Here are some small scripts I use.
Small todo list in python 3.6+.
Just copy in your $PATH
You can directly modify the script to adapt to your uses.
todo [-r | --read]
todo [-a | --add] <note>
todo [-d | --delete] <number>
Without argument, todo -r
is used.
Small tasks manager in bash.
Suitable for systemd
Just copy in your $PATH
You can directly modify the script to adapt to your uses.
stm backlight|bl +|-|up|down|get [value]
stm vol|volume|v +|-|up|toggle|down [value]
stm mic|micro|microphone|m toggle
stm bluetooth|bt start|up|stop|kill|restart|on|off|down
stm mysql|sql|sqld|mysqld start|up|stop|kill|restart|on|stop|off
stm http|httpd start|up|stop|kill|restart|on|off
stm lamp|LAMP start|up|stop|kill|restart|on|off
Minimal brainfuck interpreter.
This script is using Python 3.6+.
Just copy in your $PATH
brainfuck -f|--file <file>
brainfuck -e|--exp <expression>
brainfuck -h|--help
Ultra-simple theme manager and switcher.
Just copy in your $PATH
You can directly modify the script to adapt to your uses.
themer <theme name>
Calculator for use with rofi/dmenu(2).
Stolen from here.
Just copy in your $PATH
Use rofi/dmenu(2), and type = <equation>
= 4+3
Get windows' criteria.
Just copy in your $PATH
Run this script, then click on a window.
Output is in the format: [<name>=<value> <name2>=<value2> ...]
Note: wayland is not supported.
Clicking on this terminal, and returns this:
[class="Termite" id=44040195 instance="termite" title="nvim"]
Want some small memos ? Use it.
Just copy in your $PATH
memo list|show|l|s simple `tree $memo_dir`
memo add|a <item> create the selected item (and directories if needed)
memo edit|e <item> edit the selected item
memo delete|d <item|dir> delete the selected item (directory requires -r option)
memo git|g <git-command> uses git directly, so uses ~/.gitconfig
memo help|h|? display this message
Create a new post on my blog
Just copy in your $PATH
post <my title>
It creates
and fill the header.