A multi-purpose modelling tool based on JBoss Uberfire.
All Stunner documents are shared in a public Google Docs folder here.
Follow these instructions for building the application from sources.
mvn clean install -DskipTests
Wildfly 10.x
There exist a concrete distribution for Wilfly 10.x you can use, instructions here.
Another option is to run the application using GWT SuperDevMode. If you're planning more than just try the tool, the most comfortable and easy way is to use the GWT plugin for IntelliJ IDEA, if you just want to run it quicly you can use the command line as the following sections describe.
SuperDevMove - Running from command line
cd kie-wb-common-stunner-showcase
mvn clean gwt:run
SuperDevMove - Running from IntelliJ IDEA
1.- Build the project from command line ( see above *Building - section )
2.- Open the project using IntelliJ IDEA - Use option "import project from Maven"
3.- Create a new Run/Debug configuration as:
Type: GWT configuration
Name: Stunner Showcase
Use SDM: true
Module: Stunner-showcase
GWT Modules to load: org.kie.workbench.common.stunner.FastCompiledStunnerShowcase
VM options:
-Xmx4g -Xms1g -Xss1M -XX:CompileThreshold=7000 -Derrai.jboss.home=$PATH_OF_YOUR_CLONED_STUNNER_REPO/kie-wb-common-stunner-showcase/target/wildfly-10.0.0.Final -Derrai.server.classOutput=$PATH_OF_YOUR_CLONED_STUNNER_REPO/kie-wb-common-stunner-showcase/target -Djava.util.prefs.syncInterval=2000000 -Dorg.uberfire.async.executor.safemode=true -Dgwt.watchFileChanges=false -Dorg.uberfire.nio.git.dir=/tmp/dir
Dev mode parameters:
-server org.jboss.errai.cdi.server.gwt.EmbeddedWildFlyLauncher
Start page: stunner.html
On before launch section - Add a new "Run Maven Goal" BEFORE the existing "Make" item as:
Working directory:
clean process-resources
Once done, you can run or debug the application using this recently created configuration.
TIP: While coding it's a good practice to remove application's old artifacts the GWT idea plugin working's directory. It is usually present on your home directory as $HOME/.IntelliJIdea15/system/gwt/
. On Macs you can find this under ~//Library/Caches/IntelliJIdea15/gwt.
- Java8+
- Maven 3.2.5+
- Git 1.8+