Robby Costales (rsc2156)
Vivek Kumar (vk2425)
Yung Pal (roop)
An application for image classification which brings state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms to the public. This is accomplished using tensorflowjs and transfer learning.
To run this website locally, run in the directory containing index.html:
python -m http.server
Observe the hosted location and port, often localhost:8000, and navigate to this in a mobile browser. Alternatively, you can access the hosted website at
In terms of our project, we first evaluated our model based on actual data on a standard dataset like the Kaggle Flowers Dataset. Given MobileNet's high performance, we were unsurprised with high accuracies in the 90s.
What's more important is the performance on the job. As seen in our presentation, we tried taking photos with our phones and evaluating the classifier in our browsers! We found we could classify objects around us, even people!