Tested on recent versions of openSUSE
install_java_alternatives - eases the installation of a jdk/jre using the alternatives mechanism
find_duplicates_in_jars - lists duplicate classes by name found in jar files
move_in - uploads the public ssh key and changes the password on another machine
generate_password - a random password generator
rpm_cl - short output of a RPM changelog
add_cert_to_keystore - adds a SSL certificate to the keystore
whack - try to kill a process nicely at first then with -KILL after 30 s
watermark - apply watermarks on images
mirror_eclipse_update_site - retrieves locally a mirror of an eclipse update site
mirror_eclipse_p2_site - retrieves locally a mirror of a p2-enabled eclipse update site
php_dev - controls PHP-related development services
jdk_use_system_cacerts - replaces jdk cacerts with the ones found in the system
m2s - switches between multiple version of Maven's per-use settings.xml
list_patches - lists patches available with zypper
generate_desktop_scripts - generates desktop files on the file for some applications that typically ship without them
abat - reads android phone battery level using adb
desktop - some .desktop launcher files