🐱 see also catstack, dogstack's smarter, slimmer, more cunning partner in crime
- is omakase, modules are hand-picked by expert chefs to deliver a consistent taste throughout
- provides a forkable example to get you up and running in no time!
- abstracts away the app plumbing that you don't want to write again, and let's you focus on features
- prescribes enough opinion to reduce friction for your team
- includes modules for the user experience you really need: registration flow, sign in flow, group management, role-based access controls, etc
: a simple forkable example with common boilerplateroot-systems/cobuy
: our open source product for consumer groups to coordinate buying quality goods for a cheaper priceahdinosaur/resourceful
: an experiment in personal inventory management
to get started, fork dogstack-example
framework: dogstack
plugin ecosystem:
see stack.md
for the full set of modules included in dogstack.
- TODO user interface
- TODO universal user interface
- TODO data services
- TODO full stack (ui + services)
- TODO mobile using [react-native]
- TODO desktop using [electron]
- How to install Node.js
- How to create a new
app - How to setup a Postgres database
- TODO how to do authentication for your app
- How to do presentational components
- TODO how to create real-time data services
- TODO how to do authorization for your app
- TODO how to deploy your app
- TODO how to test your app using executable specifications
- TODO how to setup scheduled server tasks
- TODO how to send emails from your app
- TODO how to do a payment in your app
- architecture by @ahdinosaur on previous private projects
- https://github.com/jlongster/react-redux-universal-hot-example0
- https://github.com/react-boilerplate/react-boilerplate
- general discussions with teammates