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J2EE starter project (Signup page + Login page + JAAS using database loginmodule + J2EE declarative security)

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J2EE project configured with form authentication.

FYI The usage of archetype and meaning I got from maven.


  • Eclipse 4.5.2 Mars
  • Jdk1.8.0_77
  • MySql 5.1.38
  • Wildfly 10
  • Java EE 7
  • Hibernate 5.1
  • Other 3rd party libraries (i.e. Apache commons lang)


  • Instructions for server configuration in Eclipse
  • Wildfly configuration instructions
  • Database data definition scripts
  • Declarative form-based authentication
  • Custom login module that extends jboss class AbstractServerLoginModule
  • Password digest
  • Hibernate configuration
    • HibernateTxRequestFilter class for session-per-request unit-of-work
    • HibernateUtil class for SessionFactory singleton
    • User entity and DAO classes
  • Web content includes sign up and login page
  • Example rest service



  • Create new database schema. For this project call it 'boilerplate'
  • Create user table
CREATE TABLE `user` (`id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `username` varchar(45) NOT NULL, `password` longtext NOT NULL, `role` varchar(45) DEFAULT NULL, `email` varchar(100) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), UNIQUE KEY `username_UNIQUE` (`username`)) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=8 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;

Java EE Server - WildFly

Download and extract WildFly to {wildfly_home}

Eclipse setup server runtime

  • Go to Window -> Preferences -> Server -> Runtime Environments
  • Select Add...
  • Choose WildFly 10.0 Runtime
  • Name: WildFly 10.0 Boilerplate
  • Home Directory: browse to {wildfly_home} location and select
  • Runtime JRE -> Alternate JRE: select jdk1.8.0_77

Import project from Git repository and configure project

  • Right click on rg-archetype-j2ee-login -> Build Path -> Configure Build Path...
  • Remove JRE System Library
  • Select Add Library...
  • Select JRE System Library
  • Choose Alternate JRE -> jdk1.8.0_77

Eclipse setup server

  • Window -> Show View -> Servers
  • New -> Server
  • Server type: WildFly 10.0
  • Name: WildFly 10.0 Boilerplate
  • Next
  • Choose runtime server WildFly 10.0 Boilerplate
  • Next
  • Skip adding the application to the server configuration, you will do that later
  • Start the server
    • You may run into the following error on startup. I used a program called Tcpview to find the port that was being used. In my case it was a NVIDIA process, NvNetworkService.exe. This process was using port 9990 which is the port Wildfly is configured to use for management. Upon ending this process, the wildfly server started with any problems.
Failed to start service org.jboss.msc.service.StartException in service WFLYSRV0083: Failed to start the http-interface service
Caused by: Address already in use: bind
  • open a command prompt and navigate to {wildfly_home}\bin
  • run add-user.bat to setup a Management user
  • Access management console
  • Notice the user/password was added in {wildfly_home}\standalone\configuration\

Configure WildFly

Add jdbc module

  • update {rg-archetype-j2ee-login home}\Resources\jboss-add-jdbc-module.cli if needed
  • open command prompt
  • navigate to {wildfly_home}\bin and run the following...
jboss-cli.bat --file={rg-archetype-j2ee-login home}\Resources\jboss-add-jdbc-module.cli
  • creates mysql jdbc module in {wildfly_home}\modules\com\mysql\jdbc

Create datasource

  • update {rg-archetype-j2ee-login home}\Resources\jboss-add-datasource-module.cli if needed. If you change the datasource name you will need to update the following:
    • {rg-archetype-j2ee-login home}\src\org\rg\archetype\data\hibernate\hibernate.cfg.xml
  • open command prompt
  • navigate to {wildfly_home}\bin and run the following...
jboss-cli.bat --file={rg-archetype-j2ee-login home}\Resources\jboss-add-datasource-module.cli
  • creates datasource {wildfly_home}\standalone\configuration\standalone.xml
  • also in the admin console -> Configuration -> Subsystems -> Datasources -> Non-XA - you should see MySqlBoilerplateDS

Create security domain

  • update {rg-archetype-j2ee-login home}\Resources\jboss-add-security-domain.cli if needed. If you change the security-domain name you will need to update the following:
    • {rg-archetype-j2ee-login home}\WebContent\WEB-INF\jboss-web.xml
  • open command prompt
  • navigate to {wildfly_home}\bin and run the following...
jboss-cli.bat --file={rg-archetype-j2ee-login home}\Resources\jboss-add-security-domain.cli

In Eclipses servers view

  • Right-click WildFly 10.0 Boilerplate -> Stop
  • Right-click WildFly 10.0 Boilerplate -> Add and Remove...
  • Add rg-archetype-j2ee-login project
  • Right-click WildFly 10.0 Boilerplate -> Publish
  • Right-click WildFly 10.0 Boilerplate -> Start

Try it

Things to notice

  • Vendor specific security realm configuration for the Java EE server. See rg-archetype-j2ee-login\WebContent\WEB-INF\jboss-web.xml
  • Notice the Hibernate filter which creates a Hibernate session transaction for each incoming request and commits the transaction if not error occurs. This unit-of-work is know as a session-per-request.
  • If you change the location of your hibernate.cfg.xml you will need to update the HibernateUtil class
  • hibernate.cfg.xml is using the datasource created in rg-archetype-j2ee-login\Resources\jboss-add-datasource-module.cli
  • Passwords are encrypted using Jasypt StringPasswordEncryptor
  • {rg-archetype-j2ee-login home}\WebContent\WEB-INF\lib\javaee-api-7.0.jar
    • Java EE 7 Specification API
    • The implementation can be found in the server runtime WildFly 10.0 Boilerplate
  • {rg-archetype-j2ee-login home}\WebContent\WEB-INF\lib\picketbox-4.9.4.Final.jar is needed for AbstractServerLoginModule

The custom login module

  • class name is org.rg.archetype.jboss.auth.LoginModule and is referenced in the security domain. See rg-archetype-j2ee-login\Resources\jboss-add-security-domain.cli
  • The security domain uses a custom login module which extends jboss class AbstractServerLoginModule
  • Should be placed in 1 of the following locations:
    • {wildfly_home}\standalone\deployments\rg-archetype-j2ee-login.war\WEB-INF\classes
    • or as a jar file in {wildfly_home}\standalone\deployments\rg-archetype-j2ee-login.war\WEB-INF\lib
  • A custom Principal is used called UserPrincipal. This custom principal includes the user id, username, and role. The role in this custom principal corresponds to the in the deployment descriptor.
  • Notice the method #getRoleSets, the role in my custom principal gets added to the caller principal group