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Markdown of literate Haskell program. Program source: /src/CTNotes/P1Ch08a_BiFunctorAsFunctor.lhs
In categorical terms, bifunctor is simply a functor from a product category C x C -> D.
In Haskell, the standard bifunctor definition is separate from that of a functor.
But, if there was a way to express the product of categories (:**:)
then there should be a way to replace Bifunctor
typeclass with more generic CFunctor
(defined in N_P1Ch07b_Functors_AcrossCats).
This note expresses one side of such equivalence:
instance (CFunctor f ((->) :**: (->)) (->)) => Bifunctor (Curry f)
(I think of (->) :**: (->) as Hask :**: Hask
The hard part is implementing the product category (:**:)
Book ref: CTFP Part 1. Ch.8 Functoriality.
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies
, TypeOperators
, FlexibleContexts
, PolyKinds
, UndecidableInstances
, InstanceSigs
module CTNotes.P1Ch08a_BiFunctorAsFunctor where
import Control.Category
import Prelude hiding ((.), id)
import CTNotes.P1Ch07b_Functors_AcrossCats
Following the data-category
package https://hackage.haskell.org/package/data-category-0.7
I define product of categories (I am using a more relaxed kind signature) as:
data (:**:) :: (k -> k -> *) -> (k -> k -> *) -> * -> * -> * where
(:**:) :: c1 a1 b1 -> c2 a2 b2 -> (:**:) c1 c2 (a1, a2) (b1, b2)
This is a GADT that defines a type parametrized by pairs, this approach causes problems with
implementing id
. Expected type of id
is cat a a
, and not cat (a,b) (a,b)
So the instance of Control.Category
is only partially implemented:
instance (Category c1, Category c2) => Category (c1 :**: c2) where
id = undefined -- id :**: id
(a1 :**: a2) . (b1 :**: b2) = (a1 . b1) :**: (a2 . b2)
Definition of BiFunctor from the book:
class Bifunctor f where
bimap :: (a -> c) -> (b -> d) -> f a b -> f c d
bimap g h = first g . second h
first :: (a -> c) -> f a b -> f c b
first g = bimap g id
second :: (b -> d) -> f a b -> f a d
second = bimap id
with 2 examples (just for reference):
instance Bifunctor (,) where
bimap :: (a -> c) -> (b -> d) -> (a, b) -> (c, d)
bimap g h (a,b) = (g a, h b)
instance Bifunctor Either where
bimap :: (a -> c) -> (b -> d) -> Either a b -> Either c d
bimap g h (Left a) = Left (g a)
bimap g h (Right b) = Right (h b)
And here we go:
newtype Curry f a b = Curry (f (a, b))
instance (CFunctor f ((->) :**: (->)) (->)) => Bifunctor (Curry f) where
bimap ac bd (Curry fp) = Curry $ cmap (ac :**: bd) fp
TODOs TODO Implement ProFunctor as CFunctor ((<-) :**: (->)) (->)