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rticles 0.21

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@yihui yihui released this 11 Sep 15:04



  • Since rticles 0.15, per requirement with R Journal, rjournal_article() uses knitr::purl() to produce a R file with the code from the Rmd file. Last version eagerly overwrites any existing R file with the same name as the purled file. From now on, if a .R already exists with the name of the output, it won't be overwritten anymore, and not purled file will be outputted. This prevent issue with users maintaining themselves their own R file to accompany the article. A warning is issued to remind of deleting the existing R file is one want to use the purled R file (thanks, @Enchufa2, #433).

  • Update Copernicus Publications template to version 6.3 from 2021-07-08 (thanks, @RLumSK, #432).


  • All templates have now the $highlighting-macros$ variables required for Pandoc highlighting (#435).

  • Template for tf_article() gains a classoption variable (thanks, @statzhero, #434).

  • Add the fenced div with id #refs in frontiers_article() skeleton to place the reference section in the correct expected place (thanks, @graysonwhite, #423).

  • bioinformatics_article() now separates manuscript_type (e.g., Applications note, Original article) and subject_section (e.g. Genome analysis, Phylogenetics) in template and skeleton (thanks, @stephenturner, #415)

  • For contributors to this package: Markdown syntax is now used with roxygen2 to document R functions. Refer to formating rules on roxygen2 website


  • bioinformatics_article() has no more trailing comma after last author (thanks, @stephenturner, #413).

  • Fix an issue with elsevier_article() and table produced by RStudio Visual Editor. The template gains some packages for allowing grid table in Markdown (thanks, @ccamara, #421)