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MetalPerformanceShaders macOS xcode9 beta1

Vincent Dondain edited this page Jun 5, 2017 · 1 revision


diff -ruN /Applications/ /Applications/
--- /Applications/	1969-12-31 19:00:00.000000000 -0500
+++ /Applications/	2017-05-20 02:10:25.000000000 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,931 @@
+ *  @header MetalPerformanceShaders.h
+ *  @framework MetalPerformanceShaders
+ *
+ *  @copyright Copyright (c) 2015 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
+ */
+#import <MPSCore/MPSCore.h>
+#import <MPSImage/MPSImage.h>
+#import <MPSMatrix/MPSMatrix.h>
+#import <MPSNeuralNetwork/MPSNeuralNetwork.h>
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+ *  MPSSupportsMTLDevice
+ *  @abstract   Determine whether a MetalPerformanceShaders.framework  supports a MTLDevice.
+ *  @discussion Use this function to determine whether a MTLDevice can be used with interfaces in MetalPerformanceShaders.framework.
+ *  @param      device          A valid MTLDevice
+ *  @return     YES             The device is supported.
+ *              NO              The device is not supported
+ */
+BOOL    MPSSupportsMTLDevice( __nullable id <MTLDevice> device )  MPS_AVAILABLE_STARTING( macos(10.13), ios(9.0), tvos(9.0));
+//  These headers contain doxygen formatted documentation. They are human readable as is,
+//  but can be processed as such to make something a bit nicer looking.  Our version of
+//  the doxygen PDF output may be found in MetalPerformanceShaders.framework/Documentation:
+//      open `xcrun --show-sdk-path -sdk iphoneos9.0`/System/Library/Frameworks/MetalPerformanceShaders.framework/Documentation/MetalPerformanceShaders.pdf
+//  Associated man pages are installed in the SDKROOT.
+//      man -M `xcrun --show-sdk-path -sdk iphoneos9.0`/usr/share/man  MPSKernel
+/*! @mainpage Metal Shaders - High Performance Kernels on Metal
+ *  @section  section_introduction  Introduction
+ *
+ *  MetalPerformanceShaders.framework is a framework of highly optimized compute and graphics shaders that are
+ *  designed to integrate easily and efficiently into your Metal application.  These data-parallel 
+ *  primitives are specially tuned to take advantage of the unique hardware characteristics of each
+ *  iOS GPU to ensure optimal performance. Applications adopting MetalPerformanceShaders can be sure of achieving
+ *  optimal performance without needing to update their own hand-written shaders for each new iOS GPU 
+ *  generation. MetalPerformanceShaders can be used along with the application's existing Metal resources (such as 
+ *  the MTLCommandBuffer, MTLBuffer and MTLTexture objects) and shaders.
+ *
+ *  In iOS 9, MetalPerformanceShaders.framework provides a series of commonly-used image processing primitives for 
+ *  image effects on Metal textures.
+ *
+ *  In iOS 10, MetalPerformanceShaders.framework adds support for the following kernels:
+ *  -  collection of kernels to implement and run neural networks using previously obtained training data, on the GPU
+ *  -  new image processing filters to perform color-conversion and for building a gaussian pyramid
+ *
+ *  @subsection subsection_usingMPS  Using MPS
+ *  To use MPS:
+ *      link:     -framework MetalPerformanceShaders
+ *      include:  #include <MetalPerformanceShaders/MetalPerformanceShaders.h>
+ *
+ *      Advisory: MetalPerformanceShaders features are broken up into many subheaders which are
+ *                included by MetalPerformanceShaders.h.   The exact placement of interfaces in
+ *                headers is subject to change, as functionality in component sub-frameworks can
+ *                move into MPSCore.framework when the functionality needs to be shared by
+ *                multiple components when features are added. To avoid source level breakage,
+ *                #include the top level MetalPerformanceShaders.h header instead of lower
+ *                level headers.  iOS 11 already broke source compatibility for lower level headers
+ *                and future releases will probably do so again. The only supported method of
+ *                including MPS symbols is the top level framework header.
+ *
+ *  @section section_data    Data containers
+ *  @subsection subsection_metal_containers  MTLTextures and MTLBuffers
+ *
+ *  Most data operated on by Metal Performance Shaders must be in a portable data container appropriate
+ *  for use on the GPU, such as a MTLTexture, MTLBuffer or MPSImage.  The first two should be 
+ *  self-explanatory based on your previous experience with Metal.framework. MPS will use these
+ *  directly when it can.
+ *
+ *  Most MPSImage and MPSCNN filters operate only on floating-point or normalized texture formats.
+ *  If your data is in a UInteger or Integer MTLPixelFormat (e.g. MTLPixelFormatR8Uint as opposed
+ *  to MTLPixelFormatR8Unorm) then you may need to make a texture view of the texture to change
+ *  the type using [(id <MTLTexture>) newTextureViewWithPixelFormat:(MTLPixelFormat)pixelFormat],
+ *  to reinterpret the data to a normalized format of corresponding signedness and precision. In certain
+ *  cases such as thresholding corresponding adjustments (e.g. /255) may have to also be made to
+ *  parameters passed to the MPSKernel.
+ *
+ *  @subsection subsection_mpsimage  MPSImages
+ *  Convolutional neural networking (CNN) filters may need more than the four data channels that a
+ *  MTLTexture can provide. In these cases, the MPSImage is used instead as an abstraction
+ *  layer on top of a MTLTexture. When more than 4 channels are needed, additional textures in the texture2d 
+ *  array are added to hold additional channels in sets of four. The MPSImage tracks this information as the 
+ *  number of "feature channels" in an image.
+ *
+ *  @subsection subsection_mpstemporaryimage  MPSTemporaryImages
+ *  The MPSTemporaryImage (subclass of MPSImage) extends the MPSImage to provide advanced caching of
+ *  unused memory to increase performance and reduce memory footprint. They are intended as fast
+ *  GPU-only storage for intermediate image data needed only transiently within a single MTLCommandBuffer.
+ *  They accelerate the common case of image data which is created only to be consumed and destroyed
+ *  immediately by the next operation(s) in a MTLCommandBuffer.  MPSTemporaryImages provide convenient and 
+ *  simple way to save memory by automatically aliasing other MPSTemporaryImages in the MTLCommandBuffer.
+ *  Because they alias (share texel storage with) other textures in the same MTLCommandBuffer, the valid 
+ *  lifetime of the data in a MPSTeporaryImage is extremely short, limited to a portion of a MTLCommandBuffer. 
+ *  You can not read or write data to a MPSTemporaryImage using the CPU, or use the data in other MTLCommandBuffers.
+ *  Use regular MPSImages for more persistent storage.
+ *
+ *  @section section_discussion     The MPSKernel
+ *
+ *  The MPSKernel is the base class for all MPS kernels. It defines baseline behavior for all MPS 
+ *  kernels, declaring the device to run the kernel on, some debugging options and a user-friendly
+ *  label, should one be required. From this are derived the MPSUnaryImageKernel and MPSBinaryImageKernel
+ *  sub-classes which define shared behavior for most image processing kernels (filters) such as
+ *  edging modes, clipping and tiling support for image operations that consume one or two source textures.
+ *  Neither these or the MPSKernel are typically be used directly. They just provide API abstraction
+ *  and in some cases may allow some level of polymorphic manipulation of MPS image kernel objects.
+ *
+ *  Subclasses of the MPSUnaryImageKernel and MPSBinaryImageKernel provide specialized -init and -encode 
+ *  methods to encode various image processing primitives into your MTLCommandBuffer, and may also
+ *  provide additional configurable properties on their own. Many such image filters are available:
+ *  There are convolutions (generic, box, Sobel, and Gaussian) to do edge detection, sharpening and 
+ *  blurring, morphological operators -- Min, Max, Dilate and Erode -- and histogram operations. 
+ *  In addition, there are median, resampling filters and others. All of these run on the GPU directly 
+ *  on MTLTextures and MTLBuffers.
