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A package manager and development helper for compiled languages

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Dopamine package manager

Package manager for compiled languages.

Dopamine PM is a tool for developers that helps to download and build dependencies in a predictible way.

Dopamine is still under development and cannot be used yet in production.


  • Ease interoperability of C / C++ / D
  • Build-system agnosticity
  • Highly flexible package recipe
  • Consume DUB packages as dependency
  • Drop-in replacement of dub client
  • Ease to package 3rdparty code without patching (packages not aware of Dopamine)
  • Allows to look-up for system-installed dependency before downloading and build
  • Lock dependency versions for deterministic dependencies
  • Reduce compilation time by uploading/downloading pre-built packages


  • The dop command line tool provide commands for all aspects of building and packaging.

    • Setup compilation profile
    • Get the source
    • Resolve and lock dependencies
    • Build (using the build system provided by the source package)
    • Package/publish
    • Upload a build
    • See the client spec for more details.
  • Recipes are Lua scripts.

    • Recipes provide some descriptive fields and functions for:
      • package metadata
      • downloading source (if the source is not packaged with the recipe)
      • patch (if needed)
      • build
    • Most of recipes tasks are helped by a comprehensive dop lua library, pre-loaded by the client.
    • Thanks to Lua's functional flexibility, most recipes can look purely declarative
  • Dependencies are resolved with a DAG. See dag.d.

  • Compilation profiles are saved in INI files, that can be saved user-wide and reused at will

    • The dop client provide helpers to edit them, but can also be done by hand.
    • Each profile gets a unique identifier based on the build options, platform, compilers versions and ABI etc.
  • Everything that can alter the build (profile id, resolved dependencies versions...) is reduced to a unique build identifier.

    • This identifier allows to upload a built package
    • A consumer can consume this pre-built package as dependency if the same ID is computed.
    • If no build is found, the recipe is used to build the package (and optionally upload it after the build).
  • A part of the design is inspired by conan

Example of Recipe

Here is an example of recipe that would build and package libpng. Because it is packaging a 3rd party library, it has to download the source, and perform a few adjustement in the build options.

name = 'libpng'
version = '1.6.37'
description = 'The PNG reference library'
authors = {'The PNG Reference Library Authors'}
license = ''
copyright = 'Copyright (c) 1995-2019 The PNG Reference Library Authors'
tools = {'cc'}

dependencies = {zlib = '>=1.2.5'}

function source()
    local folder = 'libpng-' .. version
    local archive = folder .. '.tar.xz' {
        '' .. archive,
        dest = archive,
    dop.checksum {
        sha256 = '505e70834d35383537b6491e7ae8641f1a4bed1876dbfe361201fc80868d88ca',
    dop.extract_archive { archive, outdir = '.' }

    return folder

function build(dirs, config, dep_infos)

    local cmake = dop.CMake:new(config.profile)

    local defs = {
        ['PNG_TESTS'] = false,
    -- if zlib is not in the system but in the dependency cache
    if dep_infos and dep_infos.zlib then
        local zlib = dep_infos.zlib.install_dir
        local libname = and 'zlibstatic' or 'z'
        defs['ZLIB_INCLUDE_DIR'] = dop.path(zlib, 'include')
        defs['ZLIB_LIBRARY'] = dop.find_libfile(dop.path(zlib, 'lib'), libname, 'static')

        src_dir = dirs.src,
        install_dir = dirs.install,
        defs = defs,

Build dopamine

Dopamine is developed and built with meson. You need the following tools:

  • meson (>= 0.63)
  • ninja
  • a D compiler (either DMD or LDC)
  • Dub (dopamine depends on vibe-d)
  • a C compiler
    • C libraries are compiled if not found on the system (Lua + compression libraries)


DC=ldc meson setup build-ldc
cd build-ldc
ninja # or meson compile
ninja test # or meson test

# you can now run the dop client
packages/client/dop -h


Windows is always more complex to setup. Only MSVC is supported as C compiler, as D compilers do not link to MingW out of the box. Also you need to run both meson and ninja from a VS prompt. If you have [vswhere]( in your Path, win_env_vs.bat is provided to setup the VS environment from your regular CMD prompt (do not work with powershell). Alternatively, the modern Windows Terminal app is also helpful.

rem Windows is so slow to compile, you are better off with a fast D compiler
set DC=dmd
meson setup build-dmd
cd build-dmd
ninja rem or meson compile
ninja test rem or meson test

rem you can now run the dop client
packages\client\dop.exe -h


A package manager and development helper for compiled languages







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