gather asset information from file globs in package.json
You can use this module to build a static asset pipeline to work alongside browserify's dependency graph.
NOTE: These docs are badly out of date, but the module is working. See parcelify for an example of how to use the module.
var browserify = require('browserify');
var parcelMap = require('parcel-map');
var b = browserify(__dirname + '/views/page1');
var opts = {
keys: [ 'style' ],
defaults: { style: 'images/*.jpg' }
parcelMap(b, opts, function (err, graph) {
For a views/page1
directory with a package.json of:
"style": "*.css"
and these files:
The index.js
requires two files, the 'upper.js'
in the local directory and
, a module with a package.json of:
"style": "*.css"
the resulting parcel-map output is:
{ packages:
{ '2a0f0daf500f9de39847f70e6ded76b27543fdc3':
{ style: '*.css',
__dirname: '/home/substack/projects/parcel-map/example/views/page1' },
{ style: '*.css',
__dirname: '/home/substack/projects/parcel-map/example/node_modules/widget' } },
{ '/home/substack/projects/parcel-map/example/views/page1/beep.css': '2a0f0daf500f9de39847f70e6ded76b27543fdc3',
'/home/substack/projects/parcel-map/example/views/page1/images/beep.jpg': '2a0f0daf500f9de39847f70e6ded76b27543fdc3',
'/home/substack/projects/parcel-map/example/node_modules/widget/style.css': '80f1bf36696fb5ff6602576674c3a2774252a623' },
{ '2a0f0daf500f9de39847f70e6ded76b27543fdc3': [ '80f1bf36696fb5ff6602576674c3a2774252a623' ],
'80f1bf36696fb5ff6602576674c3a2774252a623': [] } }
Note how parcel-map found the local css in page1/beep.css
and the image
from the default "images/*.jpg"
It also found the widget/style.css
from the widget module, because widget was
included from index.js
, so the lookup rules were triggered and the
package.json in widget/
was processed through the parcel-map rules.
You can generate this parcel map output with the API directly or you can use parcel-map as a browserify-plugin:
$ browserify -p [ parcel-map -k style -o map.json ] views/page1 > static/bundle.js
var parcelMap = require('parcel-map');
Pass in a browserify bundle
and some opts
in order to generate the parcel
map and get the result in cb(err, parcelMap)
is an object with these keys:
maps package IDs to package.json contents."assets"
maps asset file paths captured from glob expansion to the containing package's ID."dependencies"
maps package IDs to an array of dependency package IDs.
The opts
options are:
- an object mapping dotted keypaths into the package.json with default values to use when there is no field present in the package.json at the location indicatedopts.keys
- an array of keys, dotted keypath strings, or array keypaths that traverse into the package.json to values that are glob strings.
With npm do:
npm install parcel-map