+ *
+ *  As the MPSKernel/MPSUnaryImageKernel/MPSBinaryImageKernel classes serve to unify a diversity of image
+ *  operations into a simple consistent interface and calling sequence to apply image filters, 
+ *  subclasses implement details that diverge from the norm. For example, some filters may take a small 
+ *  set of parameters (e.g. a convolution kernel) to govern how they function. However, the overall 
+ *  sequence for using MPSKernel subclasses remains the same:
+ *
+ *  -#  Allocate the usual Metal objects: MTLDevice, MTLCommandQueue, and MTLCommandBuffer 
+ *      to drive a Metal compute pipeline. If your application already uses Metal, chances are you 
+ *      have most of these things already. MPS will fit right in to this workflow. It can 
+ *      encode onto MTLCommandBuffers inline with your own workload.
+ *
+ *  -#  Create an appropriate MPSKernel object. For example, if you want to do a Gaussian blur, make
+ *      a MPSImageGaussianBlur object.  MPSKernel objects are generally light weight but can be reused
+ *      to save some setup time. They can not be used by multiple threads concurrently, so if you
+ *      are using Metal from many threads concurrently, make extra MPSKernel objects. MPSKernel objects
+ *      conform to <NSCopying>.
+ *
+ *  -#  Call [MPSKernelSubclass  encodeToCommandBuffer:...]. Parameters for other -encode... calls
+ *      vary by filter type, but operate similarly. They create a MTLCommandEncoder, write commands to 
+ *      run the filter into the MTLCommandBuffer and then end the MTLCommandEncoder.  This means
+ *      you must call -endEncoding on your current MTLCommandEncoder before calling a MPSKernel encode
+ *      method. You can at this point release the MPSKernel or keep it around to use again to save
+ *      some setup cost.
+ *
+ *  -#  If you wish to encode futher commands of your own on the MTLCommandBuffer, you must
+ *      create a new MTLCommandEncoder to do so.  
+ *
+ *  -#  (Standard Metal) When you are done with the MTLCommandBuffer, submit it to the device using
+ *      typical Metal commands, such as [MTLCommandBuffer commit]. The MPS filter will begin
+ *      running on the GPU. You can either use [MTLCommandBuffer waitUntilCompleted] or
+ *      [MTLCommandBuffer addCompletedHandler:] to be notified when the work is done.
+ *
+ *  Each MPSKernel is allocated against a particular MTLDevice. A single filter may not be used with
+ *  multiple MTLDevices. (You will need to make multiple MPSKernels for that.) This is necessary because
+ *  the [MPSKernel initWithDevice:...] methods sometimes allocate MTLBuffers and MTLTextures to hold
+ *  data passed in as parameters to the -init method and a MTLDevice is required to make those. MPSKernels
+ *  provide a copy method that allow them to be copied for a new device.
+ *
+ *  MPSKernel objects are not entirely thread safe. While they may be used in a multithreaded context,
+ *  you should not attempt to have multiple MPSKernel objects writing to the same MTLCommandBuffer at
+ *  the same time. They share restrictions with the MTLCommandEncoder in this regard. In limited
+ *  circumstances, the same MPSKernel can be used to write to multiple MTLCommandBuffers concurrently.
+ *  However, that only works if the MPSKernel is treated as an immutable object. That is, if MPSKernel
+ *  subclass properties of a shared filter are changed, then the change can be reflected on the other
+ *  thread while the other thread is encoding its work, leading to undefined behavior. It is generally
+ *  safest to just make copies of MPSKernel objects, one for each thread.
+ *
+ *  For more information, please see MPSTypes.h.
+ *
+ *  @subsection subsection_properties  MPS{Unary/Binary}ImageKernel properties
+ *  The MPS{Unary/Binary}ImageKernel base classes define several properties common to all MPSKernels:
+ *
+ *  @subsubsection  subsubsection_clipRect  MPSKernel clipRect
+ *  The clipRect property, common to MPSKernel sublcasses that write to a destination texture, describes
+ *  the sub-rectangle of the destination texture overwritten by the filter. If the clipRect is larger than
+ *  the destination texture, the intersection between the clipRect and destination texture bounds will be used.
+ *  The clipRect may be used to avoid doing work to obscured regions of the destination image, or to
+ *  manage tiling and to limit operations to parts of an image if for example, the user drew a rectangle
+ *  on the screen and asked you to just apply the filter there.
+ *
+ *      extern MTLRegion MPSRectNoClip; //Pass this rectangle to fill the entire destination texture.
+ *
+ *  @subsubsection  subsubsection_MPSoffset  MPSOffset
+ *  The offset (or primaryOffset or secondaryOffset) property, common to MPSKernel subclasses that 
+ *  use a source texture from which pixel data is read, describes the positioning of the source image
+ *  relative to the result texture. A offset of {0,0,0} indicates that the top left pixel of the source
+ *  texture is the center pixel used to  create the top left corner of the destination texture clipRect.
+ *  An offset of {1,2,0} positions the top left corner of the clipRect at {x=1, y=2, z=0} of the source
+ *  image. The offset is the position of the top left corner of the clipRect in the source coordinate
+ *  frame. It can be used for tiling and for translating an image up/down or left/right by pixel increments. 
+ *  If there is no clipRect then the offset is the top left corner of the region read by the filter.
+ *  If there are multiple source textures, then the primaryOffset describes the top left corner of the 
+ *  region read in the primary source texture. The secondaryOffset describes the top left corner of the
+ *  region read in the secondary source texture, and so forth.
+ *
+ *  @subsubsection  subsubsection_edgemode  MPSKernelEdgeMode
+ *  The edgeMode (or primaryEdgeMode or secondaryEdgeMode)describes the behavior of texture reads that
+ *  stray off the edge of the source image. This can happen if the offset is negative, meaning read
+ *  off the top or left edge of the image.  It can also happen if the clipRect.size + offset
+ *  is larger than the source image, meaning read off the bottom and right of the image. It is
+ *  also possible for filters that have a filter window that stretches to examine neighboring pixels,
+ *  such as convolution, morphology and resampling filters.  If there are multiple source textures, 
+ *  then the primaryEdgeMode describes the MPSKernelEdgeMode to use with primary source texture. 
+ *  The secondaryEdgeMode describes the MPSKernelEdgeMode to use with the secondary source texture, 
+ *  and so forth.
+ *
+ *      typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, MPSImageEdgeMode)
+ *
+ *      MPSImageEdgeModeZero       Out of bound pixels are (0,0,0,1) for image formats without
+ *                                      alpha channel and (0,0,0,0) for image with pixel format with an
+ *                                      alpha channel
+ *
+ *      MPSImageEdgeModeClamp      Out of bound pixels are clamped to nearest edge pixel
+ *
+ *  @subsubsection  subsubsection_options  MPSKernelOptions
+ *  Each MPSKernel takes a MPSKernelOptions bit mask to indicate various options to use when running the filter:
+ *
+ *      typedef NS_OPTIONS(NSUInteger, MPSKernelOptions)
+ *
+ *      MPSKernelOptionsNone                     Use default options
+ *
+ *      MPSKernelOptionsSkipAPIValidation        Do not spend time looking at parameters passed to MPS
+ *                                              for errors.
+ *
+ *      MPSKernelOptionsAllowReducedPrecision    When possible, MPSKernels use a higher precision data representation internally than
+ *                                              the destination storage format to avoid excessive accumulation of computational
+ *                                              rounding error in the result. MPSKernelOptionsAllowReducedPrecision advises the
+ *                                              MPSKernel that the destination storage format already has too much precision for
+ *                                              what is ultimately required downstream, and the MPSKernel may use reduced precision
+ *                                              internally when it feels that a less precise result would yield better performance.
+ *                                              When enabled, the precision of the result may vary by hardware and operating system.
+ *
+ *  @section subsection_availableFilters     Available MPSKernels
+ *
+ *  @subsection subsection_convolution  Image Convolution
+ *  @subsubsection subsubsection_kernel The Image Convolution Kernel
+ *  The convolution filter is at its simplest the weighted average of a pixel with its nearest neighbors.
