------------------------------********* @Author : Raghavendra Sriram @Date : June 9th, 2017.
Description: This ia a Program to reduce noise and filter data coming out of a LIDAR sensor. The data is generated in the form of an array of floats of length N which represents Distance measurements wrt the sensor. Parameters: Length of N is generally between [200,1000] measurements Range of data is about ~[0.03,50] meters.
Filters : There are Two Main filters implemented and tested. - Range Filter - The range filter Thresholds the minimum and maximum value of the elements of the array to defined values. This is defined by the lower_threshold_ and upper_threshold_.
- Temporal Median Filter - This filter is used to find the median of a set of sorted values which reduced the noise in case of
large sudden changes and smoothes the output.
it is represented by :
Yi(t) = median(Xi(t),Xi(t-1),Xi(t-2),.....Xi(t-D)) where D is the size of the window.
Class: The lidarFilter class consists of all the functions and update functions. It is in the lidar.h file
Use : The Filter allows the user to decide the type of data to be filtered ( thresholded or Unthresholded)
Instructions : 1. Open a Terminal 2. Navigate to directory 3. run Make : $ make 4. Execute the output created : $ ./result 5. Select what type of data you want to be used and hit enter. ( 1 - thresholded Input array) ( 0 - Unthresholded Input array)
Clean : On terminal run make clean. $ make clean
Contact : [email protected]