ronin-post_ex is a Ruby API for Post-Exploitation.
This library is used by ronin-payloads, ronin-c2, and ronin-exploits to provide a Post-Exploitation API around payloads, C2 sessions, or even exploits.
ronin-post_ex is part of the ronin-rb project, a Ruby toolkit for security research and development.
- Defines a syscall-like API for Post-Exploitation.
- Provides classes for interacting with the Post-Exploitation API.
- {Ronin::PostEx::System} - allows interacting with a remote system.
- {Ronin::PostEx::System::FS} - allows interacting with the file-system.
- {Ronin::PostEx::System::Process} - allows manipulating the current process or child processes.
- {Ronin::PostEx::System::Shell} - allows interacting with an interactive shell..
- {Ronin::PostEx::RemoteFile} - allows reading/writing files.
- {Ronin::PostEx::RemoteDir} - allows reading the contents of directories.
- {Ronin::PostEx::RemoteProcess} - allows reading/writing to an running command.
- Supports interacting with interactive shell commands.
- Provides interactive command shells for interacting with systems.
- Supports Linux/BSD/UNIX systems.
- Provides common post-exploitation session classes for interacting with shells, bind shells, and reverse shells.
- Supports defining custom post-exploitation session classes.
- Does not currently support Windows systems.
- Does not fully support bidirectional fully interactive shell commands.
session = Ronin::PostEx::Sessions::BindShell.connect(host,port)
system = session.system'/')
# => "..."
session = Ronin::PostEx::Sessions::ReverseShell.listen(host,port)
system = session.system'/')
# => "..."
Define a custom session class which defines the Post-Exploitation API methods:
class RATSession < Ronin::PostEx::Sessions::Session
def initialize(host,port)
# ...
def rpc_call(method,*arguments)
# ...
def fs_read(path)
def shell_exec(command)
# ...
session =
system = session.system
Interact with the system's remote files as if they were local files:
file ='/etc/passwd')
file.each_line do |line|
user, x, uid, gid, name, home_dir, shell = line.split(':')
puts "User Detected: #{user} (id=#{uid})"
Get information about the current process:
# => 1234
# => 1001
# => {"HOME"=>"...", "PATH"=>"...", ...}
Execute commands on the remote system:'/')
# => "bin\nboot\ndev\netc\nhome\nlib\nlib64\nlost+found\nmedia\nmnt\nopt\nproc\nroot\nrun\nsbin\nsnap\nsrv\nsys\ntmp\nusr\nvar\n""find -type f -name '*.xls' /srv") do |path|
puts "Found XLS file: #{path}"
Spawn an interactive command shell:
Spawn an interactive post-exploitation system shell:
ronin-post_ex> help
help [COMMAND] Prints the list of commands or additional help
fs.chdir DIR Changes the current working directory
fs.pwd Prints the current working directory
fs.readfile FILE Reads the contents of a given FILE
fs.readlink SYMLINK Reads the destination path of a symlink
fs.readdir DIR Reads the contents of a given directory
fs.hexdump FILE Hexdumps a given file
fs.copy SRC DEST Copies the SRC file to the DEST path
fs.unlink FILE Deletes a given file
fs.rmdir DIR Removes a given directory SRC DEST Moves or renames a given file or directory SRC DEST Creates a link from the source to the destination
fs.chown USER PATH Changes the owner of a given file or directory
fs.chgrp GROUP PATH Changes the group of a given file or directory
fs.chmod MODE PATH Changes the permission mode of a given file or directory
fs.stat PATH Prints file system information about a given file or directory PATH [MODE] Opens a file for reading or writing
files Lists opened files FILE_ID POS [WHENCE] Seeks to a position within the file FILE_ID LENGTH Reads LENGTH of data from an opened file
file.write FILE_ID DATA Writes data to an opened file
file.close FILE_ID Closes an open file
- Ruby >= 3.0.0
- fake_io ~> 0.1
- hexdump ~> 1.0
- ronin-core ~> 0.1
$ gem install ronin-post_ex
gem 'ronin-post_ex', '~> 0.1'
gem.add_dependency 'ronin-post_ex', '~> 0.1'
- Fork It!
- Clone It!
cd ronin-post_ex/
bundle install
git checkout -b my_feature
- Code It!
bundle exec rake spec
git push origin my_feature
Copyright (c) 2007-2023 Hal Brodigan (postmodern.mod3 at
ronin-post_ex is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
ronin-post_ex is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with ronin-post_ex. If not, see