Ubuntu based image running python script that reads json from Oref Website.
and publishes it over MQTT Protocol.
From ubuntu:22.04
described here.
Thanks to the amazing work of @caronc on the apprise you can now send notification using variety of notification channels, like:
- Telegram - tgram://bottoken/ChatID
- Home-Assistant - hassio://user@hostname/accesstoken
- IFTTT - ifttt://{WebhookID}@{Event}/
- Slack - slack://TokenA/TokenB/TokenC/Channel
- Microsoft Teams - msteams://TokenA/TokenB/TokenC/
And much musch more. you can find it all on the project Wiki.
This update also contains:
- Reducing the length of the data sends over the Mqtt prorocol, it is now contains regions only.
- Added detaild log.
- Fixed the bug that causing sendind multiple alerts.
used for setting the MQTT Broker address, default value is127.0.0.1
used for setting the MQTT Broker Port, default value is1883
used for setting the MQTT Broker Username, default value isuser
used for setting the MQTT Broker Password, default value ispassword
used for setting the script to run in test mode wich will read json from test url. - INCLUDE_TEST_ALERTS
used to show pikud ha oref tests, default is False. - REGION
used for setting the region for monitoring. default is * (any) - NOTIFIERS
use apprise notification. you can use multiple notifiers separated by space python for example:
tgram://bottoken/ChatID hassio://user@hostname/accesstoken slack://TokenA/TokenB/TokenC/Channel
Custom MQTT Topic. default value is/redalert
docker run -e MQTT_HOST="broker ip / fqdn" -e MQTT_PORT="1883" -e MQTT_USER="username" -e MQTT_PASS="password" -e DEBUG_MODE="False" -e REGION="*" --name redalert techblog/redalert:latest
version: "3.6"
image: techblog/redalert
container_name: redalert
restart: always
- MQTT_HOST=[Broker Address]
- MQTT_USER=[Broker Username]
- MQTT_PASS=[Broker Password]
- REGION=[* for any or region name)
- NOTIFIERS=[Apprise notifiers]
restart: unless-stopped
- platform: mqtt
name: "Red Alert"
state_topic: "/redalert/data"
# unit_of_measurement: '%'
icon: fas:broadcast-tower
value_template: "{{ value_json }}"
qos: 1
- platform: mqtt
name: "Red Alert"
state_topic: "/redalert/alarm"
icon: fas:broadcast-tower
qos: 1