+ *  The weights are provided by a convolution kernel.  The number and position of the nearest neighbors 
+ *  that are considered are given by the size of the convolution kernel. For example, a convolution kernel
+ *  might be the following 5x5 array of weights:
+ *  @code
+ *              1       2       3       2       1
+ *              2       4       6       4       2
+ *              3       6      [9]      6       3
+ *              2       4       6       4       2
+ *              1       2       3       2       1
+ *  @endcode
+ *  In order to calculate this 5x5 convolution result, one would multiply all of the pixels in the
+ *  image within (5/2=) 2 pixels of the desired pixel by its corresponding weight, add them up and divide by
+ *  a divisor to renormalize the results. Then, repeat for all other pixels in the area you wish to convolve.
+ *
+ *  For those MPS filters where the convolution kernel is passed in, you provide the kernel as a
+ *  normalized float array. That is, the kernel weights have the divisor already divided into them and
+ *  as a consequence should usually sum to 1.0. In our tent example above, the sum over the area of the kernel 
+ *  is 81, so one would normalize it as follows:
+ *  @code
+ *              1/81    2/81    3/81    2/81    1/81
+ *              2/81    4/81    6/81    4/81    2/81
+ *              3/81    6/81   [9/81]   6/81    3/81
+ *              2/81    4/81    6/81    4/81    2/81
+ *              1/81    2/81    3/81    2/81    1/81
+ *  @endcode
+ *  It is not strictly necessary that the filter weights add up to 1.0f.  Edge detection filters frequently add up
+ *  to zero. You may decide to have the area under the filter be a bit bigger or smaller than 1.0 to increase
+ *  or reduce the contrast in the result.
+ *
+ *  The MxN kernel is passed in as a 1-dimensional data array in row major order.
+ *
+ *  Some convolution filters also have a notion of a bias. This is a number to be added to the
+ *  result before it is written out to result texture. A bias might be used to uniformly brighten an image,
+ *  set a video range baseline (e.g. 0 might actually be encoded as 16/255) or to make negative signal
+ *  representable on a unorm image. 
+ *
+ *          A unorm image is an image comprised of unsigned normalized samples. A typical 8-bit image (e.g. 
+ *          MTLPixelFormatRGBA8Unorm) is a unorm image. It has unsigned samples that represent values between
+ *          [0,1]. In the case of MTLPixelFormatRGBA8Unorm, the encoding of 0 is 0, and the encoding of 1.0f
+ *          is UINT8_MAX (255).
+ *
+ *  @subsubsection subsubsection_box  The Box, Tent and Gaussian Filters
+ *  There are many different convolution kernel shapes which can produce different results. A kernel consisting
+ *  of all 1's is called a Box filter. It is very quick to calculate and may run nearly as fast as a texture
+ *  copy, even for very large blur radii. The blur effect that you get, however, can be square in appearance
+ *  and may not be entirely appealing under close scrutiny. A second pass of the box will lead to a Tent kernel. 
+ *  (The 5x5 tent above can be reduced into two 3x3 Box filters.) Its appearance is more pleasing. Tent 
+ *  operations can be found in sample code for window shadows. Both Box and Tent filters are provided by 
+ *  MPS. Multiple passes of a box and/or tent  filters will tend to converge towards a gaussian line shape 
+ *  and produce a smoother blur effect. MPS also provides a Gaussian blur, though it uses a different method.
+ *
+ *  @subsubsection subsubsection_laplacian   Laplacian and Unsharp Mask Filters
+ *  One can in practice also subtract a blur from the image to produce a sharpening effect (unsharp mask). This
+ *  is done by preparing a convolution kernel which is a scaled image less a blur to reduce the low frequency
+ *  component of an image. This can reduce blur, but may also emphasize noise in the image.  As an example, we
+ *  can do identity minus a box blur:
+ *  @code
+ *                  | 1   1   1 |
+ *      k0 * [1] -  | 1   1   1 | * k2
+ *                  | 1   1   1 |
+ *  @endcode
+ *  If we pick k0 = 9 and k2 = 1, so that the two kernels have equal weight, we arrive at:
+ *  @code
+ *      |-1  -1  -1 |
+ *      |-1   8  -1 |
+ *      |-1  -1  -1 |
+ *  @endcode
+ *  This is a Laplacian filter for calculating image gradients (including diagonals in this case).
+ *
+ *      Caution: because this convolution kernel has negative regions, it can produce negative 
+ *      results as well as positive ones from ordinary image data. If you intend to store the 
+ *      result in a unorm texture, you'll need to scale it and add a positive value to it to avoid 
+ *      having the negative signal clamped off. (e.g. p' = 0.5*p+0.5).
+ *
+ *  An unsharp mask filter is the sum between the original image and a scaled result of the Laplacian 
+ *  filter. The scaling factor (and filter size and shape) adjusts the nature of the low frequency 
+ *  signal and the degree to which it is removed. This work can usually be combined into the convolution 
+ *  kernel, to do the whole thing in one pass.
+ *
+ *  @subsubsection subsubsection_sobel   Sobel Edge detection
+ *  Instead of integrating over an area, Convolution filters can also differentiate over an
+ *  area by subtracting adjacent pixels.  One such  filter is the Sobel edge detection filter. 
+ *  It produces bright signal where there are large differences between one pixel and the next 
+ *  and black elsewhere:
+ *  @code
+ *      | -1  0   1 |       | 1   2   1 |
+ *   Gx=| -2  0   2 |   Gy= | 0   0   0 |
+ *      | -1  0   1 |       |-1  -2  -1 |
+ *
+ *
+ *      result = sqrt( Convolve(src, Gx) * Convolve(src * Gx) +
+ *                     Convolve(src, Gy) * Convolve(src * Gy))
+ *  @endcode
+ *
+ *  @subsubsection subsubsection_otherfilters   Other Filters
+ *  Other effects can be achieved as well, such as emboss:
+ *  @code
+ *     -1   0   0
+ *      0   0   0
+ *      0   0   1
+ *  @endcode
+ *  @subsubsection subsubsection_separability   Separable Convolution
+ *  Some convolution kernels are separable. That is, the filter weights can be factored into the product
+ *  of two smaller sets of weights. As an example, the tent kernel shown above can be factored into a 
+ *  horizontal and vertical 1-dimensional kernel each containing [1 2 3 2 1]. In this way, what might otherwise
+ *  have been a 5x5 convolution with 25 multiplies and 24 adds is instead a 5x1 and 1x5 convolution with 
+ *  a total of 10 multiplies and 8 adds and possibly some extra load/store traffic for the two-pass algorithm. 
+ *  The savings get bigger for bigger filter areas. MPS convolution filters will automatically separate 
+ *  kernels to run faster, when possible. Some filters with fixed kernels such as Box and Guassian are inherently
+ *  separable. We attempt to factor the general convolution kernel into 2 1D kernels in the -initWithDevice:...
+ *  method.  If you want to factor it yourself, make two MPSImageConvolution objects with 1D kernels.
+ *
+ *  @subsubsection subsubsection_convolveAvailability   Convolutions in MPS
+ *  Convolution filters provided by MPS include:
+ *
+ *      MPSImageConvolution       <MPSImage/MPSImageConvolution.h>        General convolution
+ *      MPSImageGassianBlur       <MPSImage/MPSImageConvolution.h>        Gaussian blur
+ *      MPSImageBox               <MPSImage/MPSImageConvolution.h>        Box blur
+ *      MPSImageTent              <MPSImage/MPSImageConvolution.h>        Tent blur
+ *
+ * @subsection subsection_morphology  Morphology
+ *  Morphological operators are similar to convolutions in that they find a result by looking at the nearest
+ *  neighbors of each pixel in the image. Instead of calculating a weighted average, morphological operators
+ *  scan the kernel area looking for the maximum or minimum pixel value. The MPSImageAreaMax and 
+ *  MPSImageAreaMin filters return the raw maximum and minimum color channel value in the kernel area for
+ *  each pixel, respectively. The MPSImageDilate and MPSImageErode filters do the same thing, except that the probe 
+ *  shape need not be a rectangle, and instead can be nearly any shape you desire, such as a antialiased 
+ *  oval, star or heart shape.
