_HD (HTML Decorator) is a small javascript utility to creating raw HTML markup string.
Using plain javascript:
var css = 'one two',
cell = [1, 2, 3],
html = '<table class="' + css + '">';
html += '<tr>';
html += '<td>' + cell[0] + '</td>';
html += '<td>' + cell[1] + '</td>';
html += '<td>' + cell[2] + '</td>';
html += '</tr>';
html += '</table>';
Using _HD:
var cell = [1, 2, 3],
= _HD('tr', '')
.append(_HD('td', cell[0]))
.append(_HD('td', cell[1]))
.append(_HD('td', cell[2]))
.wrap('table').addClass('one two').html();
Add css class to html element.
_HD('p', 'content').addClass('foo').addClass('bar baz').html();
// output: <p class="foo bar baz">content</p>
Add attribute to an element.
_HD('p', 'content').addClass('foo').attr('align', 'center').html();
// output: <p class="foo" align="center">content</p>
Append html string to an element.
_HD('p', 'content').append(_HD('span', 'foo')).html();
// output: <p>content<span>foo</span></p>
Add/Update content string of an element.
_HD('p', 'content1').content('content2').html();
// output: <p>content2</p>
Remove content string of an element.
_HD('p', 'content1').empty().html();
// output: <p></p>
Prepend html string to an element.
_HD('p', 'content').prepend(_HD('span', 'foo')).html();
// output: <p><span>foo</span>content</p>
Remove css class from html element.
_HD('p', 'content').addClass('foo bar baz').removeClass('bar').html();
// output: <p class="foo baz">content</p>
Wrap element.
_HD('p', 'content1').wrap('div', '').html();
// output: <div><p>content1</p></div>