Before running anything, navigate to the Dump20220415 folder in this repo and download that entire folder. In MySQL workbench, make a new connection, and then make a new database called emergency_nexus. Then, under the server settings which are near the top of the Workbench window, find the Data import option. Once in this option, select the freshly downloaded Dump20220415 folder. The emergency_nexus database should automatically pop up. Press the start import button, and the database is now local to your device!
Steps to import the database can be found in the images below as well:
1.) In MySQL Workbench create a new connection:
2.) In the new popup, follow the steps to create the connection:
3.) In the new tab that you should be directed to, make a new database:
4.) In the Server tab at the top of the window, press Data Import:
5.) In the new popup, press the three dots near the path to navigate to the downloaded Dump20220415 folder:
If MySQL and MYSQL Workbench is not installed on your device, go to this website and install it with your OS.
In order to run the Jar file and the SRC files themselves, any java ver. from 17.02 or newer has to be installed. To check which Java you have running, open a command prompt and type in the command: java -version
The code hosted in this repo will work on the Intellij IDE specifically. If opening and running from Intellij, please reload the Maven project first before you try running it. Also before running from Intellij, navigate to the database-properties.txt file and put your MySQL root password.
A runnable jar file can be found here: If you want to run it from the jar file, please navigate to the shared google drive folder and download both the database-properties.txt file and the emergency-nexus.jar file. Before running the jar file, please add your MySQL root password into the txt file. If you cannot remember your MYSQL root password, you can follow this helpful video to reset the password: (Verified working on 4/0/2022). Optionally, the jar file can also be found in this Github repo. Simply download the out folder, set your MySQL root password into the database-properties.txt file, and double click the jar file to run it.
Once at the login screen, try using the accounts:
[System admin account]
username: admin
password: nexus
[nurse account]
username: nurse
password: nexus
[doctor account]
username: gman
password: menty
Vers. 1.0.0 of the Emergency Nexus software:
- Login Screen
- Successful database connection
- Able to check different user accounts
- Will open different windows depending on the type of user
- Will inform user if username or password entered is not found in the database
- System Admin UI
- Able to view the users table from the database in a table
- Able to toggle the password view on and off
- TODO: implement search bar to look through the table
- Able to create new users (From a separate tab in the window only so far)
- Able to edit users (directly from the table, and from a separate tab in the window as well)
- Able to delete users (directly from the table, and from a separate tab in the window as well)
- when deleting users, will ask for password associated with account
- Able to save drafts (local to session)
- drafts can be saved for editing or creating user accounts
- making a draft will prompt a draft name and will check to see if:
- what you are trying to save as a draft is empty (err if it is)
- if there already exists a draft with the same information in the system (err if there is)
- Able to see all the drafts in a table
- drafts will display the name (as given by user, or defaults to "default name", type, and timestamp that they were made
- drafts can be opened and resumed (will open in the corresponding tab of the type of draft), and submitted
- drafts can be deleted
- Able to see admin tickets in a table
- will be able to assign the ticket to themselves, close or open a ticket, and only show open tickets
- TODO: need to implement an admin ticket ui that other users can access if they want to make a ticket
- Able to view the users table from the database in a table
- Nurse UI
- Able to create a patient
- will check if the patient form is empty before submission (err if it is)
- will check if integral informatiton is missing from the form (err if it is)
- will check for any missing items on the form at submission (warning if there is)
- Able to create a visit form
- will check if the patient form is empty before submission (err if it is)
- will check if integral informatiton is missing from the form (err if it is)
- will check for any missing items on the form at submission (warning if there is)
- visit form is linked with a specific PatientID and PhysicianID
- Able to save drafts of forms (local to session)
- will check if form is empty before saving as draft (err if it is)
- will check if patient form already exists in database by patient name and birthday
- Able to see all the drafts in a table
- can open up each draft or delete them
- drafts had a name (given by user or default to "default name"), a type, and a timestamp
- TODO: need to implement the records table
- Able to create a patient
- Doctor UI
- The same as the Nurse UI
- TODO: implement the couple of things that need to change between the Nurse and Doctor UIs
- TODO: Billing
- Will be an option as seen in the records table in both the Nurse and Doctor UIs
Vers. 1.0.1 of the Emergency Nexus software:
- Doctor UI finished
- Billing UI finished and added to records table
- Search bar TODO deleted (No need for the search bar)
- Everything done
- UI look updated