+ *
+ *  When applied, the max and dilate filters have the effect of adding their shape on to the periphery of
+ *  bright objects in the image. A single bright pixel, such as might be found in a photograph of a starry
+ *  night sky will become the shape of a probe -- a rectangle for max, and perhaps a 5-pointed star if
+ *  that is the shape you chose for the dilate filter kernel. Larger objects will adopt more rectangular
+ *  or star quality into their shape. (An oval or circular probe would round the corners of a rectangular 
+ *  object, for example.)  The min and erode filters do similar things to the darker regions of the image.
+ *
+ *  When a dilate filter is followed by an erode filter (or max followed by min) with similar filters, the 
+ *  effect is known as a close operator. Expanding bright areas only to erode them away again leaves most of
+ *  the image in roughly the same shape as it started, but small dark areas that are completely removed by the 
+ *  dilate operator are not replaced by the erode. Dark noise may be removed. Small enclosed dark area may
+ *  be completely filled in by bright signal.  Similarly erode followed by dilate is an open operator. It 
+ *  will tend to remove bright fine detail and fill in small bright areas surrounded by dark lines.
+ *
+ *  To make a MPS morphology filter with a text glyph draw black text on a white background. MPS
+ *  morphology filters must have a center pixel with value 0.
+ *
+ *
+ *  Morphology filters provided by MPS include:
+ *
+ *      MPSImageAreaMax  <MPSImage/MPSImageMorphology.h>       Area Max
+ *      MPSImageAreaMin  <MPSImage/MPSImageMorphology.h>       Area Min
+ *      MPSImageDilate   <MPSImage/MPSImageMorphology.h>       Dilate
+ *      MPSImageErode    <MPSImage/MPSImageMorphology.h>       Erode
+ *
+ *  @subsection subsection_histogram     Histogram
+ *  A image may be examined by taking the histogram of its pixels. This gives the distribution of the various
+ *  intensities per color channel. The MPSImageHistogram filter can be used to calculate a histogram for a MTLTexture.
+ *
+ *  In some cases, as a result of image processing operations the very dark and light regions of the intensity
+ *  spectrum can become unpopulated. Perhaps a photograph is underexposed or overexposed. The MPSImageHistogramEqualization
+ *  filter will redistribute the intensities to a more uniform distribution, correcting such problems. 
+ *  The MPSImageHistogramSpecification class allows you to cause an image to conform to a different histogram. 
+ *
+ *
+ *  Histogram filters provided by MPS include:
+ *
+ *      MPSImageHistogram              <MPSImage/MPSImageHistogram.h>     Calculate the histogram of an image
+ *      MPSImageHistogramEqualization  <MPSImage/MPSImageHistogram.h>     Redistribute intensity in an image to equalize
+ *                                                                          the histogram
+ *      MPSImageHistogramSpecification <MPSImage/MPSImageHistogram.h>     A generalized version of histogram equalization
+ *                                                                          operation. Convert the image so that its histogram
+ *                                                                          matches the desired histogram provided to the
+ *                                                                          histogram specification filter.
+ *
+ * @subsection subsection_median  Image Median
+ *  Median filters find the median value in a region surrounding each pixel in the source image.  It is frequently
+ *  used to remove noise from the image, but may also be used to remove fine detail like a open filter. It is widely
+ *  used in image processing because in many cases it can remove noise while at the same time preserving edges.
+ *
+ *  Median filters provided by MPS include:
+ *
+ *      MPSImageMedian                <MPSImage/MPSImageMedian.h>         Calculate the median of an image using a
+ *                                                                     square filter window.
+ *
+ *  @subsection subsection_resampling  Image Resampling
+ *  Resampling operations are used to convert one regular array of pixels to another regular array of pixels,
+ *  typically along a different set of axes and/or using a different sampling period. Changing the sampling period
+ *  will enlarge or reduce images and/or distort the aspect ratio. Change of axis results in rotations or arbitrary
+ *  affine transforms. 
+ *
+ *  For most imaging work on the GPU, resampling can be quickly and simply done as part of another pass using a 
+ *  Euler matrices or quaternions to transform the coordinate space followed by linear filtering to interpolate the
+ *  value found there. However, this can lead to somewhat muddy images and may result in loss of signal when 
+ *  downsampling by more than a factor of two unless a low pass filter is applied first. It is also prone to 
+ *  the development of Moire patterns in regions of the image with regularly repeating signal, such as a picture
+ *  of a masonry grid on the side of a building. 
+ *
+ *  The MPS resampling routines use a higher quality (but more expensive) Lanczos resampling algorithm. 
+ *  Especially with photographic images, it will usually produce a much nicer result. It does not require a low pass
+ *  filter be applied to the image before down sampling. However, some ringing can occur near high frequency regions 
+ *  of the image, making the algorithm less suitable for vector art.
+ *
+ *  MetalPerformanceShaders.framework provides a MPSImageLanczosScale function to allow for simple resizing of images into the clipRect
+ *  of the result image. It can operate with preservation of aspect ratio or not. 
+ *
+ *      MPSImageLanczosScale              <MPSImage/MPSResample.h>   Resize or adjust aspect ratio of an image.
+ *
+ *  @subsection subsection_threshold     Image Threshold
+ *  Thresholding operations are commonly used to separate elements of image structure from the rest of an image. 
+ *  Generally, these operate by making some sort of simple comparison test, for example color_intensity > 0.5, and
+ *  then writing out 0 or 1 (actual values configurable) depending on the truth or falsehood of the result. It is 
+ *  frequently used in computer vision, or to accentuate edge detection filters. 
+ *
+ *  A variety of thresholding operators are supported:
+ *
+ *      MPSImageThresholdBinary           <MPSImage/MPSImageThreshold.h>  srcPixel > thresholdVal ? maxVal : 0
+ *      MPSImageThresholdBinaryInverse    <MPSImage/MPSImageThreshold.h>  srcPixel > thresholdVal ? 0 : maxVal
+ *      MPSImageThresholdTruncate         <MPSImage/MPSImageThreshold.h>  srcPixel > thresholdVal ? thresholdVal : srcPixel
+ *      MPSImageThresholdToZero           <MPSImage/MPSImageThreshold.h>  srcPixel > thresholdVal ? srcPixel : 0
+ *      MPSImageThresholdToZeroInverse    <MPSImage/MPSImageThreshold.h>  srcPixel > thresholdVal ? 0 : srcPixel
+ *
+ *
+ *  @subsection subsection_math     Math Filters
+ *  Arithmetic filters take two source images, a primary source image and a secondary source image, as input and
+ *  output a single destination image. The filters apply an element-wise arithmetic operator to each pixel in a primary source
+ *  image and a corresponding pixel in a secondary source image over a specified region. The supported arithmetic operators
+ *  are addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
+ *
+ *  These filters take additional parameters: primaryScale, secondaryScale, and bias and apply them to the primary source
+ *  pixel (x) and secondary source pixel (y) in the following way:
+ *
+ *      MPSImageAdd         <MPSImage/MPSImageMath.h>  Element-wise addition operator:      result = ((primaryScale * x) + (secondaryScale * y)) + bias
+ *      MPSImageSubtract    <MPSImage/MPSImageMath.h>  Element-wise subtraction operator    result = ((primaryScale * x) - (secondaryScale * y)) + bias
+ *      MPSImageMultiply    <MPSImage/MPSImageMath.h>  Element-wise multiplication operator result = ((primaryScale * x) * (secondaryScale * y)) + bias
+ *      MPSImageDivide      <MPSImage/MPSImageMath.h>  Element-wise division operator       result = ((primaryScale * x) / (secondaryScale * y)) + bias
+ *
+ *  These filters also take the following additional parameters: secondarySourceStrideInPixelsX and secondarySourceStrideInPixelsY.
+ *  The default value of these parameters is 1. Setting both of these parameters to 0 results in the secondarySource image being
+ *  handled as a single pixel.
+ *
+ *  @subsection subsection_CNN     Convolutional Neural Networks
+ *  Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) is a machine learning technique that attempts to model the visual cortex as a sequence 
+ *  of convolution, rectification, pooling and normalization steps. Several CNN filters commonly derived from the MPSCNNKernel
+ *  base class are provided to help you implement these steps as efficiently as possible.
