- Created a tool that estimates data science intership salaries to help data scientists negotiate their income when they get a job
- Scraped 980 job desriptions from ShiXiSeng(实习僧) using python and selenium
- Explore the attributes of jobs, for example: the job position, job acdemic requirement...
- Optimized Linear, Lasso, and Random Forest Regressors using GridSearchCV to reach the best model
- Built a client facing API using flask
Python Version: 3.7 Packages: pandas, numpy, sklearn, matplotlib, seaborn, selenium, flask, json, pickle For Web Framework Requirements: pip install -r requirements.txt Referenced Project: https://github.com/PlayingNumbers/ds_salary_proj Flask Productionization:https://towardsdatascience.com/productionize-a-machine-learning-model-with-flask-and-heroku-8201260503d2
Tweaked the web scraper github repo (above) to scrape 980 job postings from shixiseng.com. With each job, we got the following:
- Job Title(职位名称)
- Company Name(公司名字)
- Salary Estimate(预计薪水)
- Job Position(公司所在城市)
- Job Acdemic Requirement(职位最低学位要求)
- Job Week Custom Font(每周出勤数)
- Job Time Cutom Font (最短实习时长)
- Company Field(公司所处领域)
- Company Size(公司规模)
After scraping the data, I needed to clean it up so that it was usable for our model. I made the following changes and created the following variables:
- 'Job Title','Company Name','Salary' parsing
- Made columns for employer provided salary and monthly wages
- 'Job Week Custom Font', 'Job Time Cutom Font' parsing
- Transform 'Company Size' into proper format(There are 6 types of company size: 1. less than 15(person); 2. 15-50; 3. 50-150; 4. 150-500; 5. 500-2000; 6.more than 2000 )
- Remove irrelevent columns
- Save cleaned data as 'salary_data_cleaned.csv'
I looked at the distribution of each attribute and analysis the relationship between each pair of attributes. Below are few highlight of the analysis.
- During the EDA I map the value of 'job positon','acdemic requirement','company field' from Chinese into English
Analysis: 从柱状图中可以看出,提供数据分析实习工作最多的领域依次是(前3):
- 互联网/游戏/软件(Internet/Games/Software)
- 金融/经济/投资/财会:(Finance/Economy/Investment/Accounting)
- 企业服务/咨询(Corporate Services/Consulting)
该信息段可深挖,可以搜索到有用的对应领域的工资不错的实习岗位 以及 其所对应的技能要求
Analysis: 从柱状图可以看出,提供的平均工资最高的 三个对应公司领域分别是:
- Funds/Securities/Futures/Investments(基金/证券/期货/投资) (数据中包含了2家公司): 22500元/月
- Internet/Mobile Internet/E-commerce(互联网/移动互联网/电子商务)(数据中包含了7家公司): 10500元/月
- Education/Training (教育/培训)(数据中包含了8家公司): 5475元/月 (Note: 此图不表示 每个实习时长对应的公司数,实习时长对应的公司数分布图请在2.1.5中查看)
其中提供数据分析最多的三个领域 与 其分别对应的平均工资分别是:
Internet/Games/Software (互联网/游戏/软件) (数据中包含了455家公司): 5364元/月
Finance/Economy/Investment/Accounting (金融/经济/投资/财会) (数据中包含了130家公司): 5143元/月
Corporate Services/Consulting (企业服务/咨询) (数据中包含了68家公司): 4850元/月
根据调查,工资最高的对应公司领域((基金/证券/期货/投资)的2份实习)同为一家公司: 上海罡兴投资 以下为公司简介介绍: 罡兴投资是一家专注于二级市场量化交易的资管公司,通过统计和机器学习模型进行程序化证券交易。公司秉承着精英化团队管理的理念,有着纯正的清华基因和金牌血统。投研团队汇集了全国奥林匹克竞赛多枚金牌;80%以上来自于清华北大、以及海内外一流学府。公司合伙人曾就职于世界一流的金融机构和对冲基金,有着深厚的研究能力和投资实战经验。 我们致力于成为海内外最顶尖的量化交易团队,笃信技术可以带来革命,未来可以被计算。现阶段我们致力于A股Alpha和期货低延迟交易的研究,通过机器学习和数理统计捕捉稳定可靠的交易机会。公司以低延迟交易起步,取得了令人瞩目的成绩,并在股票和期货市场逐步开拓,稳扎稳打谋求长足发展。 与此同时,我们坚信非凡的团队才是致胜的金杯。在这里,我们有手把手的指导和扁平化的管理训练体系;在这里,我们以技术为种子,持续创新,追求卓越。如果你愿意加入到顶配的交易团队,有着与市场一较高下的抱负,我们真诚地邀请你一同并肩而战。
Analysis: 从柱状图中我们可以看到, 在提供数据分析实习岗位数量最多的三个城市(‘北京’,’广州‘,’上海‘)中:
- Internet/Games/Software(互联网/游戏/软件)领域对数据分析岗位需求量最大,其中北京对于该领域对该岗位的需求量最大(among 3)
- Finance/Economy/Investment/Accounting(金融)领域对数据分析岗位需求量第二大
- 北京的Dining/Hotel/Travel/Entertainment(餐饮/酒店/旅游/娱乐) 和 Agriculture/Other(农业/其他)领域对该岗位没有需求量(基于当前数据)
- 广州的Automotive/Machinery/Manufacturing(汽车/机械/制造业) , Chemical/Energy/Enviroment Protection(化学/能源/环境保护) , Funds/Securities/Futures/Investments(基金/证券/期货/投资) , Medical/Health/Pharma/Bio(医疗/健康/制药/生物) , Unlimited(..) , Dining/Hotel/Travel/Entertainment(餐饮/酒店/旅游/娱乐) 和 Agriculture/Other(农业/其他)领域对该岗位没有需求量(基于当前数据)
- 北京,广州都没Dining/Hotel/Travel/Entertainment(餐饮/酒店/旅游/娱乐) 和 Agriculture/Other(农业/其他)领域岗位需求,但上海有
- 相比北京和广州,上海在Automotive/Machinery/Manufacturing(汽车/机械/制造业),Coporate Services/Consulting(公司服务/咨询), FMCG/Department/Wholesale/Retail(快速消费品/部门/批发/零售), Medical/Health/Pharma/Bio(医疗/健康/制药/生物),Dining/Hotel/Travel/Entertainment(餐饮/酒店/旅游/娱乐)领域都有一定岗位需求基数
- 北京:
在Internet/Games/Software(互联网/游戏/软件)领域对该岗位需求量很大,其他领域不是很大。 造成现象的可能原因主观分析(北京):
数据分析是一个新兴行业,通常招聘该岗位的公司都比较年轻。因此我推断,北京的新兴企业/年轻企业主要集中分布在“互联网/游戏/软件”领域 面向分析对象是“数据分析实习岗位”。因此可能该职业相对上海可能更趋近于饱和?
- 广州:
对该岗位的需求主要集中分布在四个领域:Advertising/Media/PR/Exhibition(广告/媒体/公关/展览), Coporate Services/Consulting(公司服务/咨询), Finance/Economy/Investment/Accounting(金融),Internet/Games/Software(互联网/游戏/软件)。 Automotive/Machinery/Manufacturing(汽车/机械/制造业),Medical/Health/Pharma/Bio(医疗/健康/制药/生物)领域对该岗位无需求(基于当前数据)。这两个领域在北京/广州都有一定岗位需求量 广州是三大城市中对数据分析岗位需求量最小的。
- 上海:
上海对于数据分析岗位需求量大且需求领域分布多元化(表现在各个领域都有一定需求) 领域 Automotive/Machinery/Manufacturing(汽车/机械/制造业), Dining/Hotel/Travel/Entertainment(餐饮/酒店/旅游/娱乐)对该岗位都有一定需求。这两个领域在北京/上海的需求量非常小
Chemical/Energy/Enviroment Protection(化学/能源/环境保护)
Education/Training (教育/培训)
'real estate/home/property/construction'(房产/家居/物业/建筑)
First, I transformed the categorical variables into dyummy varialbes. I also split the data into train and tests sets with a test size of 20%
I tried three different models and evaluated them using Mean Absolute Error. I chose MAE because it is relatively easy to interpret and outliers aren't particularly bad in for this type of model
I tried three different models:
- Multiple Linear Regression - Baseline for the model
- Lasso Regression - Because of the sparse data from the many categorical variables, I thought a normalized regression like lasso would be effective.
- Random Forest - Again, with the sparsity associated with the data, I thought that this would be a good fit.
The Lasso Regression model performed best. However, the MSE value is extremely large due to unknown reason. I think this issues was caused the number of attributes are too little for model. What's more, the salary may be very different just due to one attribute value. For example, for same company field and size, if one job is provided in BeiJing, another one is provided in ChengDu. There may be great difference. Maybe enlarge the dataset(scracping more data may help, but I readly extracted all intership related to 'data scienctist' intership from the website).
In this step, I built a flask API endpoint that was hosted on a local webserver by following along with the TDS tutorial in the reference section above. The API endpoint takes in a request with a list of values from a job listing and returns an estimated salary.