Unity Modular system let's you create game object with procedural generated parts.
With editable random seed mode and starting method, it provides the user unlimited possibility.
No coding skill required.
- First, attach the modular system script to the gameobject (as root) you want to have random procedural generated parts.
- Create some empty gameobjects under the root gameobject you just created, those are the basic position your procedural generated parts will based on.
- In the inspector, under the modular system script, create some partsets and drag those empty gameobjects to the "attachTransform".
- Add prefabs for each part sets.
- Adjust them individually.
- You can press "Preview" to preview the final product.
- Click on individual part will let you preview the part, drag will adjust the postion of attach transform. You can modify the position, rotation and scale for each parts individually.
- Editor View
- Example Preview
##2018-06-11 V0.4
- Done: Modified .gitignore. Fixed the bug when entering play mode, the preview still exist. Added two .unitypackage(one with example, one without) with latest unity version 2018.1.
##2016-11-07 V0.3
- Done: Attached transform handlers & lable Modular system script(Now it can be generated when scene started). Weight based randomizer. Random seed mode and starting method are working properly.
##2016-11-06 V0.2
- Done: Generate preview in editor(Can be previewed with either singel or all part(s)) Example scene using free asset from asset store.
##2016-11-05 V0.1b
- Done: Name is now based on gameobjct's name if user hasn't define it. Random Seed manually generate. Starting method configuration.
##2016-11-05 V0.1a
- Done: Basic classes defined. Editor Window complete.
- To Do: Monobehaviour script.