+ *
+ *      MPSCNNNeuronLinear              <MPSNeuralNetwork/MPSCNNConvolution.h>       A linear neuron activation function
+ *      MPSCNNNeuronReLU                <MPSNeuralNetwork/MPSCNNConvolution.h>       A neuron activation function with rectified linear units
+ *      MPSCNNNeuronSigmoid             <MPSNeuralNetwork/MPSCNNConvolution.h>       A sigmoid neuron activation function 1/(1+e**-x)
+ *      MPSCNNNeuronHardSigmoid         <MPSNeuralNetwork/MPSCNNConvolution.h>       A hard sigmoid neuron activation function clamp((a*x)+b, 0, 1)
+ *      MPSCNNNeuronTanH                <MPSNeuralNetwork/MPSCNNConvolution.h>       A neuron activation function using hyperbolic tangent
+ *      MPSCNNNeuronAbsolute            <MPSNeuralNetwork/MPSCNNConvolution.h>       An absolute neuron activation function |x|
+ *      MPSCNNNeuronSoftPlus            <MPSNeuralNetwork/MPSCNNConvolution.h>       A parametric SoftPlus neuron activation function a*log(1+e**(b*x))
+ *      MPSCNNNeuronSoftSign            <MPSNeuralNetwork/MPSCNNConvolution.h>       A SoftSign neuron activation function x/(1+|x|)
+ *      MPSCNNNeuronELU                 <MPSNeuralNetwork/MPSCNNConvolution.h>       A parametric ELU neuron activation function x<0 ? (a*(e**x-1)) : x
+ *      MPSCNNConvolution               <MPSNeuralNetwork/MPSCNNConvolution.h>       A 4D convolution tensor
+ *      MPSCNNFullyConnected            <MPSNeuralNetwork/MPSCNNConvolution.h>       A fully connected CNN layer
+ *      MPSCNNPoolingMax                <MPSNeuralNetwork/MPSCNNPooling.h>           The maximum value in the pooling area
+ *      MPSCNNPoolingAverage            <MPSNeuralNetwork/MPSCNNPooling.h>           The average value in the pooling area
+ *      MPSCNNPoolingL2Norm             <MPSNeuralNetwork/MPSCNNPooling.h>           The L2-Norm value in the pooling area
+ *      MPSCNNDilatedPoolingMax         <MPSNeuralNetwork/MPSCNNPooling.h>           The maximum value in the dilated pooling area
+ *      MPSCNNSpatialNormalization      <MPSNeuralNetwork/MPSCNNNormalization.h>
+ *      MPSCNNCrossChannelNormalization <MPSNeuralNetwork/MPSCNNNormalization.h>
+ *      MPSCNNSoftmax                   <MPSNeuralNetwork/MPSCNNSoftMax.h>           exp(pixel(x,y,k))/sum(exp(pixel(x,y,0)) ... exp(pixel(x,y,N-1))
+ *      MPSCNNLogSoftmax                <MPSNeuralNetwork/MPSCNNSoftMax.h>           pixel(x,y,k) - ln(sum(exp(pixel(x,y,0)) ... exp(pixel(x,y,N-1)))
+ *      MPSCNNUpsamplingNearest         <MPSNeuralNetwork/MPSCNNUpsampling.h>        A nearest upsampling layer.
+ *      MPSCNNUpsamplingBilinear        <MPSNeuralNetwork/MPSCNNUpsampling.h>        A bilinear upsampling layer.
+ *
+ *  MPSCNNKernels operate on MPSImages.  MPSImages are at their core MTLTextures. However, whereas
+ *  MTLTextures commonly represent image or texel data, a MPSImage is a more abstract representation
+ *  of image features. The channels within a MPSImage do not necessarily correspond to colors in a
+ *  color space. (Though, they can.) As a result, there can be many more than four of them. 32 or 64 channels
+ *  per pixel is not uncommon.  This is achieved on the MTLTexture hardware abstraction by inserting
+ *  extra RGBA pixels to handle the additional feature channels (if any) beyond 4. These extra pixels are
+ *  stored as multiple slices of a 2D image array.  Thus, each CNN pixel in a 32-channel image is represented
+ *  as 8 array slices, with 4-channels stored per-pixel in each slice.  The width and height of the MTLTexture
+ *  is the same as the width and height of the MPSImage.  The number of slices in the MTLTexture is given by
+ *  the number of feature channels rounded up to a multiple of 4.
+ *
+ *  MPSImages can be created from existing MTLTextures. They may also be created anew from a MPSImageDescriptor
+ *  and backed with either standard texture memory, or as MPSTemporaryImages using memory drawn from MPS's
+ *  internal cached texture backing store.  MPSTemporaryImages can provide great memory usage and CPU time savings,
+ *  but come with significant restrictions that should be understood before using them. For example, their contents
+ *  are only valid during the GPU-side execution of a single MTLCommandBuffer and can not be read from or written to
+ *  by the CPU. They are provided as an efficient way to hold CNN computations that are used immediately within the
+ *  scope of the same MTLCommandBuffer and then discarded. We also support concatenation by allowing the user to 
+ *  define from which destination feature channel to start writing the output of the current layer. In this way
+ *  the application can make a large MPSImage or MPSTemporaryImage and fill in parts of it with multiple layers
+ *  (as long as the destination feature channel offset is a multiple of 4).
+ *
+ *  Some CNN Tips:
+ *  - Think carefully about the edge mode requested for pooling layers. The default is clamp to zero, but there
+ *    are times when clamp to edge value may be better.
+ *  - To avoid falling off the edge of an image for filters that have a filter area (convolution, pooling) set the
+ *    MPSCNNKernel.offset = (MPSOffset){ .x = kernelWidth/2, .y = kernelHeight/2, .z = 0}; and reduce the size 
+ *    of the output image by {kernelWidth-1, kernelHeight-1,0}. The filter area stretcheds up and to the left
+ *    of the MPSCNNKernel.offset by {kernelWidth/2, kernelHeight/2}. While consistent with other MPS imaging operations,
+ *    this behavior is different from some other CNN implementations.
+ *  - Please remember:
+ *      MPSCNNConvolution takes weights in the order weight[outputChannels][kernelHeight][kernelWidth][inputChannels / groups]
+ *      MPSCNNFullyConnected takes weights in the order weight[outputChannels][sourceWidth][sourceHeight][inputChannels]
+ *  - Initialize MPSCNNKernels once and reuse them
+ *  - You can use MPSCNNNeurons and other Filters in MPS to perform pre-processing of images, such as scaling and resizing.
+ *  - Specify a neuron filter with MPSCNNConvolution descriptor to combine the convolution and neuron operations.
+ *  - Use MPSTemporaryImages for intermediate images that live for a short period of time (less than one MTLCommandBuffer).
+ *      MPSTemporaryImages can reduce the amount of memory used by the convolutional neural network by several fold, and
+ *      similarly reduce the amount of CPU time spent allocating storage and latency between MTLCommandBuffer.commit
+ *      and when the work actually starts on the GPU.  MPSTemporaryImage are for short lived storage within the time 
+ *      period of the execution of a single MTLCommandBuffer. You can not read or write to a MPSTemporaryImage using the CPU.
+ *      Generally, they should be created as needed and thrown away promptly.  Persistent objects should not retain them.
+ *      Please be sure to understand the use of the MPSTemporaryImage.readCount.
+ *  - Because MPS encodes its work in place in your MTLCommandBuffer, you always have the option to insert your own
+ *      code in between MPSCNNKernels as a Metal shader for tasks not covered by MPS. You need not use MPS for everything.
+ *
+ *  @section  section_validation    MPS API validation
+ *  MPS uses the same API validation layer that Metal uses to alert you to API mistakes while
+ *  you are developing your code. While this option is turned on (Xcode: Edit Scheme: options: Metal API Validation),
+ *  common programming errors will either trigger an assert or send a warning to the the debug log. Except
+ *  in the case of serious errors, little or no spew should arrive in the console under standard usage. 
