This program takes two command line arguments, a begin date and an end date in the format DD-MM-YYYY, and generates on its standard output a LaTeX file that pdflatex can compile to a A5-booklet calender, with each day annotated by the contents of its corresponding filename in the subdirectory days. The directory is pre-populated with entries that come from their corresponding Wikipedia page, so by default you will get a whole lot of entries in your calendar!
You can edit the files in days/ to add or remove entries before generating a diary. This is the way to you add your birthday and other stuff. You might also want to add some Christian holidays, because the Wikipedia scraper (also included) choked on most of them. Please also send me a patch that provides a generic way to calculate Eastern for any given year ;-)
However, please do yourself and Wikipedia a favor and don't use the included wikipedia scraper. It will return properly formatted files fresh from the Wikipedia pages, but more that half of them will be too big too fit inside the textboxes. So you'll have count the lines and characters and edit these files afterwards. Trust me, that a tedious job...
Created by J.J.Vens, 2010. License: GPL