndex)
+size_t IOSurfaceGetBitDepthOfComponentOfPlane(IOSurfaceRef buffer, size_t planeIndex, size_t componentIndex)
+size_t IOSurfaceGetBitOffsetOfComponentOfPlane(IOSurfaceRef buffer, size_t planeIndex, size_t componentIndex)
+IOSurfaceSubsampling IOSurfaceGetSubsampling(IOSurfaceRef buffer)
+/* These  calls let you attach CF property list types to a IOSurface buffer.  These calls are
+   expensive (they essentially must serialize the data into the kernel) and thus should be avoided whenever
+   possible.   Note:  These functions can not be used to change the underlying surface properties. */
+void IOSurfaceSetValue(IOSurfaceRef buffer, CFStringRef key, CFTypeRef value)
+CFTypeRef _Nullable IOSurfaceCopyValue(IOSurfaceRef buffer, CFStringRef key)
+void IOSurfaceRemoveValue(IOSurfaceRef buffer, CFStringRef key)
+/* Bulk setters and getters for setting, retrieving or removing the entire
+   set of values at once .*/
+void IOSurfaceSetValues(IOSurfaceRef buffer, CFDictionaryRef keysAndValues)
+CFDictionaryRef _Nullable IOSurfaceCopyAllValues(IOSurfaceRef buffer)
+void IOSurfaceRemoveAllValues(IOSurfaceRef buffer)
+/* This call lets you get a mach_port_t that holds a reference to the IOSurface. This is useful 
+   if you need to atomically or securely pass an IOSurface to another task without making the surface global to
+   the entire system.  The returned port must be deallocated with mach_port_deallocate or the equivalent.  
+   Note: Any live mach ports created from an IOSurfaceRef implicity increase the IOSurface's global use
+   count by one until the port is deleted. */
+mach_port_t IOSurfaceCreateMachPort(IOSurfaceRef buffer)
+/* This call lets you take a mach_port_t created via IOSurfaceCreatePort() and recreate an IOSurfaceRef from it.
+   Note: This call does NOT destroy the port. */
+IOSurfaceRef _Nullable IOSurfaceLookupFromMachPort(mach_port_t port) CF_RETURNS_RETAINED
+   IOSurfaceGetPropertyMaximum() will return the maximum of a given property that is guaranteed to be 
+   compatible with all of the current devices (GPUs, etc.) in the system.   The most important ones being:
+   kIOSurfaceBytesPerRow
+   kIOSurfaceWidth
+   kIOSurfaceHeight
+   kIOSurfacePlaneBytesPerRow
+   kIOSurfacePlaneWidth
+   kIOSurfacePlaneHeight
+   For the width and height properties, the maximum values are the largest that are guaranteed to work
+   for both reading and writing.   In OpenGL terms this translates into the largest size that will work
+   for both textures and render targets.
+   This function returns 0 for properties that have no predefined limit or where the concept of a limit
+   would be considered invalid (such as kIOSurfacePixelFormat).
+size_t	IOSurfaceGetPropertyMaximum(CFStringRef property)
+   If a property has a particular alignment requirement, then IOSurfaceGetPropertyAlignment() will return it.  
+   If the property has no alignment requirement then 1 will be returned.   The following properties 
+   should always be aligned if you choose calculate them yourself:
+   kIOSurfaceBytesPerRow
+   kIOSurfaceOffset
+   kIOSurfacePlaneBase
+   kIOSurfacePlaneOffset
+   kIOSurfacePlaneBytesPerRow
+size_t	IOSurfaceGetPropertyAlignment(CFStringRef property)
+/* This is a convenience function to automatically align property values.  For properties with no alignment
+   requirements, the original value will be returned. */
+size_t	IOSurfaceAlignProperty(CFStringRef property, size_t value)
+/* There are cases where it is useful to know whether or not an IOSurface buffer is considered to be "in use"
+   by other users of the same IOSurface.  In particular, CoreVideo and other APIs make use of the IOSurface
+   use count facility to know when it is safe to recycle an IOSurface backed CVPixelBuffer object.  This is
+   particularly important when IOSurface objects are being shared across process boundaries and the normal
+   mechanisms one might use would not be viable.
+   The IOSurface use count is similar in concept to any other reference counting scheme.  When the global use
+   count of an IOSurface goes to zero, it is no longer considered "in use".   When it is anything other than
+   zero, then the IOSurface is still "in use" by someone and therefore anyone attempting to maintain a pool
+   of IOSurfaces to be recycled should not reclaim that IOSurface.
+   Note that IOSurface maintains both a per-process and an internal system wide usage count.   In the current
+   implementation, when the per-process usage count goes from zero to one, the system wide usage count is
+   incremented by one.   When the per-process usage count drops back to zero (either via explicit decrement
+   calls or the process terminates), the global usage count is decremented by one.