+ *  You can also try the MPSKernel.options parameter MPSKernelOptionsSkipAPIValidation to skip most of this checking.
+ *  The flag may also lead to small reductions in CPU cost.
+ *
+ *  Note: where APIs are tagged nonnull, MPS expects that the value is not NULL. The validation layer
+ *        may do some checking and assert. If you turn that off, then undefined behavior is the result of 
+ *        passing nil, and your application will likely be terminated.
+ *
+ *
+ *  @section  section_usage         How to Add MetalPerformanceShaders.framework to your project
+ *
+ *  Xcode:
+ *
+ *      1.  Click project file at left, then appropriate target, then select Build Phases.
+ *      2.  Open the "Link Binary With Libraries" disclosure triangle
+ *      3.  Click the [+] button in the "Link Binary With Libraries" view to add a new library
+ *      4.  Select MetalPerformanceShaders.framework from the list.
+ *      5.  Click the Add button.
+ *
+ *  Command Line:
+ *
+ *      clang  -framework MetalPerformanceShaders    file.c -o file.o
+ *
+ *  @section  section_support   How to Determine if MPS Works on Your Device
+ *  To test whether MPS works on your device, you may call MPSSupportsMTLDevice(id<MTLDevice>).
+ *  It will return YES if the device is supported.
+ *
+ *  @section  section_inplace   In Place Operation
+ *  Some MPS filters can operate in place. In-place operation means that the
+ *  same texture is used to hold both the input image and the result image. Operating
+ *  in place is a great way to save memory, time and energy. You can use a MPS
+ *  filter in place using [MPSKernel encodeToCommandBuffer:inPlaceTexture:copyAllocator:].
+ *
+ *  Unfortunately, it is not always possible for MPS filters to run in place.
+ *  Whether a particular MPSKernel can operate in place can vary according to the
+ *  hardware it is running on, the operating system version and the parameters and 
+ *  properties passed to it. You may not assume that because a MPSKernel works in place
+ *  today on a particular device that it will continue to do so in the future. 
+ *
+ *  To simplify error handling with failed in-place operation, [MPSKernel 
+ *  encodeToCommandBuffer:inPlaceTexture:fallbackCopyAllocator:] takes an optional MPSCopyAllocator
+ *  parameter. It is used to create a new texture when in-place operation is not possible 
+ *  so as to allow the operation to proceed out of place in a reliable fashion instead. 
+ *  (When this happens the input texture is released and replaced with a new texture.) 
+ *  To make use of this feature, you will need to write a MPSCopyAllocator block.
+ *
+ *  @subsection subsection_micopyallocator  MPSCopyAllocator
+ *  Some MPSKernel objects may not be able to operate in place. When that occurs, and in-place
+ *  operation is requested, MPS will call back to this block to get a new texture
+ *  to overwrite instead. To avoid spending long periods of time allocating pages to back the
+ *  MTLTexture, the block should attempt to reuse textures. The texture returned from the
+ *  MPSCopyAllocator will be returned instead of the sourceTexture from the MPSKernel method
+ *  on return. Here is a minimal MPSCopyAllocator implementation:
+ *  @code
+ *  // A MPSCopyAllocator to handle cases where in-place operation fails.
+ *  MPSCopyAllocator myAllocator = ^id <MTLTexture>( MPSKernel * __nonnull filter,
+ *                                                  __nonnull id <MTLCommandBuffer> cmdBuf,
+ *                                                  __nonnull id <MTLTexture> sourceTexture)
+ *  {
+ *      MTLPixelFormat format = sourceTexture.pixelFormat;  // FIXME: is this format writable?
+ *      MTLTextureDescriptor *d = [MTLTextureDescriptor texture2DDescriptorWithPixelFormat: format
+ *                                   width: sourceTexture.width
+ *                                  height: sourceTexture.height
+ *                               mipmapped: NO];
+ *      d.usage = MTLTextureUsageShaderRead | MTLTextureUsageShaderWrite;
+ *
+ *      //FIXME: Allocating a new texture each time is slow. They take up to 1 ms each.
+ *      //       There are not too many milliseconds in a video frame! You can recycle
+ *      //       old textures (or MTLBuffers and make textures from them) and reuse
+ *      //       the memory here.
+ *      id <MTLTexture> result = [cmdBuf.device newTextureWithDescriptor: d];
+ *
+ *      // FIXME: If there is any metadata associated with sourceTexture such as colorspace
+ *      //        information, MTLResource.label, MTLResource.cpuCacheMode mode,
+ *      //        MTLResource.MTLPurgeableState, etc., it may need to be similarly associated
+ *      //        with the new texture, to avoid losing your metadata.
+ *
+ *      // FIXME: If filter.clipRect doesn't cover the entire image, you may need to copy
+ *      //        pixels from sourceTexture to result or regions of result will be
+ *      //        uninitialized. You can make a MTLCommandEncoder to encode work on the
+ *      //        MTLCommandBuffer here to do that work, if necessary. It will be scheduled
+ *      //        to run immediately before the MPSKernel work. Do not call
+ *      //        [MTLCommandBuffer enqueue/commit/waitUntilCompleted/waitUntilScheduled]
+ *      //        in the MPSCopyAllocator block. Make sure to call -endEncoding on the
+ *      //        MTLCommandEncoder so that the MTLCommandBuffer has no active encoder
+ *      //        before returning.
+ *
+ *      // CAUTION: The next command placed on the MTLCommandBuffer after the MPSCopyAllocator
+ *      //          returns is almost assuredly going to be encoded with a MTLComputeCommandEncoder.
+ *      //          Creating any other type of encoder in the MPSCopyAllocator will probably cost
+ *      //          an additional 0.5 ms of both CPU _AND_ GPU time (or more!) due to a double
+ *      //          mode switch penalty.
+ *
+ *      return result;
+ *      // d is autoreleased
+ *  };
+ *  @endcode
+ *
+ *       filter          A valid pointer to the MPSKernel that is calling the MPSCopyAllocator. From
+ *                       it you can get the clipRect of the intended operation.
+ *       cmdBuf          A valid MTLCommandBuffer. It can be used to obtain the device against
+ *                       which to allocate the new texture. You may also enqueue operations on
+ *                       the commandBuffer to initialize the texture. You may not submit, enqueue
+ *                       or wait for completion of the command buffer.
+ *       sourceTexture   The texture that is providing the source image for the filter. You may
+ *                       wish to copy its size and MTLPixelFormat for the new texture, but it is
+ *                       not requred.
+ *
+ *       return          A new valid MTLTexture to use as the destination for the MPSKernel.
+ *                       The format of the returned texture does not need to match sourceTexture.
+ *
+ *  @section  section_mpsnngraph   The MPSNNGraph
+ *  New for macOS 10.13, iOS/tvOS 11 is a higher level graph API, intended to simplify the creation of
+ *  neural networks. The graph is a network of MPSNNFilterNodes, MPSNNImageNodes and  MPSNNStateNodes. 
+ *  MPSNNImageNodes represent MPSImages or MPSTemporaryImages. MPSNNFilterNodes represent MPSCNNKernel
+ *  objects -- each of the lower level MPSCNNKernel subclasses has a sister object that is a
+ *  subclass of the MPSNNFilterNode. Finally, MPSStateNodes stand in for MPSState objects. 
+ *
+ *  MPSState objects are also new for macOS 10.13, iOS/tvOS 11. They stand in for bits of opaque state that
+ *  need to be handed  between filter nodes.  For example, a MPSCNNConvolutionTranspose filter may need to
+ *  know the original size of the filter passed into the corresponding MPSCNNConvolution node farther up the
+ *  tree. There is a corresponding MPSCNNConvolutionState object that tracks this information. You will
+ *  encounter state objects only infrequently. Most graphs are made up of images and filters.
+ *
+ *  To represent a graph, one usually first creates a MPSNNImageNode. This represents the input image or
+ *  tensor into the graph. Next one creates a the first filter node to process that input image. For example,
+ *  we may make a MPSCNNNeuronLinearNode to normalize the data before the rest of the graph sees it. (y = 2x-1)
+ *  Then, we can add our first convolution in the graph.
+ *  @code
+ *      //  Graph:   [Image] -> [Linear neuron filter] -> (result image) -> [convolution filter] -> (result image)...
+ *      MPSNNImageNode *startNode = [MPSImageNode nodeWithHandle: nil];
+ *      MPSCNNNeuronLinearNode *norm = [MPSCNNNeuronLinearNode nodeWithSource: startNode a: 2.0f b: -1.0f ];
+ *      MPSCNNConvolutionNode *c = [MPSCNNConvolutionNode nodeWithSource: norm.resultImage
+ *                                                               weights: [[MyWeights alloc] initWithPath: "weights1.dat"]];
+ *      ...
+ *  @endcode
+ *  There are some features to notice about each object. First of all, each image node can have a handle 
+ *  associated with it. The handle is your object that you write. It should conform to the <MPSHandle>
+ *  protocol, which specifies that the object should have a label and conform to NSSecureCoding. (The MTLTexture
+ *  does have a label property but doesn't conform to NSSecureCoding.) NSSecureCoding is used when you
+ *  save the graph to disk using a NSCoder. It isn't used otherwise. You can use a MTLResource here if 
+ *  you don't plan to save the graph to disk.  What is the handle for?  When the MPSNNGraph object is 
+ *  constructed -- the MPSNNGraph takes the network of filter, state and image nodes and rolls it into
+ *  an object that can actually encode work to a MTLCommandBuffer -- the graph object will traverse the
+ *  graph from back to front and determine which image nodes are not produced by filters in the graph.
+ *  These, it will inteprety to be graph input images.  There may be input states too. When it does so, 
+ *  it will represent these image and state nodes as the handles you attach to them. Therefore, the handles
+ *  probably should be objects of your own making that refer back to your own data structures that identify
+ *  various images that you know about. 
+ *
+ *  Continuing on to the neuron filter, which we are using to just take the usual image [0,1] range and stretch
+ *  to [-1,1] before the rest of the graph sees it, we see we can pass in the linear filter parameters when constructing
+ *  it here. All filter nodes also produce a result image. This is used as the argument when constructing the
+ *  convolution filter node next, to show that the product of the neuron filter is the input to the convolution
+ *  filter.
+ *
+ *  The convolution object constructor also takes a weights object. The weights object is an object that you write
+ *  that conforms to the MPSCNNConvolutionDataSource protocol. MPS does not provide an object that conforms
+ *  to this protocol, though you can see some examples in sample code that use this interface.  The convolution
+ *  data source object is designed to provide for deferred loading of convolution weights. Convolution weights
+ *  can be large. In aggregate, the storage for all the weights in the MPSNNGraph, plus the storage for your
+ *  copy of them might start to approach the storage limits of the machine for larger graphs. In order to lessen
+ *  this impact, the convolution weights are unpacked for each convolution in turn and then purged from memory
+ *  so that only the single MPSNNGraph copy remains.  This happens when the MPSCNNConvolutionDataSource load
+ *  and purge methods are called. You should not load the weights until -load is called. (You probably should
+ *  however verify that the file, if any, is there and is well formed in the object -init method.) When -purge 
+ *  is called, you should release any bulky storage that the object owns and and make the object as light weight
+ *  as is reasonable. The MPSCNNConvolutionDataSource.descriptor may include a neuron filter operation.
+ *
+ *  Other object types should be straightforward. 
+ *
+ *  @section  subsection_mpsnngraph_usage   MPSNNGraph usage
+ *  Once the network of MPSNNFilterNodes, MPSNNImageNodes and MPSNNStateNodes is created, the next
+ *  step is to identify the MPSNNImageNode that contains the result of your graph -- typically, this
+ *  is the last one you made -- and make a MPSNNGraph with it:
+ *  @code
+ *      MPSNNGraph *graph = [[MPSNNGraph alloc] initWithDevice: mtlDevice
+ *                                                 resultImage: resultImage];
+ *  @endcode
+ *  If graph creation fails, nil will be returned here. When it is constructed, the graph iterates over
+ *  the network of nodes, starting at the result image and working backwards. Any MPSNNImageNodes and states 
+ *  that are used that are not created by a MPSNNFilterNode are interpreted to be graph inputs. The
+ *  identity of these are given by the MPSNNGraph.sourceImageHandles and MPSNNGraph.sourceStateHandles. 
+ *  Each handle is your object that refers back to a particular image or state node. The order of the handles
+ *  matches the order of the images or states that should be passed to the [MPSNNGraph encodeToCommandBuffer:...]
+ *  call. Similarly, you can get the identity of any intermediate images that you requested to see (See
+ *  MPSNNImageNode.exportFromGraph property) and the identity of any result MPSStates that are produced
+ *  by the graph that are not used.   The graph has a destinationImageAllocator that overrides the 
+ *  MPSNNImageNode.destinationImageAllocator. (see subsection MPSNNGraph intermediate image allocation)
+ *  Typically, this serves to make a default temporary image into a normal image, as a convenience.
+ *
+ *  When you are ready to encode a graph to a command buffer, the operation follows as per much of the 
+ *  rest of MPS. 
+ *  @code
+ *      id <MTLDevice> mtlDevice = MTLCreateSystemDefaultDevice();
+ *      id <MTLCommandQueue> mtlCommandQueue.commandBuffer = mtlDevice.newCommandQueue;
+ *      id <MTLCommandBuffer> cmdBuf = mtlCommandQueue.commandBuffer;
+ *      MPSImage *inputImage = [[MPSImage alloc] initWithDevice: mtlDevice imageDescriptor: myDescriptor];
+ *      // put some data into the input image here. See MTLTexture.replaceBytes...
+ *      MPSImage * result = [myGraph encodeToCommandBuffer: cmdBuf sourceImages: @[inputImage] ];
+ *      [cmdBuf commit];
+ *      [cmdBuf waitForCompletion];
+ *  @endcode
+ *  Obviously, if you have more work to do before or after the graph, it might be better to add it to the 
+ *  command buffer before committing it, rather than paying for an extra synchronization from 
+ *  [id <MTLCommandBuffer> waitForCompletion].
+ *
+ *  @section  subsection_mpsnngraph_sizing   MPSNNGraph intermediate image sizing and centering
+ *  The MPSNNGraph will automatically size and center the intermediate images that appear in the graph.
+ *  However, different neural network frameworks do so differently. In addition, some filters may 
+ *  at times operate on only valid pixels in the source image, whereas others may "look beyond the
+ *  edges" so as to keep the result image size the same as the input. Occasionally some filters will
+ *  want to produce results for which any input is valid. Perhaps some want to behave in between. Torch
+ *  has some particularly inventive edging policies for pooling that have valid invalid regions and 
+ *  invalid invalid regions beyond the edges of the image.
+ *
+ *  Whatever the behavior, you will use the MPSNNFilter.paddingPolicy property to configure behavior.
+ *  In its simplest form, a paddingPolicy is a object (possibly written by you, though MPS provides some)
+ *  that conforms to the MPSNNPadding protocol. It should at minimum provide a padding method, which codes
+ *  for common methods to size the result image, how to center it on the input image and where to place
+ *  the remainder in cases where the image size isn't exactly divisible by the stride. This is a bitfield.
+ *  You can use:
+ *  @code
+ *      [MPSNNDefaultPadding paddingWithMethod: MPSNNPaddingMethodAlign... | MPSNNPaddingMethodAddRemainderTo...
+ *                                              MPSNNPaddingMethodSize... ];
+ *  @endcode
+ *  To quickly configure one of these. The filters also have a default padding policy, which may be
+ *  appropriate most of the time.  
+ *
+ *  Occasionally, something fancy needs to be done. In that case, the padding policy should set the 
+ *  MPSNNPaddingMethodCustom bit and implement the optional destinationImageDescriptorForSourceImages:
+ *  sourceStates:forKernel:suggestedDescriptor: method. The MPSNNGraph will use the MPSNNPadding.paddingMethod
+ *  to generate an initial guess for the configuration of the MPSCNNKernel.offset and the size and formatting
+ *  of the result image and hand that to you in the form of a MPSImageDescriptor. You can modify the descriptor
+ *  or the kernel (also passed to you) in your custom destinationImageDescriptorForSourceImages:sourceStates:
+ *  forKernel:suggestedDescriptor: method, or just ignore it and make a new descriptor.
