Connected through I2C, needs
GND - GND 5V - 5V G21 - SDA G22 - SCL
Hello from esp32!
use POST with http://esp.your.domain/text/ to control the display.
Available commands:
parameter | value | explanation │ |
c | clear | clear display, cursor home |
c | home | cursor home |
c | blon | backlight on |
c | bloff | backlight off |
c | restart | restart the esp32 device |
t | TEXT | text to be displayed |
x | 0-19 | cursor x position |
y | 0-3 | cursor y position |
curl -d "c=clear" -d "t=Some text here" -d "x=0" -d "y=1" -d "t=continue here" -d "x=0" -d "y=2" -d "t=third line" -d "x=0" -d "y=3" -d "t=four" -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -X POST http://esp.your.domain/text/
Edit and adjust your ssid and password, compile and upload through the Arduino IDE. Enjoy.