+   IOSurfaceGetUseCount() returns the local per-process usage count for an IOSurface.  This call is only
+   provided for logging/debugging purposes and should never be used to determine whether an IOSurface is
+   considered to be "in use".   IOSurfaceIsInUse() is the only call that should be used for that purpose. */
+/* Increment the per-process usage count for an IOSurface */
+void IOSurfaceIncrementUseCount(IOSurfaceRef buffer)
+/* Decrement the per-process usage count for an IOSurface */
+void IOSurfaceDecrementUseCount(IOSurfaceRef buffer)
+/* Return the per-process usage count for an IOSurface */
+int32_t IOSurfaceGetUseCount(IOSurfaceRef buffer)
+/* Returns true of an IOSurface is in use by any process in the system, otherwise false. */
+Boolean IOSurfaceIsInUse(IOSurfaceRef buffer)
+/* Rerturns true if this IOSurface allows pixel size casting */
+Boolean IOSurfaceAllowsPixelSizeCasting(IOSurfaceRef buffer)
+// This acts pretty much exactly like the Mach vm_purgeable object stuff does.
+// Note: Higher level OpenGL and/or Metal based purgeability APIs should not be used for
+// texture objects backed by IOSurfaces since they will essentially be ignored.
+// You should assume that if you mark an IOSurface as Purgeable/Empty and mark it
+// NonVolatile and it comes back with the old state being Empty that any texture
+// objects bound to the IOSurface now have undefined content in them.
+// If oldState is non-NULL, it will return the previous state of the IOSurface.
+// kIOSurfacePurgeableNonVolatile - The IOSurface was not volatile and the contents are still valid
+// kIOSurfacePurgeableVolatile    - The IOSurface was volatile, but the contents were not discarded
+// kIOSurfacePurgeableEmpty       - The IOSurface was empty and the contents have been discarded.
+// kIOSurfacePurgeableKeepCurrent - Don't change the current status, just return what the state is now.
+kern_return_t IOSurfaceSetPurgeable(IOSurfaceRef buffer, uint32_t newState, uint32_t * __nullable oldState)
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+ *  IOSurfaceTypes.h
+ *  IOSurface
+ *
+ *  Copyright 2006-20016 Apple, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ */
+#include <IOSurface/IOSurfaceBase.h>
+typedef uint32_t IOSurfaceID;
+typedef CF_OPTIONS(uint32_t, IOSurfaceLockOptions)
+	// If you are not going to modify the data while you hold the lock, you should set this flag to avoid invalidating
+	// any existing caches of the buffer contents.  This flag should be passed both to the lock and unlock functions.
+	// Non-symmetrical usage of this flag will result in undefined behavior.
+	kIOSurfaceLockReadOnly  =		0x00000001,
+	// If you want to detect/avoid a potentially expensive paging operation (such as readback from a GPU to system memory)
+	// when you lock the buffer, you may include this flag.   If locking the buffer requires a readback, the lock will
+	// fail with an error return of kIOReturnCannotLock.
+	kIOSurfaceLockAvoidSync =		0x00000002,
+typedef CF_OPTIONS(uint32_t, IOSurfacePurgeabilityState)
+	kIOSurfacePurgeableNonVolatile = 0,	// Mark the IOSurface as non-volatile
+	kIOSurfacePurgeableVolatile = 1,	// Mark the IOSurface as volatile (contents may be thrown away)
+	kIOSurfacePurgeableEmpty = 2,		// Throw away the contents of the IOSurface immediately
+	kIOSurfacePurgeableKeepCurrent = 3,	// Keep the current setting (useful for returning current status info)
+** Note: Write-combined memory is optimized for resources that the CPU writes into, but never reads. 
+** On some implementations, writes may bypass caches, which avoids cache pollution. Read actions may perform very poorly.
+** Applications should investigate changing the cache mode only if writing to normally cached buffers is known to cause
+** performance issues due to cache pollution, as write-combined memory can have surprising performance pitfalls.
+enum {
+    kIOSurfaceDefaultCache              = 0,
+    kIOSurfaceInhibitCache              = 1,
+    kIOSurfaceWriteThruCache            = 2,
+    kIOSurfaceCopybackCache             = 3,
+    kIOSurfaceWriteCombineCache         = 4,
+    kIOSurfaceCopybackInnerCache        = 5
+// IOSurface Memory mapping options (used with kIOSurfaceCacheMode or IOSurfacePropertyKeyCacheMode)
+enum {
+    kIOSurfaceMapCacheShift             = 8,
+    kIOSurfaceMapDefaultCache           = kIOSurfaceDefaultCache       << kIOSurfaceMapCacheShift,
+    kIOSurfaceMapInhibitCache           = kIOSurfaceInhibitCache       << kIOSurfaceMapCacheShift,
+    kIOSurfaceMapWriteThruCache         = kIOSurfaceWriteThruCache     << kIOSurfaceMapCacheShift,
+    kIOSurfaceMapCopybackCache          = kIOSurfaceCopybackCache      << kIOSurfaceMapCacheShift,
+    kIOSurfaceMapWriteCombineCache      = kIOSurfaceWriteCombineCache  << kIOSurfaceMapCacheShift,
+    kIOSurfaceMapCopybackInnerCache     = kIOSurfaceCopybackInnerCache << kIOSurfaceMapCacheShift,
+/* IOSurface APIs that return a kern_return_t will return either kIOSurfaceSuccess or an internal error code for failures */
+#define kIOSurfaceSuccess         KERN_SUCCESS            // OK
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