+ *
+ *  @section  subsection_mpsnngraph_sizing   MPSNNGraph intermediate image allocation
+ *  Typically the graph will make MPSTemporaryImages for these, based on the MPSImageDescriptor obtained
+ *  from the padding policy. Temporary images alias one another and can be used to save a lot of memory,
+ *  in the same way that malloc saves memory in your application by allowing you to reserve memory for 
+ *  a time, use it, then free it for reuse for something else. Ideally, most of the storage in your graph
+ *  should be temporary images.
+ *
+ *  Because temporary images don't (shouldn't) last long, and can't be read by the CPU, some images
+ *  probably can't be temporary. By default, the final image returned from the graph is not temporary.
+ *  (See MPSNNGraph.destinationImageAllocator to adjust).  Also, you may request that certain intermediate
+ *  images be non-temporary so that you can access their contents from outside the graph using the
+ *  MPSNNImageNode.exportFromGraph property. 
+ *
+ *  Temporary images often take up almost no additional memory. Regular images always do.  Some large graphs will only
+ *  be able to run using temporary memory, as regular images would overwhelm the machine. Even if you allocate
+ *  all your images up front and reuse them over and over, you will still very likely use much more memory with
+ *  regular images, than if you just allocate temporary images as needed. Because temporary images do not
+ *  generally allocate large amounts of storage, they are much cheaper and faster to use.
+ *
+ *  What kind of image is created after each filter node can be adjusted using the MPSNNImageNode.imageAllocator 
+ *  property.  Two standard allocators are provided as MPSImage.defaultAllocator and MPSTemporaryImage.defaultAllocator.
+ *  You may of course write your own. This might be necessary for example if you wish to maintain your own 
+ *  MTLHeap and allocate from it.
+ *
+ *  @section  subsection_mpsnngraph_debugging   MPSNNGraph debugging tips
+ *  In typical usage, some refinement, especially of padding policies, may be required to get the expected answer
+ *  from MPS. If the result image is the wrong size, padding is typically the problem. When the answers are incorrect,
+ *  the MPSCNNKernel.offset or other property may be incorrectly configured at some stage.  As the graph is generated 
+ *  starting from an output image node, you may create other graphs starting at any image node within the graph. 
+ *  This will give you a view into the result produced from each intermediate layer with a minimum of fuss.  In 
+ *  addition, the usual NSObject -debugDescription method is available to inspect objects to make sure they conform 
+ *  to expectation.
+ *
+ *  Note that certain operations such as neuron filters that follow convolution filters and image concatenation
+ *  may be optimized away by the MPSNNGraph when it is constructed. The convolution can do neuron operations as
+ *  part of its operation.  Concatenation is best done by writing the result of earlier filter passes in the right
+ *  place using MPSCNNKernel.destinationFeatureChannelOffset rather than by adding an extra copy. Other optimizations 
+ *  may be added as framework capabilities improve.
+ *
+ *  @section  section_samplecode   Sample Code
+ *      @code
+ *       #import <MetalPerformanceShaders/MetalPerformanceShaders.h>
+ *
+ *       // Blur the input texture (in place if possible) on MTLCommandQueue q, and return the new texture.
+ *       // This is a trivial example. It is not necessary or necessarily advised to enqueue a MPSKernel on
+ *       // its own MTLCommandBuffer  or using its own MTLComputeCommandEncoder. Group work together.
+ *       //
+ *       // Here we assume that you have already gotten a MTLDevice using MTLCreateSystemDefaultDevice() or
+ *       // MTLCopyAllDevices(), used it to create a MTLCommandQueue with MTLDevice.newCommandQueue, and 
+ *       // similarly made textures with the device as needed.
+ *       void  MyBlurTextureInPlace( id <MTLTexture> __strong *inTexture, float blurRadius, id <MTLCommandQueue> q)
+ *       {
+ *          // Create "the usual Metal objects".
+ *          // MPS does not need a dedicated MTLCommandBuffer or MTLComputeCommandEncoder. 
+ *          // This is a trivial example. You should reuse the MTL objects you already have, if you have them.
+ *          id <MTLDevice> device = q.device;
+ *          id <MTLCommandBuffer> buffer = [q commandBuffer];
+ *
+ *          // Create a MPS filter.
+ *          MPSImageGaussianBlur *blur = [[MPSImageGaussianBlur alloc] initWithDevice: device];
+ *          if( nil == blur )
+ *              MyHandleError(kOutOfMemory);
+ *
+ *          // Set all MPSKernel properties to taste.
+ *          blur.sigma = blurRadius;
+ *          // defaults are okay here for other MPSKernel properties. (clipRect, origin, edgeMode)
+ *
+ *          // Attempt to do the work in place.  Since we provided a copyAllocator as an out-of-place
+ *          // fallback, we don't need to check to see if it succeeded or not.
+ *          [ blur encodeToCommandBuffer: commandBuffer
+ *                        inPlaceTexture: inTexture         // may replace *inTexture
+ *                         copyAllocator: myAllocator ];    // See MPSCopyAllocator definition for a sample myAllocator
+ *          [ blur release];
+ *
+ *          // the usual metal enqueue process
+ *          [buffer waitUntilCompleted];    // slow!  Try enqueing more work on this or the next 
+ *                                          // command buffer instead of waiting every time.
+ *
+ *          return result;
+ *      }
+ *
+ *      @endcode
+ *
+ *  @section section_tuning     MPS Tuning Hints
+ *  MPS has been tuned for excellent performance across a diversity of devices
+ *  and filter parameters. The tuning process focuses on minimizing both CPU and GPU
+ *  latency for back to back calls on the same MTLCommmandBuffer.  It is possible,
+ *  however, to inadvertently undo this optimization effort by introducing costly 
+ *  operations into the pipeline around the MPS filter, leading to
+ *  disappointing overall results.
+ *
+ *  Here are some elements of good practice to avoid common pitfalls:
+ *
+ *  -#  Don't wait for results to complete before enqueuing more work.
+ *  There can be a significant delay (up to 2.5 ms) just to get
+ *  an empty MTLCommandBuffer through the pipeline to where
+ *  [MTLCommandBuffer  waitUntilCompleted] returns. Instead,
+ *  start encoding the next command buffer(s) while you wait
+ *  for the first one to complete. Enqueue them too, so they can
+ *  start immediately after the previous one exits the GPU. Don't
+ *  wait for the CPU kernel to notice the first command buffer
+ *  is done and start taking it apart and eventually make a callback
+ *  to userland before beginning work on encoding the next one.
+ *  By allowing the CPU and GPU to work concurrently in this way,
+ *  throughput can be enhanced by up to a factor of ten.
+ *
+ *  -#  There is a large cost to allocating buffers and textures.
+ *  The cost can swamp the CPU, preventing you from keeping
+ *  the GPU busy. Try to preallocate and reuse MTLResource
+ *  objects as much as possible. The MPSTemporaryImage may be
+ *  used instead for short-lived dynamic allocations.
+ *
+ *  -#  There is a cost to switching between render and compute
+ *  encoders. Each time a new render encoder is used, there
+ *  can be a substantial GPU mode switch cost that may
+ *  undermine your throughput. To avoid the cost, try to
+ *  batch compute work together. Since making a new MTLCommandBuffer
+ *  forces you to make a new MTLCommandEncoder too, try to
+ *  do more work with fewer MTLCommandBuffers.
+ *
+ *  -#  On currently available iOS devices we find that for some 
+ *  image operations, particularly those involving multiple passes -
+ *  for example, if you are chaining multiple MPS image filters
+ *  together — performance can be improved by up a factor of two 
+ *  by breaking the work into tiles about 512 kB in size. Use
+ *  -sourceRegionForDestinationSize: to find the MPSRegion needed
+ *  for each tile. 
+ */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
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