Recurses through files in a given directory, and replaces IPv4 Addresses with a pattern of your choosing. You also have the option to specify a string, such as a domain name, to replace.
#IP Sanitizer by Roberto Seldner
#Syntax: .\IPSanitize.ps1 .\path
#Use this script to remove IP addresses and a domain from all files within a specified directory and its subdirectories
#Script will create a "Sanitized-Logs" directory ONE LEVEL UP from the input folder. All output files will be in this folder.
#Future Change: I will duplicate the input folder, then, rather than redirecting output, I will set-content of the duplicate
#folder. This is to preserve the directory structure of the input folder.
#NOTE: I used a simple regex to match IP addresses. It does not validate proper IP formats. #NOTE: I.E. the script would replace a string such as 999.999.999.999 even though that's obviously not an IP Address. #NOTE: I felt there was no need to validate for IPs for my use case since all strings matching this format were IPs/Netmasks.
1. Directory structure is flattened (as noted above). Consequently, some output files can be overwritten if subdirectories contain same filenames.
Script Prompt Preview:
Pattern Options:
A. 192.XXX.123.XXX
B. XXX.168.XXX.123
Select desired output pattern: B
Do you wish to remove a domain name or string [Y/N]? Y
Enter the domain or string you wish to remove:
Enter the string you wish to replace this with: