This project is a Python application demonstrating best practices in project structure, code organization, configuration management, script execution and unit testing. The application also showcases some advanced functionalities:
- Interactive Data Visualization: Generates interactive charts (scatter or line plots) that can be viewed in a web browser.
- Advanced Text Analysis: Performs sentiment analysis and keyword extraction using basic NLP techniques.
- Enhanced Logging: Implements a custom logging system that logs to both the console and a JSON file, including detailed metadata.
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- Python 3.6 or higher
- pip (Python package installer)
- Git (optional, for cloning repository)
You can clone the repository using Git:
git clone
Or download the ZIP file from GitHub and extract it.
cd python_best_practices_project
I recommend to use a virtual environvent (venv) to manage dependencies.
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate # "venv\Scripts\activate" on Windows
pip install -r requirements.txt
Note: The requirements.txt file includes all necessary packages:
- Plotly
- Pandas
- TextBlob
- scikit-learn Also, download the NLTK data required by TextBlob:
python -m textblob.download_corpora
chmod +x
This script will:
- Install the necessary dependencies (if not already installed).
- Download necessary NLTK data for TextBlob.
- Run the application.
Alternatively, the application can also be ran manually:
python src/
The application's behavior is controlled via the config.yaml file located in the src/ directory.
log_level: "INFO"
numbers: [12,45,23,67,34,89]
text: "Python is a programming language with a nice community and many useful libraries."
operation: "advanced_text_analysis" # Options: "interactive_visualization", "advanced_text_analysis"
chart_type: "scatter" # Options: "scatter", "line"
Available Configuration Options
- settings.log_level: Sets the logging level (DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL).
- data.numbers: A list of numbers for data visualization.
- data.text: A text string for advanced text analysis.
- data.operation: The operation to perform:
- "interactive_visualization": Generates an interactive chart.
- "advanced_text_analysis": Performs sentiment analysis and keyword extraction.
- data.chart_type: Type of chart for visualization ("scatter" or "line").
Edit the config.yaml file:
operation: "interactive_visualization"
chart_type: "line"
- Indicates that src is a Python package.
- The main module orchestrating the application. Reads configurations, sets up logging, and calls functions.
- Contains core functionality:
- interactive_visualization(numbers, chart_type): Creates an interactive chart using Plotly.
- advanced_text_analysis(text): Performs sentiment analysis and keyword extraction.
- config.yaml: Configuration file to customize the application's behavior.
- Sets up a custom logging system that logs messages to both the console and a JSON file (app_logs.json), including detailed metadata.
- Indicates that tests is Python package.
- Contains unit tests for the functions in using the unittest framework.
- A shell script to run the application, ensures all dependencies and necessary data are installed.
- Documentation for the project (this file).
- requirements.txt: Lists all Python dependencies required by the project.
Ensure you are in the project's root directory:
cd python_best_practices_project
Use the following command to run all tests:
python -m unittest discover tests
This command will:
- Discover all test modules in the tests/ directory.
- Execute the tests and report results.
You should see output similar to:
Ran 6 tests in 0.1234s
The application uses a custom logging system that logs messages to both the console and a JSON file (app_logs.json) with metadata including:
- Timestamp
- Thread name
- Logger name
- Log level
- Message
- Function name
- Line number
Modify the log_level in config.yaml:
log_level: "DEBUG"
Available levels:
- DEBUG: Detailed information, typically used when diagnosing problems.
- INFO: Confirmation that things are working as intended.
- WARNING: An indication that something went wrong.
- ERROR: Due to a more serious problem, the software was unable to perform a given function.
- CRITICAL: A serious error, indicating that the program itself may be unable to continue running.
The application includes robust error handling to manage:
- Invalid or missing configurations.
- Unsupported operations.
- Empty or invalid input data. Errors are logged with detailed information and are also displayed to the user.
The project relies on the following Python packages:
- PyYAML: For parsing YAML configuration files.
- Plotly: For creating interactive visualizations.
- Pandas: For data manipulation.
- TextBlob: For text processing and sentiment analysis.
- Scikit-learn: For keyword extraction using TF-IDF.
- NLTK: Required by TextBlob for NLP.
Install all dependencies using:
pip install -r requirements.txt
python -m textblob.download_corpora
After running an interactive visualization, an HTML file named interactive_chart.html will be generated in the project root directoy.
- Open this file in a web browser to view the chart.
- The chart supports features like zooming, panning and hover information.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
The aim of this project is mainly to demonstrate a less straight-forward version of a project that is well-structured, well modularized, robust in error handling and testing, comprehensive in logging and documented clearly.